gbs on faceoffs have to be better. Also seems when not winning faceoffs our D gets exposed. Also spallina held onto ball way to much at end get rid of it once double comes. Why is Kol out there? He constantly loses his man by trying to go help when help isn’t needed. Where is cacameo? Have ur best defenders out there please. Got to win this game. Kohn def struggling at x today. Mullins doing well use him more. Offense also just not finishing shots hit goalie few times along with some post. Make adjustments on both O and D n start pulling away. Mark please stop getting beat near side hug post keep stick up as soon as you drop ur hands they’re going high on their shots. If keep hands up it’s prob going right into ur stick. Can we also stop sliding when guys arnt beat this constant sliding when don’t need to and guys trying to find man gives other team chances or open looks. Also give titus a run a dmid please. Played kempney bit there why not titus who was a dmid D3 star give him a shot.