The program has failed them? Are you kidding. It's a COLLEGE FOOTBALL team. It's not a pro team, and get this sport, they don't OWE you anything, other than effort and to try to run the program the right way. That's it. They don't OWE you playing a style you like, they don't OWE you wins.
Here's the thing, a fan is a fan, which means support come hell or high water. You don't go out of your way to find offense, you support the team, regardless of difficulty, and you, I hate to be repetitive, support the team.
A fan does not accumilate (perceived) personal affronts and wallow in them all the time. A fan does not go out of his way to only focus on negatives to all exclusion of obvious positives.
Here's a couple of questions for you, and be honest. From kickoff to the end of the game, do you ever actually cheer for the team? Do you ever actually applaud them for a good play? Have you ever made a post on this board to acknowledge, and not in a gruding backhanded way but a purely positive manner, the actual obvious and fundamental improvements in the program?