yep. Dont leave him open that's for sure.That was incredibly fast catch and shoot
Shooting for denver looking terrible. Telegraphing like crazy. Should be up by 5.Duke making a run. Uppgren had a big save on Hannah and the Blue Devils score the other end and it’s a two goal game. Denver allowing Sowers to sit behind the goal and pick people out which doesn’t seem smart. They have had some bad turnovers this half too. Would give the ball to Morrill more.
Bumping this because its the most annoying thing ive ever seen.what’s up with the refs waiting an eternity to blow the whistle on face offs??
Duke making a run. Uppgren had a big save on Hannah and the Blue Devils score the other end and it’s a two goal game. Denver allowing Sowers to sit behind the goal and pick people out which doesn’t seem smart. They have had some bad turnovers this half too. Would give the ball to Morrill more.
Denvers shot placement has not been good, telegraphing like crazy and taking bad shot. 2 men up they take an off angle shot with little room for error.
Yes, absolutely. Hannah has a number of looks from the righty wing and keeps missing. 33 was about as wide open as you can get with time and room and completely missed the cage. Strange to see a Denver team struggle this much to shoot.
Caupto is gonna be a problem for a lot of teams. Gonna have to long pole him and short Montgomery.
Yeah, crazy to say but Sowers hasn’t even looked that great, outside of Denver letting him direct traffic at x.
Denver just falling apart here. They look tired which doesn’t bode well for playing UNC on Sunday.
Denver looks like they don't have any speed on offense
Agreed, they look slow compared to Duke. Really struggled to dodge outside of Walker.
His fault for not following his former offensive coordinator to Syracuse?Quint is right, Duke should have changed their offense for Sowers, this clearly isn't what he is used to and he doesn't look like Sowers at all.
Agreed. The offensive sets appeared to limit the amount of times Sowers had the ball and he still had 3 assists. I would have had him feeding O'Neil and Dyson Williams all game long and then look for the middies for step down opportunities. It will be interesting to watch going forward.I know it was one game, but my biggest takeaway is this offense isn't a great fit for Sowers. He's the best player in the game two years running and the offense seems to limit the ceiling of his skillset.
UVA released their depth chart and it looks like Cormier will be at attack and Bertrand at middie. Wonder if this is how they got Cormier to pull out of Transfer Portal? Shellenberger listed on first mid line. Also Dox Aitkin and Cade Sausted not listed, wonder if they are hurt.
In a ZOOM with MLax alums, Tiffany said that Aitken and Saustad could play but they're working back into full lacrosse shape. Aitken transitioning from football and Saustad from his injury.It could just be that Aitken is getting back up to snuff for lacrosse.