McDonald | Page 7 |


If you or I take a job and then do it poorly, and get demoted or fired, would George McDonald feel badly for us? No. Because you're judged on results, and if you can't do your job adequately, no one owes it to you to let you keep it.

The team was .500 while was OC. He was given 18 games. Those are facts about his performance. If it's all about wins and losses his winning % is better than a majority of coaches here the past 10 years. All without his own offensive players and a mediocre QB (being kind), limited playmakers, a few key injuries, etc.

I think he might have a few valid arguments as to why he should be fired at this point in the rebuild. Maybe the vision was a little longer down the road when he at competent players at all of the skill positions. Who knows? Doesn't matter now.

Last point. Anyone who thinks him leaving wouldn't negatively effect recruiting in the short term is absolutely kidding themselves or being disingenuous. Not even a close argument on that front. If this move doesn't work this program will appear very unstable and the hit we could take in this recruiting class could be painful. And getting someone with ties to Florida is a must. I know everyone wants to talk down the Florida guys but let's get real. The talent in Florida is NECESSARY for the roster.

I am very concerned as to the ripple effect of what this decision may cause on and off the field.
ok so I just watched the whole interview. While I do think that maybe he got a little too honest in the interview, and should have held back some info, i kinda feel bad for the guy. He genuinely looks like he was blindsided. Imagine yourself for a second, you just accepted a new position with a new job. You're real excited. Then 2 weeks later, ANOTHER company calls you with a PROMOTION and MORE MONEY. You have to move accross the country. Again, you're excited. 20 months later, you get fired for performance reasons. You'd probably be pretty upset as well.

GMac kept saying, execution was the problem. He's right it was, but a job of a coach is to teach discipline AND execution. So thats on him.

Again, the guy seems passionate, probably should have filtered himself here a bit, but I;m not seeing where all this personal negativity towards him is warranted.

Good post.
It's probably equal blame but it's gotta be frustrating when you call up a perfect play, first offensive possession of the game, Lewis is wide open up the seam and Hunt overthrows him. You call up a play for a TD and Ben Lewis drops it. You call up a trick play for a TD and Lewis drops it again. You call up a zone read and the QB doesn't read the defensive end correctly. All I'm saying is for as bad as McDonald was, he didn't have much to work with. I can see why he would be frustrated.
point well taken. I don't understand the concept of giving McD a pass though, he agreed to cash the check and had to have known what he was working with. You step up and make the best of your situation and if you can't take the heat then find another job where there isn't as much pressure. The same thing goes on everyday in any workplace in any high pressure job.
We are all going to find out how good the talent is and real soon. (Some might say that without Hunt it is not a fair test, a notion I would dispute, but that is for another time.) I doubt that the talent vs OC debate will be answered with any certainty, but some minds might be changed.

We will almost certainly see some sort of subset of the current offense for the time being; we will see some of the same plays run by different talent.

Apparently, we will see more running game but which type? Will we see a Power I? Two back sets? Zone read in the red zone with Long or Kimble?

Unless the depth chart is a red herring of sorts, it looks like we will see the same backs.

What happens if we can't run? Quick game with bubbles and slants, perhaps. Deep throws by Wilson?

It certainly will be interesting. We should get some idea of where Lester intends to go. Not a full blown painting but at least a watercolor.

My wild guesses ifs that Morris emerges as our feature back by the end of the season and one of the QB's earns the top job by the NC State game.
cuseguy said:
Shafer would have never demoted McDonald without thinking it through. I'm sure it was a series of events and not just the Louisville game.

Maybe. I don't think we'd be in this exact same place right now if it wasn't for someone with loose lips. I'd find that guy and show him the door too.
rrlbees said:
Maybe. I don't think we'd be in this exact same place right now if it wasn't for someone with loose lips. I'd find that guy and show him the door too.

Given how this has played out, my guess is McDonald was the leak. Which seems strange that a guy who got fired would leak it.,,,but he doesn't appear to be a rational guy.
rrlbees said:
Maybe. I don't think we'd be in this exact same place right now if it wasn't for someone with loose lips. I'd find that guy and show him the door too.

Shafer's decision or the way the news was released?
Sam Blum ‏@SamBlum3
McDonald said he cried after he was demoted. He called his mom and read the bible.

What is his motive here? I'm sure coaches around the country are saying, "Let's hire the guy who threw a public fit when his head coach told him he wasn't good enough."

Now we know what 5 TB's, 3 TE's and 20 WR's play, he's too sensitive to
the uconn game spence's year was well after he'd been shuffled off to a padded room

Paulus went off 31/41 360 and 3 TD's no Ints.
Given how this has played out, my guess is McDonald was the leak. Which seems strange that a guy who got fired would leak it.,,,but he doesn't appear to be a rational guy.
That was my first thought when the news started leaking as well. His behavior since has only solidified that thought.
cuseguy said:
Shafer's decision or the way the news was released?

The way it was released and the bitterness we're seeing.
ok so I just watched the whole interview. While I do think that maybe he got a little too honest in the interview, and should have held back some info, i kinda feel bad for the guy. He genuinely looks like he was blindsided. Imagine yourself for a second, you just accepted a new position with a new job. You're real excited. Then 2 weeks later, ANOTHER company calls you with a PROMOTION and MORE MONEY. You have to move accross the country. Again, you're excited. 20 months later, you get fired for performance reasons. You'd probably be pretty upset as well.

GMac kept saying, execution was the problem. He's right it was, but a job of a coach is to teach discipline AND execution. So thats on him.

Again, the guy seems passionate, probably should have filtered himself here a bit, but I;m not seeing where all this personal negativity towards him is warranted.

Thank you. I would bet that most of the posters on here have not seen the video or read all of his quotes. The guy has been traumatized and posters are being totally classless beating him at this moment in time. These are simply cheap shots IMHO.
rrlbees said:
The way it was released and the bitterness we're seeing.

A good reporter could determine that.
I kind of feel bad for him. He has an idea of what he wants to do here but doesn't have the players to do it with. His failure was not acknowledging that and playing to our strengths.

That being said, I'm not sure any OC would look good with the way our QB was playing.

Yeah, this.
Crusty said:
Thank you. I would bet that most of the posters on here have not seen the video or read all of his quotes. The guy has been traumatized and posters are being totally classless beating him at this moment in time. These are simply cheap shots IMHO.


He got demoted from a football coaching job. Life goes on.

Let's not overreact in the opposite direction.

He should know better than to yap about things to reporters.
Thank you. I would bet that most of the posters on here have not seen the video or read all of his quotes. The guy has been traumatized and posters are being totally classless beating him at this moment in time. These are simply cheap shots IMHO.

he should have just knowing that the local media would have run with all of those quotes out of context. You think we're bad here, wait til you read all the headlines over the next hour or so.

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