Jimmy on barkley | Page 2 | Syracusefan.com

Jimmy on barkley

If you played a march madness drinking game requiring a drink for every time Charles said the phrase "jump shots" you wouldn't be alive right now.
Charles' most insightful thought so far: "At some point, Syracuse will miss Fab Melo."

You get paid for that contribution?


But still, JB could be a little more tactful with the comment, true or not.

Did you see Charles on SNL? They did a skit of the booth, where Charles played Shaq and one of the regulars played Charles.

It was pretty good.

As for JBs comments, I am sure Charles is not going to take too much offense. Getting a reaction is good for him. The more pub the better.
JB said the same thing last year about Barkely. To paraphrase, said he is friends with Charles and likes him but that he knows absolutely nothing about college basketball & should stick to the NBA.
Charles is an idiot, but there are better ways to address that on air, such as, "He's entitled to his opinion, but we've shown year in and year out that what he said about zone defense is not true."
Barkley is the anti-Gottlieb - he doesn't do any homework and relies entirely on schtick and cliches

He's there purely for entertainment purposes and a bit of pizazz in the studio, otherwise it's anaylsis paralysis...plenty of others there to analyze the obvious for fans of college basketball.
Charles admitted on ESPN The Score he is just doing this for the cash grab...he doesnt watch college hoops.
Charles is an idiot. But JB calling him an idiot in the media is also dumb.

JB needs to think a little harder before he opens his mouth. He can still be truthful and tell it like it is. But why go to the trouble of insulting a talking head and create an enemy.

Two sayings come to mind:

  • Friends may come and go, but enemies accumulate.
  • Friends come and go, but a good enemy lasts forever

It's increasingly obvious that Boeheim can no longer suffer the fools in the media. He thinks they are stupid ... or at least lots of them are. Or that they are trying to create a bullsh1t story and he wants to torpedo that effort. This is a bad idea. He needs to go on a retreat or make a pilgrimage or something to clear his mind.

Although its no longer techically true because of the death of the print media, it's still a good idea not to pick a fight with anyone who buys ink by the train car load.
on the regular TNT crew, the only persone worth listening to (as far as the NCAA tournament goes) is Greg Anthony . . . Charles is the worst, but Kenny and Ernie clearly have not done much prep, either, and think that their nightly clown act is good enough.

The reason they bring 2 or 3 guests on for every segment is because the producers know that their jagoff "talent" is both utterly ignorant of the college game and also completely disinterested in learning anything below the surface of the handful of games they are watching.

Kenny smith is just pissed because we ended his collee career.

Not only is Barkley an awful piece to that set he is also illiterate and can barely speak the english language. Why they have this buffoon on national television stumbling and mumbling for hours on end is honestly embarrassing.

I have no problem with JB calling his fat lazy carcass ass out. him.
It's not really Barkley's fault.

He is what he is where the college game is concerned. and 'idiot' is an appropriate term (albeit maybe not the best term to use publicly if JB.)

That said, CBS knows better... They put us all through the Sir Charles NCAA Tourney experiment last year...

There were clear signs and evidence that that was a mistake... and they go and hire him again this year...

epic fail on CBS
Is this really a big deal? JB and Barkley are friends and they joked with each other in the past and given their history, I wouldn't take this anymore seriously than JB saying "Barkley is ugly"
Jim has as much right to call Charles an Idiot as Charles has to be one :cool:
good.. can't stand listening to Charles sit there and try to articulate a sentence.. and once he does start to spew something - he only makes himself sound worse
Charles Barkley has found a way to make millions and millions of dollars post playing career and establish multiple charities in the south. He is a lot of things...an idiot is not one of them.
Charles Barkley has found a way to make millions and millions of dollars post playing career and establish multiple charities in the south. He is a lot of things...an idiot is not one of them.

a golfer is another thing he is not as well ;)
Not only is Barkley an awful piece to that set he is also illiterate and can barely speak the english language. Why they have this buffoon on national television stumbling and mumbling for hours on end is honestly embarrassing.
That's what JB really wanted to say.
I've always got a kick out of Barkley, he is what he is and a character being part of it. I've learned over the years to try not to take everything everyone says so seriously, good or bad.
charles last year all you have to do against a zone is drive and dish it works every time.
Why make another enemy in the booth?
JB should have proved Barkley is an idiot instead of stating it.

What's the downside to an enemy in the booth? Expecially one who is only in a college hoops booth for 3 weeks a year (and based on feedback all over the country, possibly in his last year doing it)? And why would JB care? If my team lost 1 game in the regular season and the booth guy was telling me to switch my defense, I can't imagine I'd have anything productive to say.

Anyway, I listened to the interview, and I got the sense that it was a friendly "Charles is an idiot" from JB than the way it's being portrayed here.

I love JB. Can't get enough, I'm following him around on all his interviews like an online groupie.
While the PC script may say JB is wrong in what he said, I think we will hear a lot more from him as he nears retirement. We all know how JB feels about the media in general.
As for Charles, JB may/may not be a friend. And by association he gets to indirectly call ESPN an idiot for hiring Charles.
Who is JB hurting if he states how he feels about Charles?
And by association he gets to indirectly call ESPN an idiot for hiring Charles.
you might want to rethink that before you start calling anyone an idiot
Charles is an idiot, but there are better ways to address that on air, such as, "He's entitled to his opinion, but we've shown year in and year out that what he said about zone defense is not true."
Maybe we should send him to "sensitivity training." LOL

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