Not sure what site the linked PDF is coming from, but the data is looking at basically 2 pieces of data reported to the OPE and can be found on the Equity in Athletics site of OPE.
Institutions report things differently to the US Department of Education and the form actually allows for this flexibility. Like Oregon has close to $52 million in "other revenue" whereas Syracuse only reports between $3-4 million in this category.
The site itself says the following:
Please note that valid comparisons of athletics data are possible only with study and analysis of the conditions affecting each institution.
Not that the OP knew any of this, they may have just found that PDF at one site and linked it assuming it was accurate data (which it is, in and of itself) but due to differing philosophies on where to report certain revenue, is not useful for comparing two pieces of data within the entire set. If one has to use the site's data the better starting point is looking at Grand Total of Revenue and Grand Total of Expenses and then be wary of the "other" revenue since some of it may be athletics donation (perhaps in Oregon's case) while for others it may be operating $$$ borrowed from the university (Rutgers, possibly SU) to get the books to balance so to speak.