Class of 2017 - JUCO DE Alton Robinson(OK) Signed/ Eligible to Play Immediately | Page 7 |

Class of 2017 JUCO DE Alton Robinson(OK) Signed/ Eligible to Play Immediately

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.87 composite recruiting grade. Would put him 2cnd for last year, or this...

Stole his ex-girlfriends purse, in an argument... OK. Didn't have his head on straight for a few minutes...
So they did get a private jet service for recruiting?
I heard there's a used helicopter available for cheap in NJ.
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Looks like Bruce Irvin at the same age. Should be a 3rd down monster.

Great call! I thought the same thing! Sprinter off the edge. Geeeez, we need a break on the Oline. Props to the staff for finding him, doing their homework, and getting him here. The timing is impeccable:)
And how often do woman not call the police and press charges? Quite often. I bet that #2 happens far, far less than #1.
And men victims (who are fewer for sure) call far, far less often than women, on a percentage basis.

The key is not to assume that it happened, just because someone said it did. There need to be provable facts.
(See the basketball player that did time in a false allegation. He was recently exonerated when the "victim" came forward, and admitted she lied. I worked on a case where the guy did 2.5 years in Sing Sing on a sex abuse charge that was totally made up by the mother, and the doctors lied to support her story.)

SU did it's due diligence. I assume there was little, if anything, to this.
I have enough faith in this staff that they did their due diligence in the matter and wouldn't have taken the kid if he's had a long history of off the field issues. I am all for 2nd chances, especially for 17 year old kids. This is also why I never get on other schools for taking 2nd chances on kids who make 1 mistake at a young age. From a talent perspective, this kid ultimately becomes one of the kids with the most potential on the entire team. He has the size and proved last year he could put up the numbers. I see him contributing big time from day 1.

I'm starting to feel better and better about this upcoming season the closer we get.
Again, I'd love to be wrong. If I'm wrong we need to see it, not declare it during camp, you know?
Not sure what you mean by "declare it". You have voiced your pleasure about other recruits and the prospective abilities in dome (see your comments in Hendrix thread for example). I see no difference with Pierce is all. It's cool, we can agree to see things different if that's the case, just thought I have seen you opine perhaps differently in other threads. In the end we both want Cuse to do well, I hope all our players show it.
This thread is friggin much self-loathing.

Newsflash: SU did their due diligence it looks like over a period of several weeks. The kid passed muster. Enough of this crap calling it domestic violence. Sometimes I realize why we don't have good things here...with the attitudes of some of you. Capt Tuttle had the best post in this thread on a situation like this.
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Unbelievable. It's almost like we just picked up a women beater, who is out of shape because he hasn't been in our S&C program. Eh, Syracuse for ya.

Welcome to the Cuse, Alton. Stay off the forum, and put in work. Looking forward to the sacks, TFL, hits, et the edge. Perfect fit.

I don't know what happened, nor does anyone here. I'll be rooting for you to do well, on and off the field. Plenty of us will. Holier than thou crew will come around when you start taking down QBs.
Not sure what you mean by "declare it". You have voiced your pleasure about other recruits and the prospective abilities in dome (see your comments in Hendrix thread for example). I see no difference with Pierce is all. It's cool, we can agree to see things different if that's the case, just thought I have seen you opine perhaps differently in other threads. In the end we both want Cuse to do well, I hope all our players show it.
I'm much more bullish on highschool players than JUCOs. :shrug emoji:
This thread is friggin much self-loathing.

Newsflash: SU did their due diligence it looks like over a period of several weeks. The kid passed muster. Enough of this crap calling is domestic violence. Sometimes I realize why we don't have good things here...with the attitudes of some of you. Capt Tuttle had the best post in this thread on a situation like this.
Never said I don't believe in second chances. I'm just going to struggle to root for him. That's all.
This thread is friggin much self-loathing.

Newsflash: SU did their due diligence it looks like over a period of several weeks. The kid passed muster. Enough of this crap calling is domestic violence. Sometimes I realize why we don't have good things here...with the attitudes of some of you. Capt Tuttle had the best post in this thread on a situation like this.
As I've stated multiple times, I have ZERO problem with us signing this kid. I trust our staff's due dilligence & decision & I have faith that Alton has learned from his mistakes & will be successful here, both on & off the field.

My problem is the majority of posters downplaying the details of these incidents, chalking it up to "he took his ex-GF's cell phone"...conveniently leaving out the allegations of forcefully removing her from a vehicle to the point where it left a burn on her arm & then throwing her into bushes. This was also the 2nd alleged incident, 10 months after he forcefully stole her purse a 1st time after hiding in bushes waiting for her to arrive in her driveway. Some are vaguely painting these allegations as untruthful, even though they were only dropped due to an uncooperative witness.

Yes, females have made false allegations. Yes, star athletes, specifically star football players in TX, have been given the benefit of the doubt...or had charges dismissed due to uncooperative witnesses. These things go both ways.

Again, my hope & even prediction is that Alton is successful here & that when he moves on to the NFL, someone will bump this thread & reply some snarky "good call" or "told you so" comment to this post...even though I'm simply outlining the details of the situation & have repeatedly stated that I have ZERO problem giving him a 2nd chance. People will choose to read only what they want in my posts just as they choose to read only what they want in the articles about these incidents.
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Okay, the University does it's due diligence when it comes to stuff like this but they don't when it comes to medical matters. Got it.
Or Dome renovations. It's a lot easier to justify things that make you happy rather than things that upset you.
The charges were dropped because of an uncooperative witness.
Its complicated. My sense is she doesn't drop the charges if he abused her.
Yeah, this was a football factory move. I agree with the others that expect him to play early. You don't take on this potential headache unless you have big plans for him.
No you do your homework. Wild doesn't add this kid without a serious vetting.
Never said I don't believe in second chances. I'm just going to struggle to root for him. That's all.
Why? What do you know that the administration and staff dont? Of course we dont root for an abuser. But i seriously doubt he did anything wrong.
Why? What do you know that the administration and staff dont? Of course we dont root for an abuser. But i seriously doubt he did anything wrong.
You doubt he did anything wrong? Isn't it an accepted fact that he took her phone? Wouldn't that be something wrong?
As I've stated multiple times, I have ZERO problem with us signing this kid. I trust our staff's due dilligence & decision & I have faith that Alton has learned from his mistakes & will be successful here, both on & off the field.

My problem is the majority of posters downplaying the details of these incidents, chalking it up to "he took his ex-GF's cell phone"...conveniently leaving out the allegations of forcefully removing her from a vehicle to the point where it left a burn on her arm & then throwing her into bushes. This was also the 2nd alleged incident, 10 months after he forcefully stole her purse a 1st time after hiding in bushes waiting for her to arrive in her driveway. Some are vaguely painting these allegations as untruthful, even though they were only dropped due to an uncooperative witness.

Yes, females have made false allegations. Yes, star athletes, specifically star football players in TX, have been given the benefit of the doubt...or had charges dismissed due to uncooperative witnesses. These things go both ways.

Again, my hope & even prediction is that Alton is successful here & that when he moves on to the NFL, someone will bump this thread & reply some snarky "good call" or "told you so" comment to this post...even though I'm simply outlining the details of the situation & have repeatedly stated that I have ZERO problem giving him a 2nd chance. People will choose to read only what they want in my posts just as they choose to read only what they want in the articles about these incidents.

People aren't focusing on the he said, she said stuff because he was charged with felony burglary. Which was then reduced to a misdemeanor. I mean if they're charging him with burglary, I would imagine the person reporting that would be the same person that could potentially report if there was an assault. Meaning the ex gf. So the fact that she's willing to pursue charges on one but not the other just doesn't make sense. If she wasn't pursuing any charges in light of statements she gave then I would get the whole intimidation factor which is where I think you guys are going but that isn't the case because some charges were pursued.

I just don't get the logic of evening bringing PSU into this discussion. The board has disgust for that program and recruits that choose to go there in light of what happened there and the type of person James Franklin is. This recruit here didn't abuse kids for 20 years, didn't make attempts to cover up a gang rape, and he didn't choose to attend an institution associated with both. He had some dumb involvements with his ex gf probability attributable to being young and dumb and jealous. And he'll either improve upon that and take advantage of his second chance or have another issue and be out of here as quickly as Nelson or Ealey or Sheppard were.

The staff did their due diligence and they have a track record of dealing quickly with problem children so that's enough for me. Our staff doesn't strike me as the type of men that are proponents of domestic abuse.
Labeling it domestic violence is a mischaracterization though. From the sound of it the kid admits he messed up. Whatever happened to redemption? Is there such a thing?
He put his hands on a female. Not sure what's so hard to grasp there.

Sure, he deserves a second chance and I'm sure the staff did its due diligence. It doesn't mean I have to agree with it. It also doesn't mean that I have to root for this kid to succeed.
Okay, the University does it's due diligence when it comes to stuff like this but they don't when it comes to medical matters. Got it.
The university does...a certain person that is contracted to work for the university apparently doesn't heed due diligence.
He put his hands on a female. Not sure what's so hard to grasp there.

Sure, he deserves a second chance and I'm sure the staff did its due diligence. It doesn't mean I have to agree with it. It also doesn't mean that I have to root for this kid to succeed.
He might are already convicting him. Right now it is just an accusation with no conviction. As Tuttle said...woman always are believed...I know not all are truthful.
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