Marrone Speaks! | Page 3 |

Marrone Speaks!

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I think Marrone actually likes interacting with alumni, fans.. the media not so much. You catch Marrone somwhere say like Tops on a random Wednesday evening, he will sit and BS with you for a while. He loves talking shop, he just doesn't like every aspect of the program plastered all over social media and local media, that I am sure he finds annoying as many coaches probably do.

I have had a couple of discussions with Doug in random spots, the guy is as engaging as anyone, as was GROB, P not so much FWIW doesn't make any of them bad coaches or good coaches, IMO. All three are great people who represent the University well. The notion that Marrone is a curmudgeon of some sort is simply false, I would imagine that the 5 game skid is eating him up and he is working his arse off to correct the issues so that we as fans can have something we can be proud of as most coaches would try and do and this is the path he has chosen to take for the good of the program.

And like I have said, I am and have been as critical of some of Marrone's on field stuff as anyone but the off season stuff is crazy with what people are pinning on him

I know this will be an impossible concept for message boarders to understand, but I think both sides of this debate are right.

It really is silly, and in some ways counterproductive, to shut down access like this. And at the end of the day its also really not a huge deal - this community doesn't pay attention to SU football until after Labor Day.
I think Marrone actually likes interacting with alumni, fans.. the media not so much. You catch Marrone somwhere say like Tops on a random Wednesday evening, he will sit and BS with you for a while. He loves talking shop, he just doesn't like every aspect of the program plastered all over social media and local media, that I am sure he finds annoying as many coaches probably do.

I have had a couple of discussions with Doug in random spots, the guy is as engaging as anyone, as was GROB, P not so much FWIW doesn't make any of them bad coaches or good coaches, IMO. All three are great people who represent the University well. The notion that Marrone is a curmudgeon of some sort is simply false, I would imagine that the 5 game skid is eating him up and he is working his arse off to correct the issues so that we as fans can have something we can be proud of as most coaches would try and do and this is the path he has chosen to take for the good of the program.

And like I have said, I am and have been as critical of some of Marrone's on field stuff as anyone but the off season stuff is crazy with what people are pinning on him

I don't think you're understanding what my point is. I covered spring ball at the U. of Maryland for many years as a reporter and it was always basically pointless. If he wants to shut off spring practice, it's perfectly fine and completely understandable. I don't doubt that he's personable, I don't doubt that he's working hard, I don't doubt that he views these decisions as helping the team and I don't doubt that many are blowing these things out of proportion. I mean, opening spring practice isn't bringing many fans to the dome. There's no direct correlation there.

My points are these:

-- He doesn't have to love the media but letting the press watch 15 minutes of stretching and answering pointless questions for 10 minutes afterwards for 15 practices in the spring can't really be that painful, can it? Reading off a few bullet points and taking a half-dozen questions on recruits in an event that lasts 1 hour max in the spring is really that horrible?

-- The notion that the media and fans at practice are a distraction is absurd.

-- Generating some sort of interest in this program is important and schmoozing to help with fund-raising is exceptionally important. While the simple act of closing spring practices or cancelling the recruiting event or planning a junior day to coincide with the coolest on-campus events of the year aren't a big deal in the grand scheme of things, I don't think it's crazy to suggest that they cumulatively suggest the PR/marketing side of the job isn't marrone's favorite. That's fine, but it's certainly a gamble b/c they have to win and win big for that to work long-run.
marrones emphasis and priorities are exactly where they should be given the current condition of our team---leave the rest of the stuff to gross and co. to figure out,including fan satisfaction,inclusion,game day experience,:blah::bat:
I don't think you're understanding what my point is. I covered spring ball at the U. of Maryland for many years as a reporter and it was always basically pointless. If he wants to shut off spring practice, it's perfectly fine and completely understandable. I don't doubt that he's personable, I don't doubt that he's working hard, I don't doubt that he views these decisions as helping the team and I don't doubt that many are blowing these things out of proportion. I mean, opening spring practice isn't bringing many fans to the dome. There's no direct correlation there.

My points are these:

-- He doesn't have to love the media but letting the press watch 15 minutes of stretching and answering pointless questions for 10 minutes afterwards for 15 practices in the spring can't really be that painful, can it? Reading off a few bullet points and taking a half-dozen questions on recruits in an event that lasts 1 hour max in the spring is really that horrible?

-- The notion that the media and fans at practice are a distraction is absurd.

-- Generating some sort of interest in this program is important and schmoozing to help with fund-raising is exceptionally important. While the simple act of closing spring practices or cancelling the recruiting event or planning a junior day to coincide with the coolest on-campus events of the year aren't a big deal in the grand scheme of things, I don't think it's crazy to suggest that they cumulatively suggest the PR/marketing side of the job isn't marrone's favorite. That's fine, but it's certainly a gamble b/c they have to win and win big for that to work long-run.

No, you are going Bees on me here, I understand the point, I just don't agree with it. My point is he did exactly what you suggest for 3 years. My point is and what Marrone is clearly stating is- this doesn't matter to our already tiring fanbase. Sure a thousand people may be bitching about it on internet if that but for the most part the casual fanbase that will still show up for the NW game does not care because they are not involved in the program in March. This will not sway new fans for sure but nothing seems to at this point. The people I tailgate with are causal fans, a few are season tix holders a few end up borrowing from me, getting tix the day of, etc and they simply do not care about this nonsense and probably aren't even aware of it However, I know come the season opener and the week leading up to it, they will care. Internet posters like people here can't think like the casual fan. Just like many here will state they know a guy in accounting that just cancelled his tickets, etc etc. Well he probably cancelled the tix because his wife is banging some guy in shipping and he is getting a divorce! Or because he is tired of losing all the time. Not because Marrone has shut down spring practice. Marketing, media, PR can't solve everything and can only put so much lipstick on a pig. All the coverage in the world is ineffective with a bad team. That pig needs to win games. Most fans judge Marrone on wins and losses, not on his spring schedule. Your opinion is also skewed because you are in the media as my opinion would be if I was commenting on my business. People want to predict doom and gloom to attendance because of stuff like this but it will be the same old same old. First game pretty well attended but not great because of labor day, 1AA poorly attended, Friday games seem to work. Hell, I don't go to labor day weekend games anymore because it's the last weekend at my camp for the most part
Dave has no problem with what Marrone is doing. He thinks it makes sense.

Of course he doesn't mind -- he gets to hang out, cover lax and spend 15 less days coming up with largely pointless spring stories. It's great for Rahme.
Of course he doesn't mind -- he gets to hang out, cover lax and spend 15 less days coming up with largely pointless spring stories. It's great for Rahme.

It goes beyond that. Dave thinks IT MAKES SENSE, given what Marrone is doing this spring.
No, you are going Bees on me here, I understand the point, I just don't agree with it.

This is cool. We disagree on this stuff. I think part of the reason there isn't more of a fan base is b/c the game-day experience is so bad and b/c there has been, historically, little outreach to fans, etc. But we can disagree on that and it's fine with me. I guess my bottom line is that allowing zero access in the spring and cancelling the recruiting event, etc., don't directly correlate to more wins or, for that matter, more time spent on things that will promote winning. This isn't an either/or scenario. If he wants to do it, it's his call. And I truly mean that. I hold no ill will against him. I wasn't going to a recruiting event with slimy turkey sandwiches on stale rolls to hear coach speak about how the recruits are not only tremendously gifted, but terrific young men. I get it. I just see no tangible correlation between time spent on things that promote winning and these measures.
Dave has no problem with what Marrone is doing. He thinks it makes sense.

It only makes sense in an on the field strategic way. But that isn't what anyone is talking about. Nobody needs to know that we implemented a new package of down field pass plays or a package for Kinder/Hunt to run option (not that that won't be known by anyone before game 1). It's the other side which is called creating and/or maintaining some interest or a buzz. It is possible to do both.
It goes beyond that. Dave thinks IT MAKES SENSE, given what Marrone is doing this spring.

Really? A reporter thinks it makes sense to get zero access to the team he's covering? I'm literally not trying to be a pr!ck here, I just don't see how any reporter would believe that. Dave thinks he himself is a nuisance? That his stories about new wrinkles in the offense will cost us the Mizzou game? How does that make sense?
Really? A reporter thinks it makes sense to get zero access to the team he's covering? I'm literally not trying to be a pr!ck here, I just don't see how any reporter would believe that. Dave thinks he himself is a nuisance? That his stories about new wrinkles in the offense will cost us the Mizzou game? How does that make sense?

Not only did Dave say it yesterday, but Garcia said much the same thing as well.

They both understand what Marrone is doing this spring, and they understand that he wants the freedom to try different things with plays and players without having to explain the why or wherefore or knocking down and dealing with a bunch of speculation based on who was playing and who wasn't or where guys were on a particular day.
Those ifs make me want to :bang:

No margin for error. That's how Marrone likes it.
if marrone tries to shorten the game because he thinks his qb is too "limited" and he's not letting anyone see practice because he's trying new things with other qbs, maybe just maybe his preferences aren't what you think they are.

every goofy opinion you have about this assumes that nassib is better than he is and they couldn't do any worse by opening it up for him.
Exactly. The Syracuse tv reporters aren't very tough and are more often than not, are sucking at the teet of the football coach when they interview them...he has no clue what it's like to work in a real media market so using that as an excuse just shouldn't cut it.

In spring practices, all the stories are almost all positive ones too...look at years past in the Post-Standard, D.O., on tv etc., they're all positive fluff pieces.

All puff pieces.

I'm not so sure about that.

The PS has over the years - especially BP - spent a lot of time reviewing the W-L record, the HC salary, and low attendance figures - often without adding the necessary context.

Other than Rahme the local press has demonstrated a striking lack of insight into the college football business.

But, if you are right - that the pieces are nothing more than puff - then I guess we're not missing anything this spring.
That's my point -- I'm furious that he has taken away the only month I ever get to be optimistic about the program.

Gosh, I was optmistic during the fall of 2010 and in Yankee Stadium during the December game against K-State.

I was also optimistic this past fall during the game against WVU and actually during the second half against Pitt.
Not only did Dave say it yesterday, but Garcia said much the same thing as well.

They both understand what Marrone is doing this spring, and they understand that he wants the freedom to try different things with plays and players without having to explain the why or wherefore or knocking down and dealing with a bunch of speculation based on who was playing and who wasn't or where guys were on a particular day.

We have a lot of young guys, some of whom will probably need baptism by fire, which is not necessarily a bad thing, happens everywhere. The younger QBs have a different skillset from the returning starter, who isn't exactly lighting up the scoreboard (historical stats against other SU QBs notwithstanding). So from that angle, the revised plan makes sense and I hope it works.

But the way you wrote that, doesn't strike you as a bit odd for a coach in his 4th year who has already had a winning season and bowl victory? And is basically one play or one call here or there from having 2 bowl appearances in 3 years?

Maybe Marrone will be a pioneer on how shutting out the media = better football team. Something you can certainly pull off in Syracuse, NY.
All puff pieces.

I'm not so sure about that.

The PS has over the years - especially BP - spent a lot of time reviewing the W-L record, the HC salary, and low attendance figures - often without adding the necessary context.

Other than Rahme the local press has demonstrated a striking lack of insight into the college football business.

But, if you are right - that the pieces are nothing more than puff - then I guess we're not missing anything this spring.

I said, "In spring..." Go back and look at spring coverage. It's largely positive, feel good stories about certain battles in camp, depth chart, guys who are going to have to step up and replace other guys etc.

I just find it absurd that he thinks not talking to tv reporters and print reporters for 15 minutes 10 to 15 times in the spring is somehow going to make kids play harder and will result in more wins. If he wants to close practices, that's fine, a lot of programs do that. He can shield whatever it is that he's doing from prying eyes.

I just don't see how ensuring that there's NO coverage about the program during spring practices will help sell the program to fans and more importantly to recruits.

If this strategy somehow turns into more wins, then I'll be all for it. I'm just highly skeptical that it will translate into wins, otherwise you'd see top programs already doing it...
It only makes sense in an on the field strategic way. But that isn't what anyone is talking about. Nobody needs to know that we implemented a new package of down field pass plays or a package for Kinder/Hunt to run option (not that that won't be known by anyone before game 1). It's the other side which is called creating and/or maintaining some interest or a buzz. It is possible to do both.

exactly - it's not an either/or situation.
Gosh, I was optmistic during the fall of 2010 and in Yankee Stadium during the December game against K-State.

I was also optimistic this past fall during the game against WVU and actually during the second half against Pitt.

I was doing this thing called joking. I am a sucker -- I get excited every spring and early fall. I've literally convinced myself Josh Beckett will be fine and throw 210 innings this year. Next time I'll include a smiley face emoticon.
I said, "In spring..." Go back and look at spring coverage. It's largely positive, feel good stories about certain battles in camp, depth chart, guys who are going to have to step up and replace other guys etc.

I just find it absurd that he thinks not talking to tv reporters and print reporters for 15 minutes 10 to 15 times in the spring is somehow going to make kids play harder and will result in more wins. If he wants to close practices, that's fine, a lot of programs do that. He can shield whatever it is that he's doing from prying eyes.

I just don't see how ensuring that there's NO coverage about the program during spring practices will help sell the program to fans and more importantly to recruits.

If this strategy somehow turns into more wins, then I'll be all for it. I'm just highly skeptical that it will translate into wins, otherwise you'd see top programs already doing it...

I understand.

I presume that there is more to the story than we know.

I do agree that it would be helpful and enjoyable to read more about the program - it's fun to hear something.

Still, I'm willing to defer to Marrone at this point.
I was doing this thing called joking. I am a sucker -- I get excited every spring and early fall. I've literally convinced myself Josh Beckett will be fine and throw 210 innings this year. Next time I'll include a smiley face emoticon.

I get it.
Not only did Dave say it yesterday, but Garcia said much the same thing as well.

They both understand what Marrone is doing this spring, and they understand that he wants the freedom to try different things with plays and players without having to explain the why or wherefore or knocking down and dealing with a bunch of speculation based on who was playing and who wasn't or where guys were on a particular day.

What makes sense? I'm OK with him doing it, but what sense is it? The crush of the media watching stretching and asking a few depth chart questions was a reason we were struggling last season. It's all good. I'll take your word for it. Of course, I'd also point out that if I were either of those guys' editor I would not be happy that they were cool with being shut out of practice.
if marrone tries to shorten the game because he thinks his qb is too "limited" and he's not letting anyone see practice because he's trying new things with other qbs, maybe just maybe his preferences aren't what you think they are.

every goofy opinion you have about this assumes that nassib is better than he is and they couldn't do any worse by opening it up for him.
Your fixation with Nassib is so entrenched that you assume others are constantly thinking about Nassib.
We have a lot of young guys, some of whom will probably need baptism by fire, which is not necessarily a bad thing, happens everywhere. The younger QBs have a different skillset from the returning starter, who isn't exactly lighting up the scoreboard (historical stats against other SU QBs notwithstanding). So from that angle, the revised plan makes sense and I hope it works.

But the way you wrote that, doesn't strike you as a bit odd for a coach in his 4th year who has already had a winning season and bowl victory? And is basically one play or one call here or there from having 2 bowl appearances in 3 years?

Maybe Marrone will be a pioneer on how shutting out the media = better football team. Something you can certainly pull off in Syracuse, NY.

My guess is that he experimented with closing practice early, was happy with the results and decided to go with it for the rest of the year.

It obviously wasn't what he intended going in.

Bottom line we will know more about some things after Saturday.
My guess is that he experimented with closing practice early, was happy with the results and decided to go with it for the rest of the year.

It obviously wasn't what he intended going in.

Bottom line we will know more about some things after Saturday.

Do you think he'll hold back on Saturday, though? If he goes to the extent of closing off all practices, I would imagine we'll know nothing more after Saturday except the shape of guys and how they look - nothing about schemes, etc.
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