Major Announcement coming out of L'ville: 2013 Title Vacated | Page 3 |

Major Announcement coming out of L'ville: 2013 Title Vacated

Is it any wonder the ACC brass hedged when accepting UL into the conference? I realize we haven't quite been choir boys either, but UL has taken it to a different level. I really wish Maryland was still in the ACC, leaving UL drifting in the abyss, a la UConn...
Is it any wonder the ACC brass hedged when accepting UL into the conference? I realize we haven't been choir boys either, but UL has taken it to a different level. I really wish Maryland was still in the ACC, leaving UL drifting in the abyss, a la UConn...
Louisville was picked to appease Clemson and Florida State football.

The basketball program was a bonus.

If UConn replaced Maryland and those 2 had 3 Northeast teams in their division they would have looked at the Big XII or other options.

Louisville football will be decent. Their basketball program once the probation and penalties are over should be competitive again but that will be a while.
Is it any wonder the ACC brass hedged when accepting UL into the conference? I realize we haven't quite been choir boys either, but UL has taken it to a different level. I really wish Maryland was still in the ACC, leaving UL drifting in the abyss, a la UConn...

Louisville would have been admitted to the Big XII or SEC if the latter considered expanding. They're no UConn.

As far as vacating the title, they won. We all saw it.
Ville fans (and Yum Brands) can't take the Pitino is rehired effective immediately.
i believe in LUHVILLE that's known as a "colonel not major announcement"
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  • A reduction in men’s basketball scholarships by two during the 2016-17 year (self-imposed by the university). Additionally, the university must reduce men’s basketball scholarships by four over the probation period. The university may take the reductions during any year of that period.
  • A prohibition of men’s basketball coaching travel during the April 2016 recruiting period, which resulted in a reduction of men’s basketball recruiting opportunities by 30 (self-imposed by the university).
  • A reduction of recruiting travel during the July 2016 recruiting period by six days (self-imposed by the university).
  • A reduction in the number of men’s basketball official visits to a total of 10 during the 2015-16 year. Additionally, the university will have no more than a total of 16 visits during the 2016-17 and 2017-18 years (self-imposed by the university).

Thanks, now it rings a bell.
Any regrets Rick???
It took Michigan a pretty long time to get back after the Ed Martin crap.
They went from 1998 till 2009 without making the tournament.

I doubt Louisville goes a decade but they will take a while and whomever gets that job should demand a 7 or 8 year contract to get time to cleanup Pitino’s mess.
Their basketball program once the probation and penalties are over should be competitive again but that will be a while.
Aren't they still competitive? And what penalties are there aside from playing make-believe that the championship never happened?
Aren't they still competitive? And what penalties are there aside from playing make-believe that the championship never happened?
They haven’t been penalized for the FBI yet.
They fired their HC.
That is almost like an admission of guilt.
They will get more once the FBI probe leaks.

Also firing Pitino killed their recruiting. No good coach is touching that job right now without major job security.
Is it any wonder the ACC brass hedged when accepting UL into the conference? I realize we haven't quite been choir boys either, but UL has taken it to a different level. I really wish Maryland was still in the ACC, leaving UL drifting in the abyss, a la UConn...
The ACC invented shady behavior. Anyone read the book Loose Balls about the recruitment of Moses Malone, David Thompson and a host of others by the pure and sacred ACC coaches? College sports is a slimey business and the patriarchs of virtue are as slimy as the rest.
My buddy just sent this to me. His dad (old timer) is a pretty big donor. Ha.

From: Cmoffice,Service Account []
Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2018 12:08 PM
To: Cmoffice,Service Account <>
Subject: Message from Dr. Postel re: NCAA decision

Dear UofL Family,

Today the NCAA Infractions Appeals Committee upheld earlier penalties imposed on the University of Louisville, including vacation of victories from 2011 to 2015. That includes the 2013 national championship and the 2012 Final Four appearance.

I cannot say this strongly enough: We believe the NCAA is simply wrong.

We disagree with the NCAA ruling for reasons we clearly stated in our appeal. And we made a strong case – based on NCAA precedent – that supported our argument.

From Day One, the university has admitted that the actions of the former operations director and any others involved under previous leadership were offensive and inexcusable. That is why we apologized immediately, cooperated fully with the NCAA, self-imposed penalties that were appropriate to the offenses and made significant changes to ensure incidents like this never happen again. Under the NCAA’s own rules, this cooperation should have been a factor in the severity of the punishment. Instead, it was ignored.

Like you, I believe the university needed to appeal the decision as strongly as possible. We brought in some of the best legal minds in the country, including the nation’s top litigator, who helped develop and argue our case. This effort was costly both financially and in the time commitment. We felt, and still feel, that the young men who earned those victories and the thousands of fans who supported them deserved our best effort. The pain caused for our fans and the players who were not involved is perhaps the most regretful result of this decision.

This dark cloud has hung over our heads for more than two years, and it has had a negative impact on our athletics program, our fans and the entire university family. While we disagree with the NCAA’s decision, it is time for the university to close this chapter and move forward with a stronger commitment to excellence on and off the court.

First and foremost, we are a university. However painful, this situation gives us the opportunity to turn the corner. We will move forward in an open, transparent and collaborative way. We will need your help to do so.

The NCAA’s ruling cannot change the accomplishments or the excitement generated by our Cardinals basketball team. It cannot change the feeling many of us shared as we experienced the victories those teams earned. And it cannot change the love so many of us have for this great university.

I hope you will join me in continuing to remember those teams and their contributions. And I hope you will join me as the university looks to brighter days in athletics and as an academic institution.

Greg Postel, M.D.

Interim President
This dark cloud has hung over our heads for more than two years, and it has had a negative impact on our athletics program, our fans and the entire university family.

Ooooh, you poor babies! Two whole years?

Call us when you get to 4-5x that long. :rolleyes:
Am I missing something? They banned themselves in 2016 and have to give money back. Nothing about scholly reductions or staff restrictions on recruiting. I mean they can’t possibly get off better than us.

Get off. Get it? GET IT?
Celuck, I get it! Heeyuck!

What is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander. If I am furious about our vacating 109 wins then I am also furious at the Lville punishment. And I AM FURIOUS! How dare the NCAA deny the fact - the REALITY - that the Ville’s 2013 team was excellent and they won the Championship! It happened. You can’t Men in Black it, for the love of all things holy! So, give them harsh sanctions, reduce scholarships, fine them (apparently there is confusion about this but they did get scholarship reductions). Yes, NCAA, punish them in that even-handed way of yours, but don’t act as if you have the moral authority to say that a team did not win games!!!!

(Ooooh, I’m a little riled up.)
Take wins away from Louisville (SU, USC ,et al.) for using ineligible players while UNC had ineligible players for 20 years, Auburn pays off a father of a player and PedState allowed child molestation for wins. Can anyone reconcile the NCAA's gross level of incompetence or intentional ignorance?

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