I think he’s having fun with the process, which is good to see. Seems like a nice kid who’s being pulled in a few different directions. His tweet last night was interesting. I think he honestly thinks the place he’s going to choose is the “underdog” in his mind. The problem is, trying to figure out who he thinks the underdog is.
I think clearly the overwhelming perceived favorite in the past couple of days is Kentucky. However, I’ve heard all along, he really didn’t have a great visit there, nor do I think he wants to be compared to Anthony Davis and wants to make his own name someplace closer to home. So having said that, I’m ruling out Kentucky.
That leaves SU and Gtown. There has been a TON of Georgetown buzz lately. Including what I heard was a lot of Gtown chatter out in Oregon this past weekend with regard to Noel. There was also that survey of 12 HS ballers and all the tweets over the weekend that had Gtown gaining momentum in this race. If Nerlens is aware of all this…you would think his perception is that Gtown and UK are the favorite – and that perhaps Syracuse is the choice.
However, I think for months the perception was that it was coming down to Syracuse and Kentucky, and Gtown has emerged like a racehorse on the outside. Therefore you could consider Gtown as the underdog.
Having said all that, and I’m not trying to be a jerk here, but I bet for the past ten years, in every very, very public recruiting battle (Hodge, D Sims, T. Harris, Melo etc) that we’ve had, if we were getting the kid, I (and others) knew at least a day ahead of the announcement. I’ve heard nothing.
Therefore, my prediction…is the Hoyas.