I guess the grass is greener... | Syracusefan.com

I guess the grass is greener...


2nd String
Sep 17, 2011
and now SU becomes second rate in the ACC vs top dog in the Big East. Founding member to just like Miami and BC selling out it's tradition, rivalries and the rest of the teams in the BE (sorry, Miami never had any tradition). I guess the silver lining is that it's not the Big Ten... If and when this happens it's a sad day and for many of East Coast College football/ Basketball fans it's giving up on a dream that has existed prior to my time as a SU follower. Maybe they'll grow into some kind of football powerhouse, I tend to think nothing really changes for SU FB and that it all depends on the coach and his success and the teams success anyway.I will miss SU/ WVU, SU/ Gtown and all the rest. Many might think it's a great thing to go to the ACC, and I have nothing against the ACC, but from my perspective we just gave up and decided good fb cannot be played in the North East, maybe it can't and it's time sell out the farm, but that doens;t change the fact we are from the North East and all the challenges we face don't go away and maybe become harder. But when and if that happens something will be lost in all of this and it may take longer than my lifetime to find that something again in the ACC.
Anyone down on the ACC move is a fool.

This move almost guarantees us stability for the foreseeable future. It guarantees our inclusion on what is to become a true Atlantic Coast Conference. It eliminates any thought of an unbalanced / bloated basketball conference. It guarantees our athletic program will receive solid income for facilities upgrades.

Rivalries be damned. The short-term loss of rivalries are far outweighed by the benefits to the university and athletic department.
For all of our founding member, and top dog stuff, what does that really get us in the Big East other than less money and a ever precarious BCS status football league?

The people that are nostalgic for the old Big East need to realize that it died several years ago and isn't coming back in that form. Ever.
and now SU becomes second rate in the ACC vs top dog in the Big East. Founding member to just like Miami and BC selling out it's tradition, rivalries and the rest of the teams in the BE (sorry, Miami never had any tradition). I guess the silver lining is that it's not the Big Ten... If and when this happens it's a sad day and for many of East Coast College football/ Basketball fans it's giving
up on a dream that has existed prior to my time as a SU follower. Maybe they'll grow into some kind of football powerhouse, I tend to think nothing really changes for SU FB and that it all depends on the coach and his success and the teams success anyway.I will miss SU/ WVU, SU/ Gtown and all the rest. Many might think it's a great thing to go to the ACC, and I have nothing against the ACC, but from my perspective we just gave up and decided good fb cannot be played in the North East, maybe it can't and it's time sell out the farm, but that doens;t change the fact we are from the North East and all the challenges we face don't go away and maybe become harder. But when and if that happens something will be lost in all of this and it may take longer than my lifetime to find that something again in the ACC.

Yeah lets sit around until our AD is MAC caliber. Yay idealism!
Yeah, it's sad, but it seems as if the Big East is a dying entity. It's gotten to the point that the all sports schools and the b-ball only schools can't coexist. I'll miss the basketball rivalries, but I'd be more disappointed if Syracuse missed the boat on being in a strong stable conference with a good TV deal and the money that comes with it. With the facilities arms race that exists now, especially in fb, we'd just fade into obscurity without it. Now we'll have the same fighting chance as everyone else. Other schools have thrown away their tradition, and sadly we have to do some of that to survive. I'll be happy that Pitt will be with us and renewing something with BC will lessen the blow. Maybe we can get an annual OOC with Georgetown to preserve that rivalry, similar to what the women used to do with Tennessee-vs-UConn.
I guess we had do this. It puts us in stronger standing.

But I also think we'll be middle of the pack in many ACC sports. Think NC State.
People need to realize that the Pearl, Patrick Ewing, and Chris Mullin aren't walking through door anytime soon. The Big East is dead. Once all the moving happens, it might as well fold the football conference.
I guess we had do this. It puts us in stronger standing.

But I also think we'll be middle of the pack in many ACC sports. Think NC State.

Why? In bball I do not see UNC or Duke as being any tougher than Pitt, Nova, GTown or anyone else at the top. We don't win the BE regualr season every year. In football, are the ACC teams really that much better? Lax we will still be top dog and played UVa and Duke all the time anyways. I don't see where this hurts us at all.
People need to realize that the Pearl, Patrick Ewing, and Chris Mullin aren't walking through door anytime soon. The Big East is dead. Once all the moving happens, it might as well fold the football conference.

People who are opposed to the move should just find an old VHS copy of the 1985 final four and just watch it on loop.
Call me crazy but I want UConn in the ACC too. I want that rivalry to carry over. I hate Pitt. haaaate Pitt. I'd rather see UConn than Pitt.
Why? In bball I do not see UNC or Duke as being any tougher than Pitt, Nova, GTown or anyone else at the top. We don't win the BE regualr season every year. In football, are the ACC teams really that much better? Lax we will still be top dog and played UVa and Duke all the time anyways. I don't see where this hurts us at all.

I agree. And look at it this way. Now we'll get first round preferential treatment in the NCAA's. Maybe even get to play in Greensboro and Charlotte every year. ;)
I'm praying that the hold that the NC teams have held over the ACC now will be broken by the addition of SU and Pitt. I'm hoping that SU is treated fairly and like an equal citizen in the ACC and that our addition is welcomed by the other ACC members. That's my biggest worry - the only team that has been able to have great success and break through the old ACC brotherhood is VT, a university situated in the south itself.

Logistics like the site of the ACC tournament, referees, conference leadership direction and schedules must be worked out to help create neutrality between all these schools. Regardless it will be a transition for everyone involved and we can't be ignorant that we will be the newcomers and that the circle of old ties, alliances, intra-conference politics may be difficult to break and that resentment could be problematic.
and now SU becomes second rate in the ACC vs top dog in the Big East. Founding member to just like Miami and BC selling out it's tradition, rivalries and the rest of the teams in the BE (sorry, Miami never had any tradition). I guess the silver lining is that it's not the Big Ten... If and when this happens it's a sad day and for many of East Coast College football/ Basketball fans it's giving up on a dream that has existed prior to my time as a SU follower. Maybe they'll grow into some kind of football powerhouse, I tend to think nothing really changes for SU FB and that it all depends on the coach and his success and the teams success anyway.I will miss SU/ WVU, SU/ Gtown and all the rest. Many might think it's a great thing to go to the ACC, and I have nothing against the ACC, but from my perspective we just gave up and decided good fb cannot be played in the North East, maybe it can't and it's time sell out the farm, but that doens;t change the fact we are from the North East and all the challenges we face don't go away and maybe become harder. But when and if that happens something will be lost in all of this and it may take longer than my lifetime to find that something again in the ACC.

If this pans out, even in the short term, three of those northeast teams ('Cuse, Pitt, BC) will be in the ACC. And others may follow. I think you've missed the entire point on what's going on.
People who are opposed to the move should just find an old VHS copy of the 1985 final four and just watch it on loop.
Why wouldn't I get a VHS of the 87 final 4 and watch it on loop just as impressive
I think you all see some kind of magic an the ACC move that I don;t and I really don;t appreciate the tone of the posts, but so be it. I dont; see where Miami or BC were helped at all with their moves, BC maybe a bit, Miami went the other way IMO. So assuming sme magic is going to happen because it's SU is bunch of bull. I'll wait and see. We probably will maintain our position in BB as a very good team thatc an challenge for an NC but still behind Duke. I have no desire to repalce our BE BB rivalries in BB with new ACC Rivalries. I'm not necessarily speaking out against or for a move if your comprehend my post, I'm bemoaning what will have been lost, it may have been lost when the BE was formed and Penn St was not included. If and when this happens it will take a few years to know anything and anyone on hear thinking they know is lying. Maybe it will be a great move and multiple NCs are coming our way in FB, because that's the way we will judge success. I think that's a big long shot. And I am not sold on the BE instability crap, that's a media and fan perception and I never thought the BCS or NCAA would leave major NE college football out of any future championship deal. To many eyes live in the NE.
The big east is dead. Our big east rivalries are over in 5 years whether we move to the ACC or not. this move is longterm financial security and stability.
I think you all see some kind of magic an the ACC move that I don;t and I really don;t appreciate the tone of the posts, but so be it. I dont; see where Miami or BC were helped at all with their moves, BC maybe a bit, Miami went the other way IMO. So assuming sme magic is going to happen because it's SU is bunch of bull. I'll wait and see. We probably will maintain our position in BB as a very good team thatc an challenge for an NC but still behind Duke. I have no desire to repalce our BE BB rivalries in BB with new ACC Rivalries. I'm not necessarily speaking out against or for a move if your comprehend my post, I'm bemoaning what will have been lost, it may have been lost when the BE was formed and Penn St was not included. If and when this happens it will take a few years to know anything and anyone on hear thinking they know is lying. Maybe it will be a great move and multiple NCs are coming our way in FB, because that's the way we will judge success. I think that's a big long shot. And I am not sold on the BE instability crap, that's a media and fan perception and I never thought the BCS or NCAA would leave major NE college football out of any future championship deal. To many eyes live in the NE.

It's all about having a seat at the table. If Superconferences are the future, what you view as the optimum situation will have changed. NY (SU) is on the Atlantic Coast. So is Mass (BC). So is PA (Pitt). Those are Northeastern teams that will still be playing big time college football. Others like Buttgers or UConn may follow. The Northeast will be assured big time football.
The BE is going out of the football business, leaving 5 superconferences.

Hopefully all 9 BE teams have a soft landing somewhere.
It's all about having a seat at the table. If Superconferences are the future, what you view as the optimum situation will have changed. NY (SU) is on the Atlantic Coast. So is Mass (BC). So is PA (Pitt). Those are Northeastern teams that will still be playing big time college football. Others like Buttgers or UConn may follow. The Northeast will be assured big time football.
Well said.
...why do u think 'Cuse chose to leave the BE...it has to be in part because the non football, catholic institutions were running the farm...all sport teams were not given an edge nor equal footing...why share dollars with teams that dont have the expense of playing all sports...'Cuse was not the most important player in the BE...it was one of the important teams...but what did the do for our voice of what we wanted or needed...not much...this is the right move...even though it is both an exciting and sad time for many of us...
Good football is no longer played in the NE. And it hasn't been for a long time.

Too many people trying to hang on the past. Will miss the BE, but hard to believe there are people who cannot see this as the right move.


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and now SU becomes second rate in the ACC vs top dog in the Big East. Founding member to just like Miami and BC selling out it's tradition, rivalries and the rest of the teams in the BE (sorry, Miami never had any tradition). I guess the silver lining is that it's not the Big Ten... If and when this happens it's a sad day and for many of East Coast College football/ Basketball fans it's giving up on a dream that has existed prior to my time as a SU follower. Maybe they'll grow into some kind of football powerhouse, I tend to think nothing really changes for SU FB and that it all depends on the coach and his success and the teams success anyway.I will miss SU/ WVU, SU/ Gtown and all the rest. Many might think it's a great thing to go to the ACC, and I have nothing against the ACC, but from my perspective we just gave up and decided good fb cannot be played in the North East, maybe it can't and it's time sell out the farm, but that doens;t change the fact we are from the North East and all the challenges we face don't go away and maybe become harder. But when and if that happens something will be lost in all of this and it may take longer than my lifetime to find that something again in the ACC.
Once Miami, BC and Va Tech left, it was only a matter of time. It was no longer really the Big East any more, certainly for football. Basketball has become a monstrosity. A rugged obstacle course, maybe, but not the conference it used to be. I used to really get up emotionally for Miami, the Hokies and BC. Their replacements have been Conference USA types, faceless mediocre teams.
It is going to be crazy to see the dome when Duke and NC come to town to play. I hope we can get a center of the dome set up and pack the place for at least one game. It would be crazy fun. Prob never happen but a boy can dream.
I think you all see some kind of magic an the ACC move that I don;t and I really don;t appreciate the tone of the posts, but so be it. I dont; see where Miami or BC were helped at all with their moves, BC maybe a bit, Miami went the other way IMO. So assuming sme magic is going to happen because it's SU is bunch of bull. I'll wait and see. We probably will maintain our position in BB as a very good team thatc an challenge for an NC but still behind Duke. I have no desire to repalce our BE BB rivalries in BB with new ACC Rivalries. I'm not necessarily speaking out against or for a move if your comprehend my post, I'm bemoaning what will have been lost, it may have been lost when the BE was formed and Penn St was not included. If and when this happens it will take a few years to know anything and anyone on hear thinking they know is lying. Maybe it will be a great move and multiple NCs are coming our way in FB, because that's the way we will judge success. I think that's a big long shot. And I am not sold on the BE instability crap, that's a media and fan perception and I never thought the BCS or NCAA would leave major NE college football out of any future championship deal. To many eyes live in the NE.

We have tremendous longterm rivalries in the Big East, among them South Florida, Louisville, Cincy, Marquette, Depaul, UConn football. Of course, only one of those schools is actually in the East but who cares? We've been playing these guys for decades.

Oh wait a minute...no we haven't

And you're not sold on BE instability? Really? How many of those 10 schools that approached the ACC are BE schools do you suppose? My guess is at least half. And what about the BE schools that have probably had back-channel discussions with the B10 and ACC? The BE is unstable precisely because there isn't a single one of the football schools that wouldn't leave if offered.

Not one. That pretty much is the definition of instability

I'm nostalgic about something that hasn't existed for a long time. For the current BE though? Not much there to be nostalgic about.
LOL @ "top dog" in the BE. If we were "top dog," wouldn't we demand a home-and-home with Georgetown (sucks) every year and then stand over the BE schedule-makers as they kow-tow to our demands?

All of you SU basketball-only fans need a reality check. The conference you think you were in died seven years ago.

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