Barkley is the anti-Gottlieb - he doesn't do any homework and relies entirely on schtick and cliches
on the regular TNT crew, the only persone worth listening to (as far as the NCAA tournament goes) is Greg Anthony . . . Charles is the worst, but Kenny and Ernie clearly have not done much prep, either, and think that their nightly clown act is good enough.
The reason they bring 2 or 3 guests on for every segment is because the producers know that their jagoff "talent" is both utterly ignorant of the college game and also completely disinterested in learning anything below the surface of the handful of games they are watching.
Charles Barkley has found a way to make millions and millions of dollars post playing career and establish multiple charities in the south. He is a lot of idiot is not one of them.
That's what JB really wanted to say.Not only is Barkley an awful piece to that set he is also illiterate and can barely speak the english language. Why they have this buffoon on national television stumbling and mumbling for hours on end is honestly embarrassing.
Why make another enemy in the booth?
JB should have proved Barkley is an idiot instead of stating it.
you might want to rethink that before you start calling anyone an idiotAnd by association he gets to indirectly call ESPN an idiot for hiring Charles.
Maybe we should send him to "sensitivity training." LOLCharles is an idiot, but there are better ways to address that on air, such as, "He's entitled to his opinion, but we've shown year in and year out that what he said about zone defense is not true."