Love the RU board when it comes to expansion |

Love the RU board when it comes to expansion


Living Legend
Aug 26, 2011
here's the latest dousy

Post #2593
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Expansion News from Penn State
As you know, I'm on faculty at PSU. My source is an ex-BOT, who was on the board when Nebraska was added. Based on information he is very recently getting from his friends on the current board, is that B1G will expand when TV contract comes up and basically confirmed what RU66 posted in another thread. However, my contact was a bit more specific. Here is the end play he is hearing:

1. We are going to 4 major conferences (no surprise).
2. ND will be forced to join a conference to play for NC, and three are indeed courting them (ACC, B12, B10).
3. ACC will not get ND, but it is not yet clear which of the other 2 gets them.
4. B10 is going to expand irrespective of where ND ends up because they need more TVs period (and this would have happened had Nebraska not landed in their lap several years ago...yes I was one of those reporting back then that we were headed to B10 in TV-driven expansion)
5. TV expansion is STILL the big driver and with shifting landscapes and challenges coming from other conferences being aggressive, B10 is ready to go when they renegotiate.
6. RU will be one of a 2-4 team expansion at that time.

My source re-confirmed (as he has many times) that of all the teams that were realistic for expansion after Texas did not happen, Rutgers had the best numbers in every TV analysis. This has not changed. Syracuse and Pitt were NOT ahead of RU for consideration back then...not in the least.

Perhaps this explains why all is quiet on the RU front, no public pleas to join conferences, etc. So, I am reassured by this news, but the future is never guaranteed.
5/25 11:38 AM | IP: Logged
The great thing is that I am 100% certain that post, with a few topical tweaks, was made last year, and 2 years ago, and 5 years ago, and 10 years ago...

Every single conference in the country has expanded, some aggressively, in the past decade. Rutgers has not been a part of any of those expansions. Hmmmm.
You can pretty much dismiss it just based on the ND comment alone. No one outside of ND knows where, if anywhere, it will end up.
The great thing is that I am 100% certain that post, with a few topical tweaks, was made last year, and 2 years ago, and 5 years ago, and 10 years ago...

Every single conference in the country has expanded, some aggressively, in the past decade. Rutgers has not been a part of any of those expansions. Hmmmm.

That's because rutgers makes no sense at all as a stand alone. They bring zero to any conference themselves. They might have a little value if they are partnered with 1, maybe even 2, other schools. Basically they are a leech.
It may have been the way he worded it, but how does 1 and 2 even make sense together? Does 4 super conferences mean either the SEC or PAC12 are out?
here's the lates dousy

but the future is never guaranteed.
5/25 11:38 AM | IP: Logged

I would disagree with this part. When your RU, your future is guaranteed. You will suck and most likely you will be sucking even more in the future. You are in a sucky conference and you will remain in that sucky conference until the conference no longer exists. I would say, at that point you would also fail to exist but I think that has already started to happen.

Some things in life are guaranteed - this is one of them.
That's because rutgers makes no sense at all as a stand alone. They bring zero to any conference themselves. They might have a little value if they are partnered with 1, maybe even 2, other schools. Basically they are a leech.

Rutgers combined with Temple would lock up every TV set in every NJ Turnpike rest area.
Rutgers combined with Temple would lock up every TV set in every NJ Turnpike rest area.
A majority of the people there prefer to roll out of bed get in their cars and watch Rutgers games at NJT rest stops. They're a great place to tailgate.

Note: This post shows the correct usage of the words there, their and they're.
When you want to believe something bad enough, you'll swallow just about anything that gives you hope.

In spite of all the evidence, they'll buy into whatever gives them a glimmer of hope.

But don't feel bad for them. It's not like they have a lot of years invested in this. The great majority of them became Rutgers fans in 2006. The paint on that bandwagon isn't dry yet.
The most delusional fan base on the planet. Bar none. At what point do they realize they just simply aren't a desirable property.

I will say it again -- BRAND NAME. Their fans still don't get it. Thick-skulled morons.
They're both completely screwed. They have no other choice but being delusional. It's the only thing you can do to avoid the post-apocalyptic reality they're stuck in.
The most delusional fan base on the planet. Bar none. At what point do they realize they just simply aren't a desirable property.

I will say it again -- BRAND NAME. Their fans still don't get it. Thick-skulled morons.

I think if the recent expansion has taught us anything, its that brand name is not what is driving it. Recent on field success is more important.

TCU to the Big 12, WVU being the most attractive BE school and going to Big 12, Utah going to Pac 12, Bose, SDSU & Houston to the BE.

As BC & Miami have shown us, cashing bigger checks from the ACC doesn't translate into more wins on the field.

You will win more if you have better coaching and stable coaching than if you cashing bigger checks. Conference affiliation helps you pay for those coaches and keep those coaches, but hiring a great coach is still a crap shoot. As a UCONN fan, its nice knowing the northeast's most successful coach of the last 40 years at non-brand name (ie Penn St) is the head of our program.
When you want to believe something bad enough, you'll swallow just about anything that gives you hope.

In spite of all the evidence, they'll buy into whatever gives them a glimmer of hope.

But don't feel bad for them. It's not like they have a lot of years invested in this. The great majority of them became Rutgers fans in 2006. The paint on that bandwagon isn't dry yet.

Townie just like you used to spew out constantly that no one wanted Greg Schiano(epic fail as the NFL thought different) and that his star was faded you will be proved wrong again here.

Rutgers will wind up in the ACC or Big 10 within five years...
Townie just like you used to spew out constantly that no one wanted Greg Schiano(epic fail as the NFL thought different) and that his star was faded you will be proved wrong again here.

Rutgers will wind up in the ACC or Big 10 within five years...


(P.S., Let's not speak about Shady's performance at Tampa Bay just yet. At one point in time, the Jets thought Rich Kotite could coach too...)
Townie just like you used to spew out constantly that no one wanted Greg Schiano(epic fail as the NFL thought different) and that his star was faded you will be proved wrong again here.

Rutgers will wind up in the ACC or Big 10 within five years...

Wrong. I never said that. I Never made any projections. I thought he was great where he was ... one of the worst game day coaches ever.

I did say was one of the slimiest people on Earth, however. But he was perfect for Rutgers, an entire program founded on lies from the wait list to the faux schedule.

I'm betting you are in a league with Delaware in 5 years. The evidence is in. Nobody wants Rutgers. Not the ACC, which has expanded twice or the Big Ten which has expanded once.

It must be embarrassing to know that you are bleeding the students and the University of almost #30M a year to help support a football program that 99.99% on New Jerseyans don't care about.

Go back to the RU board with the rest of the delusional. All hope is lost.

Here's something that isn't a delusion. We are going to the ACC and Rutgers isn't.
I think if the recent expansion has taught us anything, its that brand name is not what is driving it. Recent on field success is more important.

Then why is a Syracuse football team, with almost no recent success, sitting in the ACC while a Uconn or Rutgers isn't?
I think if the recent expansion has taught us anything, its that brand name is not what is driving it. Recent on field success is more important.

TCU to the Big 12, WVU being the most attractive BE school and going to Big 12, Utah going to Pac 12, Bose, SDSU & Houston to the BE.

As BC & Miami have shown us, cashing bigger checks from the ACC doesn't translate into more wins on the field.

You will win more if you have better coaching and stable coaching than if you cashing bigger checks. Conference affiliation helps you pay for those coaches and keep those coaches, but hiring a great coach is still a crap shoot. As a UCONN fan, its nice knowing the northeast's most successful coach of the last 40 years at non-brand name (ie Penn St) is the head of our program.

Really? It's proven to me that the $EC and B1G are driving the bus and everyone else is just responding (well the Big East wasn't doing much of anything).

Take a look at the whole expansion picture thus far.

Pac 12 wanted more teams (championship game and new TV deal)and is really limited in options due to teams in their area. They grabbed somewhat namebrand Utah and namebrand Colorado and now have their championship game. They could've had Boise State, or SDSU but didn't want them.

$EC showed the Big 12 who's in charge by taking namebrand aTm and Mizzou from them.

B1G took big namebrand Nebraska from the Big 12 and have their championship game.

ACC took namebrand Pitt and Syracuse because had the B1G decided to move East and expand further they wouldn't have the options they wanted. If they kept academic standards than UConn and RU would've been the only other options (and likely already in had either of the 2 choosen had declined). WVU wanted the $EC or ACC but were told no by both.

Big 12 took TCU and WVU because the league was going to collapse if they hadn't. WVU is a namebrand and TCU was an easy target right in their backyards.

BE took Boise (PAC12 didn't want but could take if they did) in hopes of keeping a BCS bid and SDSU (PAC12 "") and Houston (Big 12 didn't want but could still take if they did)to fill out numbers. Memphis is neither namebrand or have had recent on field success, they are simply there and ok at basketball.

$EC and B1G got bigger and stronger. PAC12 and ACC both made their picks and expanded their footprints. Big 12 got sloppy seconds, and BE got sloppy 3rds.

If UConn get's a liferaft it will be because of their hoops and academics to join the ACC if Notre Dame does. If the B1G expands again you guys won't be the first in line, they could cherry pick the Big 12 (Kansas, etc)again anytime they want or maybe go after ACC teams. What they won't do, that the Big 12 had to, is just go for teams that are easily attainable just to add teams.
I love the internet. When are people going to realize that in no way no how can someone even have the info posted? No one has inside info at their school, in their conference, in other conferences, and at other schools!!

There is no master top secret society where the 4 major conference heads are splitting up teams from the non major conferences. So point #1 is false. Point number 2 is false as well as there is no way that ND can be left out under the proposed system. Point #3 is false because why would a PSU guy know what ND is thinking? Number 4 is false because the B1G decided to stop after taking Nebraska because it wasn't worth it to go to 14. Number 5 is false see Nebraska to B1G, SU to ACC, TCU/WV to B12. And no one offering RU. Number 6 is possible but only if the B1G needs a filler school. The B1G is not taking RU as long as there is a possibility of getting ACC teams. So this guy is 0-6 without even trying. And he even admits that he said RU to B1G was a doen deal before when Nebraska was taken lol.

BTW if there is any secret plan, I would think it would be for the B1G to take KU. The B12 TV contract isn't signed yet. The B1G can see that the B12 if they get FSU will be a strong competitor. Plus the B12-SEC relationship offsets the P12-B1G alliance. So why not take KU to destabilize the B12? At that point FSU completely pulls away (win). And the P12 can then move in and go after the Texas/OU combo they did last time (major win). That would pretty much isolate the SEC, while the B1G/P12 controls a huge portion of CFB.
I love the internet. When are people going to realize that in no way no how can someone even have the info posted? No one has inside info at their school, in their conference, in other conferences, and at other schools!!

There is no master top secret society where the 4 major conference heads are splitting up teams from the non major conferences. So point #1 is false. Point number 2 is false as well as there is no way that ND can be left out under the proposed system. Point #3 is false because why would a PSU guy know what ND is thinking? Number 4 is false because the B1G decided to stop after taking Nebraska because it wasn't worth it to go to 14. Number 5 is false see Nebraska to B1G, SU to ACC, TCU/WV to B12. And no one offering RU. Number 6 is possible but only if the B1G needs a filler school. The B1G is not taking RU as long as there is a possibility of getting ACC teams. So this guy is 0-6 without even trying. And he even admits that he said RU to B1G was a doen deal before when Nebraska was taken lol.

BTW if there is any secret plan, I would think it would be for the B1G to take KU. The B12 TV contract isn't signed yet. The B1G can see that the B12 if they get FSU will be a strong competitor. Plus the B12-SEC relationship offsets the P12-B1G alliance. So why not take KU to destabilize the B12? At that point FSU completely pulls away (win). And the P12 can then move in and go after the Texas/OU combo they did last time (major win). That would pretty much isolate the SEC, while the B1G/P12 controls a huge portion of CFB.

Spot on. The $EC or B1G could take take pretty much any Big 12 team them wanted today aside from perhaps UT, OU, and OSU. I say perhaps because if either of those really wanted to press the issue they could probably get those 3 as well. The PAC almost already did but the geography didn't work with their fanbases.
Really? It's proven to me that the $EC and B1G are driving the bus and everyone else is just responding (well the Big East wasn't doing much of anything).

You make some good points Imperial. Nebraska really is a name brand and attractive if they are up or down at any particular moment. you are 100% correct on that. And the SEC is so far above everyone else can not be disputed.

But why Utah? Why not SDSU or BYU or Wyoming or Fresno or UNLV? I'd argue that if any of those teams had been top 10 BCS winners, they would have gotten the invite over a .500 Utah program.

If UofL had continued their success under Petrino and was a top 10 team most years, they would be in the Big 12 and not WVU. It's the krag years that killed them.

Why TCU and not SMU or Houston or Tulsa got the first call from the Big 12? Because of recent history. Same as why Houston and Boise got calls from the BE and not Tulane or Rice or UTEP.

I can understand SU & Pitt over UCONN & RU based on brand. None of the 4 have recently done anything great. However, if Schianno had RU consistently in the top 15 over the past 5 years, i am quite certain they would have been chosen first. If it was done in 2001, SU would have been the first chosen (and was when the ACC came the first time).

Teams all over the country have excelled without being in a BCS league and other BCS programs have sucked. I still think coaching is more important than conference checks in terms of on field wins and losses.
THe Big Boy conferences took established brands. Only the Big East has gone after the "Johnny-Come-Lately" Teams.

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