IMO College Basketball is in serious jeopardy of not having a season at least the fall semester | Page 3 |

IMO College Basketball is in serious jeopardy of not having a season at least the fall semester

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Ah you don’t hear the global plague edition of “take away the final four years and actually Boeheims not that great of a coach” that often.
This doesn’t even make sense.
Gov Murphy wants to open the state up more than we do. He doesn't want to shut the state down one minute longer than is necessary. None of them do. They are sports fans. Just like us. They love going out just as we do. You want deaths on your hands Brian? Of course not. Neither do they.
there are a range of alternatives between the false dichotomy being presented
Of course not but if a person loses their job and can't afford to put food on the table what kind of life are they living? The death rate and hospitalization rate is going down.
It is only going down because of the standards our gov't has put together. Want to see it go back up ( I know you don't) Relax the standards. It has gone down because we are not seeing each other. It's not because we have a vaccine.
If by living you mean hiding at home struggling to put food on the table. It's easy for the politician living in a mansion to say keep staying at home how about the person or family living in a small apartment or house? I know there is no perfect solution but we can't keep going on like this forever.
Most pols don't live in mansions. They are hurting too. It isn't sunshine and roses for them.
there are a range of alternatives between the false dichotomy being presented
Really? Like what? I'm not an expert on these things so I'm stuck hearing what the experts say. No one wants the shelter in place. It does no one any good. It is what is needed.
You don’t get ton”leave out” things because they don’t fit your narrative or fail to confirm your priors or whatever.
I don’t have a narrative - take out the numbers from NYC and NJ and look at the rest of the country. The outbreak isn’t this unstoppable monster that it’s being made out to be. With social distancing measures in place, personal protective gear (masks), and proper hand hygiene, some things can and will start to reopen. We’ll have some form of sports later this year. It’s not being shut down until 2021, 2022. That’s just not realistic.
You're insane if you think a vaccine will be approved by the fall. There is no precedent for that whatsoever.

That's probably more harsh than it needs to be, but I just don't see it.

I really hope we have robust testing soon, but man, early summer isn't that far off, and we have administered as many tests in 6 or 7 weeks that they promised would be done in one week in early March. Your optimism is nice, but based on a different reality than what I see.

And trust me, I really want to see your schedule, because I really want to see my kid play high school hoops in his senior year. But I'm much more pessimistic about that happening based on information I'm getting from people who are fighting on the front lines of this battle in hospitals up here in VT where we have absolutely flattened the curve.
60 vaccines in the works. According to Live Science, one being developed by Moderna is in the lead and starting a small trial (45) at the end of the month. There are others, J and J and Oxford, that look promising. But for most 'the fall' means the start of human trials not FDA approval or mass production. Not sure if it's those two, but some labs have sought permission to run animal studies and human trials in parallel. While that unfolds, my hope is that a treatment combination of currently approved drugs will emerge.

As far as testing you're correct. Many areas (including states like Georgia) still have climbing infection rates but have decided to ignore the science in their haste to "be liberated". Georgia doesn't even meet Phase 1 guidelines. In 3 weeks the governor will figure it out after a couple thousand people die. For the states that want to move more cautiously, unfortunately testing is nowhere near surveillance levels. They're still imposing 'obvious symptoms' restrictions. Meanwhile, hospitals and labs are joining state and local governments scrapping over funding, swabs, re-agents and test kits. Without federal leadership (and the DPA) I think surveillance is months away. What's really baffling is that refusing to fund widespread testing (like a few million a day) is the only way to safely control infections and inspire public confidence.
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It is only going down because of the standards our gov't has put together. Want to see it go back up ( I know you don't) Relax the standards. It has gone down because we are not seeing each other. It's not because we have a vaccine.
I'm not saying completely open it back up all at once but gradually do it using precautions.
I have no crystal ball, but if we are shut down until 2025, sports will be the least of our problems.
If we’re shutdown until 2025 I’ll be long gone before that
Brian, do you have any expertise on this sort of thing?
He’s repeating exactly what Fauci, Birx, and the other medical experts are saying. Open up slowly with guidelines in place.
Really? Like what? I'm not an expert on these things so I'm stuck hearing what the experts say. No one wants the shelter in place. It does no one any good. It is what is needed.
Just for a starter antibody treatment from survivors, monoclonal antibodies manufactured after analyzing and reproducing those antibodies. Because you are not an expert let me explain, antibodies are these really amazing things produced by the human body that aid in fighting disease. They do not in themselves kill an invader, however they make them sticky so they agglutinate or for the layman clump together. The result is that the foot soldiers of the immune army(the white blood cells in this instance lymphocytes) can engulf and kill them more easily and efficiently.
You may have noticed the testing for immunity to Covid19, which is now coming on line is called the Covid AG test AG standing for agglutinazation. It is important that the antibody titer(ratio of antibodies in the blood is high) to insure immunity as this titer drops you become less immune, but the body never forgets once it has made antibodies it will make them again more rapidly which is why vaccines are effective against the majority of virae.. Therefore you may get the disease again if enough time passes but severity will be less unless you have become immuno compromised. In some cases boosters are given to insure continued immunity.
Oh and the antibodies are virus specific, meaning the body produces specific antibodies for a specific virus, if the virus has a major mutation the antibodies would not necessarily be effective against a major mutation, then again a major mutation could make the virus inert.
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Really? Like what? I'm not an expert on these things so I'm stuck hearing what the experts say. No one wants the shelter in place. It does no one any good. It is what is needed.
centralized quarantine for one
read the entire thread
Really? Like what? I'm not an expert on these things so I'm stuck hearing what the experts say. No one wants the shelter in place. It does no one any good. It is what is needed.
and then there is the swedish approach, which looks a lot like "just open it up," but it really relies on an aggressive & pervasive information/education effort and trust in the populace
Yeah I’m just going to go ahead and say this won’t work here...
thatj's not much of a rebuttal
in any case, it might work in some states better than others
thatj's not much of a rebuttal
in any case, it might work in some states better than others

Lack of trust in the population I suppose.
Yeah I’m just going to go ahead and say this won’t work here...Education and information is not a strength here.
Thanks. My post should have read, "So, you'd rather lose your life than lose your job?"

Not sure how I mixed that up. :oops:

My point is that economic security and health are both extremely important.

And most folks who seem to downplay the importance of economic security are folks who still have their jobs.

Death sucks. And folks who have lost the small businesses they’ve spent an entire career building sucks too. Both things can be true at once.
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