Melo is a free agent | Page 2 |

Melo is a free agent

I hope he stays with the Knicks, but if he doesn't, go to the Bulls and play with D Rose and Noah. Noah is a heady intense great basketball player and "If" D Rose comes back even 90% then you have one of the most dynamic electrifying players to play with also. D Rose in my mind when healthy is a top ten talent in the league.

But if Derick Rose can't stay healthy, its going to be very bad news for the Melo Man.

On the other hand, The Knicks now have Phil Jackson, although unproven at his position, is one of the greatest basketball leaders of all time, even if he had great players. What Melo needs to buy into is, the notion of Dereck Fisher being a great Coach (unproven) (Players coach though) Players like him, and Phil Jackson mustering up a great Squad with different personalities and skillsets that want to win more then the previous scrubs, the Knicks have had for roughly a Decade.

I don't think it's that hard to believe that Phil Can change his mind, But Melo wants to win now and it looks like he's going elsewhere.

From how I'm looking at it, There's still a strong possibility he could still end up a Knick. But moreso with another team.
What annoying about this, is I don't see a team Melo can go to that will actually give him a chance to win this year. I think his best option is to resign in NY and next year draw up some top end FA talent.

Chicago is only a good place if Rose is 100% healthy and back to MVP form, and who here thinks thats likely?
I don't know, put Melo on this past season's Bulls team and they're arguably number two in the East. Add him and Rose, even if Rose is like 70% of what he was and they'd be really good.
Phil Jackson is the most overrated head coach of all-time. Is he smart? Yes. Is he a great coach? Yes. Look at the guy's resume he took over Doug Collins in Chicago in 1990 after the Bulls lost to the Pistons in the Eastern Conference Finals and Scottie Pippen, Horace Grant were ready to help an in his prime Michael Jordan. He won 6 titles in 8 years and was a good coach.
Then, lets Dell Harris develop Kobe Bryant and when they lose to Utah in 1999 go and with two of the top 5 players in the NBA Shaq and Kobe wins 3 titles in a row 2001-2003. He coaches 2004 a terrible chemistry team with Shaq, Kobe, Karl Malone, Gary Payton and Derek Fisher of all people bails out the 04 Lakers against the Spurs before losing to the Pistons in the Finals.

Phil leaves LA because of Kobe's attitude writes a book destroying Kobe and watches the Lakers rebuild before Chris Wallace gift wrapped them Pau Gasol in December 2007 and the Lakers make the Finals the next 3 years in 08-10 and win the last two with Odom, Gasol, Bynum, and Kobe. He leaves AGAIN because he doesn't want to rebuild and now gets overpaid by James Dolan to do a job he has never done and expects premiere FAs to kiss his rings a la Luca Brasie.

You to kiss the FAs/star players asses. New York was getting better under Donnie Walsh and then Dolan messed things up. Jackson has a lot to prove.
I hope he stays with the Knicks, but if he doesn't, go to the Bulls and play with D Rose and Noah. Noah is a heady intense great basketball player and "If" D Rose comes back even 90% then you have one of the most dynamic electrifying players to play with also. D Rose in my mind when healthy is a top ten talent in the league.
Two other things:

1. Thibs can find a way to win with anybody it seems. I think he'd excel with a Noah and Melo pairing, forget even what Rose could bring.

2. The Bulls are on a nice run of getting good value out of their draft picks, wherever they make their selections.
Phil Jackson is the most overrated head coach of all-time. Is he smart? Yes. Is he a great coach? Yes. Look at the guy's resume he took over Doug Collins in Chicago in 1990 after the Bulls lost to the Pistons in the Eastern Conference Finals and Scottie Pippen, Horace Grant were ready to help an in his prime Michael Jordan. He won 6 titles in 8 years and was a good coach.
Then, lets Dell Harris develop Kobe Bryant and when they lose to Utah in 1999 go and with two of the top 5 players in the NBA Shaq and Kobe wins 3 titles in a row 2001-2003. He coaches 2004 a terrible chemistry team with Shaq, Kobe, Karl Malone, Gary Payton and Derek Fisher of all people bails out the 04 Lakers against the Spurs before losing to the Pistons in the Finals.

Phil leaves LA because of Kobe's attitude writes a book destroying Kobe and watches the Lakers rebuild before Chris Wallace gift wrapped them Pau Gasol in December 2007 and the Lakers make the Finals the next 3 years in 08-10 and win the last two with Odom, Gasol, Bynum, and Kobe. He leaves AGAIN because he doesn't want to rebuild and now gets overpaid by James Dolan to do a job he has never done and expects premiere FAs to kiss his rings a la Luca Brasie.

You to kiss the FAs/star players asses. New York was getting better under Donnie Walsh and then Dolan messed things up. Jackson has a lot to prove.

A lot of Knowledge there +1
Two other things:

1. Thibs can find a way to win with anybody it seems. I think he'd excel with a Noah and Melo pairing, forget even what Rose could bring.

2. The Bulls are on a nice run of getting good value out of their draft picks, wherever they make their selections.

I don't think they even make the Finals without Rose being a major contributor. Not like I watch the Bulls a lot. But even with a Weaker Miami I still don't see Noah and Carmelo leading the Bulls to the Finals.

I'm not very familiar with the Bulls and their Draft history is recent years. What have they done?
Jimmy Butler is the Bulls recent draft hit. He was a 2nd round pick who is a good rotation player. Thibs doesn't play rookies as he is tough on them and develops players in his system.
Taj Gibson was a 2nd round pick in 2008. The Bulls need a scorer as Noah can be the garbage man and defensive stopper, Rose is a great PG and Augustin, Dunleavy can be a bench rotation guys. Melo is perfect for Chicago because Gibson and Noah would help him on defense like Chandler last yr on NYK and Rose and him could be a nasty 1-2 punch.
If Melo stays in NY he better take a discount or have a deal with Lebron next yr or he will never win in NYK.
I hate how people slurp Durant when his supporting cast is so much better than Melo's his whole career and Melo is a ball hog loser and Durant is great. Melo won a NC and Durant lost second round.
Both guys are scorers who can't defend but at least Melo can get boards and doesn't flop like Durant did against the Clippers 2nd round.
Pending what happens in Miami, the east is wide open next year. Stick Melo on the Bulls with anything from Rose, and they're a contender
I hate how people slurp Durant when his supporting cast is so much better than Melo's his whole career and Melo is a ball hog loser and Durant is great. Melo won a NC and Durant lost second round.
Both guys are scorers who can't defend but at least Melo can get boards and doesn't flop like Durant did against the Clippers 2nd round.

Durant is pretty clearly better than Melo though. Look at his numbers when Westbrook was out for a few months; the guy was a machine.
why do people hate this trade?? its an absolute WIN for the Knicks...Danilo Gallinari, Wilson Chandler, Raymond Felton, Timofey Mozgov, a 2012 second-round pick (Quincy Miller), a 2013 second rounder (D-Leaguer Romero Osby), their 2014 first rounder, the right to swap picks in 2016 and $3 million cash to Denver. They also sent Eddy Curry, Anthony Randolph and $3 million to Minnesota.

who gives a shlit about the shlit that was sent to NY, they got CARMELO ANTHONY.

who are we crying over here???

injury prone gallinari??
chandler?? also injured and nothing to go wow over.
mozgov?? again, mozgov??
felton?? good lord we got that trash back and hows that working out??
you want eddy curry and his contract back??

why do i care about draft picks as well???

that was a GREAT, GREAT trade.

its NEW YORK, Carmelo would be an ABSOLUTE FOOL to leave.

dont think for a second opting out is for him to go anywhere else.

all hes going to get out of this excersize is couple of DVD's of local celebritys telling him how awesome he is and a few free meals.

hes staying in NY and you all are going to Fn like it.

or remain scared, because you should be.

Oh Lord
Durant is pretty clearly better than Melo though. Look at his numbers when Westbrook was out for a few months; the guy was a machine.
Durant is slightly better but he has had a great supporting cast his whole prime. Melo has had Billups, past his prime Iverson, Martin, JR Smith, Chandler as his best teammates.
Durant isn't even in Lebron's league. This MVP was Lebron fatigue a la Jordan in 1997 when Malone stole it.
If Melo played with OKC he has a good chance to go as far as Durant has.
why do people hate this trade?? its an absolute WIN for the Knicks...Danilo Gallinari, Wilson Chandler, Raymond Felton, Timofey Mozgov, a 2012 second-round pick (Quincy Miller), a 2013 second rounder (D-Leaguer Romero Osby), their 2014 first rounder, the right to swap picks in 2016 and $3 million cash to Denver. They also sent Eddy Curry, Anthony Randolph and $3 million to Minnesota.

who gives a shlit about the shlit that was sent to NY, they got CARMELO ANTHONY.

who are we crying over here???

injury prone gallinari??
chandler?? also injured and nothing to go wow over.
mozgov?? again, mozgov??
felton?? good lord we got that trash back and hows that working out??
you want eddy curry and his contract back??

why do i care about draft picks as well???

that was a GREAT, GREAT trade.

its NEW YORK, Carmelo would be an ABSOLUTE FOOL to leave.

dont think for a second opting out is for him to go anywhere else.

all hes going to get out of this excersize is couple of DVD's of local celebritys telling him how awesome he is and a few free meals.

hes staying in NY and you all are going to Fn like it.

or remain scared, because you should be.

Oh Lord

Didn't realize you are Jimmy Dolan's roadie. They probably could've done it holding onto a pick and Dano.

If Melo leaves I don't blame him.
Didn't realize you are Jimmy Dolan's roadie. They probably could've done it holding onto a pick and Dano.

If Melo leaves I don't blame him.
i certainly have had a lot of straight shots of JD...

Dano was the one chip that had to go, the rest is filler.

including the picks.

but i suppose an argument could be made over 1 of either '14 or '16. but no trade doesnt ever hurt.

and to get 1 of the 10 best players in the world, maybe in the top make that trade.
i certainly have had a lot of straight shots of JD...

Dano was the one chip that had to go, the rest is filler.

including the picks.

but i suppose an argument could be made over 1 of either '14 or '16. but no trade doesnt ever hurt.

and to get 1 of the 10 best players in the world, maybe in the top make that trade.

The trade was fine - they amnestied the wrong guy though and the AB deal was brutal. That team stinks.
The stupid part of the trade is that it was unnecessary. They could have signed him and kept the team around him.

I honestly think Melo will end up deciding to take the money and stay in New York. Why go to Chicago and pray your injury prone teammate stays healthy after doing the same thing when you originally went to New York and seeing how poorly that worked out?

If he wants to win, he goes to Phoenix IMO. They have young talent and a ton of picks. They can become an elite team quickly if they want to.
Melo forced the trade on the Knicks because he wanted his contract extension before the CBA expired and the lockout if 2011 happened. The Knicks gave up quarters for a dollar, but the Knicks screwed up their cap space after Donnie Walsh cleaned it up. Knicks are screwed now that Melo opted out they can give him his 5 yr deal at less than max and only have room for 1 more max guy or they lose Melo and have to hope Phil can actually get players which I honestly doubt he can because he is very arrogant and is the type of guy who likes the smell of his own fart arrogant and doesn't get elite players want to be pampered and not be reminded he lucked into Jordan and Kobe.
Phil has been the front man in some respects for the vaunted triangle offense. That was actually the idea of his assistant, Tex Winters.
Durant is slightly better but he has had a great supporting cast his whole prime. Melo has had Billups, past his prime Iverson, Martin, JR Smith, Chandler as his best teammates.
Durant isn't even in Lebron's league. This MVP was Lebron fatigue a la Jordan in 1997 when Malone stole it.
If Melo played with OKC he has a good chance to go as far as Durant has.

When Melo starts putting up true shooting %'s north of 60%, he can get compared to Durant.

Lebron is a better player than Durant, but I think therer was a pretty decent argument Durant had a better season this year.
So Lebron opted out of Miami. But it appears Wade/Bosh are staying put.

Does this mean Lebron and Melo now want to form a pairing?

Is there any spot they could fit under the cap together? Obviously Lebron would want to stay in the east.

ESPN's reaction to Lebron opting out.
Lebron has to hope Bosh and Wade opt out or Miami IS DONE. They won't have cap space to improve roster without all 3 opting out. Wade would be an idiot to opt out to leave 2 yr 41 million on the table and the Heat to hope Haslem is an idiot and doesn't exercise his 5 million dollar player option when no team would give 5 million in a 2 year contract.

To Knicks: Durant is only slightly better and his supporting cast makes it easier on him. Westbrook chucking a lot of shots a game reduces Durant from shooting and keeping his % up. I agree Durant is a better shooter, but Durant sucks on defense and is treated like he is Lebron. Durant doesn't help OKC on defense and is only effective on offense a la Melo. I hate how the media hammers Melo and praises Durant when both are pretty similar players except Durant has a great team around him and Melo doesn't.
The decision PT 2 and millions in free money to come ESPNs way in about 15 days.
**** you Bargs and Amare!!

Melo and James to Cleveland? Is there anywhere else they could go together?

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