Never seen more mentally soft seniors | Page 4 |

Never seen more mentally soft seniors

The entire team is soft. When the BE referees let the other team hack and grab on every play our offense just collapses. We have no inside game other than CJ and no outside game to speak of. Plus teams are still taking away our transition. So where are the points supposed to come from?
Brandon cares very much about his misses, James not at all. They need to find a middle ground.
Scores mentality: shoot until you miss, then shoot until you make it. And no concerns about either.

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Comon now. Nothing was expected from Forth offensively. He was here to fill space, set picks, and clog the lane.

Craig's game took a step back his senior year, and Mookie Watkins was playing better in his time on the floor. Nichols was also held back a bit in 2004-05 by the presence of Josh Pace, starting as SF much of that year. The team would have done better if we limited the seniors a bit in favor of the new guys.

2004-05 34 19.5 4.6 54.7 0.0 61.2 0.5 5.1 1.1 0.6
2003-04 31 23.2 5.7 56.6 0.0 64.7 0.7 5.8 2.0 0.6
I think these psychological assessments probably are accurate for the most part. But I don't think Boeheim is "bewildered" by Triche at all. JB is a very smart man and has been working directly with college kids for roughly 200 years now. He gets it, he understands what type of personality Triche is. Listen to JB talk about's always delicate words, very complimentary. On Wednesday, he heaped as much praise on Triche as he has nearly anyone he has ever coached.

After three years of Triche being told he's not the guy we all expect him to step up and be the guy. At the same time we tell him MCW is the future NBA player and lottery pick and best player on the team. I've expected way more from Triche this year (obviously) but I don't think we can really say this current slump is all that unexpected.

I put a lot of the blame on JB for this. Jimmy would say in the media that Brandon was one of the most talented on the team but his actions didn't really show that during the games. He was quick with the hook for Brandon for 3 years prior to this one (now he's got no choice - why don't we have a 4th guard again?) and that wore on BT. We've seen this before with players on this team. I'm not sure there is anything that can be done with BT at this point. That makes me sad.
The entire team is soft. When the BE referees let the other team hack and grab on every play our offense just collapses. We have no inside game other than CJ and no outside game to speak of. Plus teams are still taking away our transition. So where are the points supposed to come from?

We have done a good job of getting possession of the ball and playing defense. We aren't soft. We are just the "Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight" '-' Steve
RF, any clue why Gbinije transferred? I'm not trying to be negative but it just seemed like an odd move. He got virtually no playing time at Duke and then he asks out. I'm just curious why he left and couldn't scratch their lineup and why people are optimistic about his future at SU. I know Coach K liked the kid and the feeling was mutual, which makes the transfer and lack of playing time even more of a question.
Worked out with him a lot over the summer. Outstanding athlete. Was a great player in my area all throughout. Can't really give you a great write up on him other than that he has a smooth shot that will work at that level, good handle and has great size and athletic ability.
Worked out with him a lot over the summer. Outstanding athlete. Was a great player in my area all throughout. Can't really give you a great write up on him other than that he has a smooth shot that will work at that level, good handle and has great size and athletic ability.

Could he be our back-up point guard if MCW goes pro?
Could he be our back-up point guard if MCW goes pro?
Oh I think Buss Patterson can easily fit that role. I think a lot of people/scouts underrate how good patterson is. Gbinjie is more of a 2/3... I guess he could play point guard but his build is more of a hybrid 2... Patterson will be very good I think. Great shot, quick, good handle, can really stop on a dime and throw a great dish. He's a very good offensive player.
kinda wish triche never showed anything- its maddening the wasted talent -

your point should also be a hard nosed sob-mcw isnt

its not just the seniors who are soft-its a team wide epidemic

Rarely has so much ability been so poorly employed. Yes, he's had some good games. But erratic, truly thy name is Triche. Which is sad, because I suspect he's a really good kid.
In my life. Brandon and James are softer than wet charmin. This team is going nowhere fast.
I think Brandon is hurt pretty bad right now. He just isn't moving like he did earlier in the year. Little side to side agility and can't jump anymore either. He admitted to having back problems a week or two ago but refused to use it as an excuse. I don't have numbers on it but I think if someone were to analyze it, they would find that he goes into a swoon like this late in the season every year. I think his back just can't take the day to day grind and eventually it affects his performance. Though this is the worse things have been for him.

Thought JS did a really good job most of the year of knowing his role, focusing on his strengths and playing to them. Since his return, I think he has been dribbling the ball more, taking noticably more tough shots/questionable 3 point shots. Not sure how much of this is driven by the team's offensive struggles.

We have been very fortunate to have seniors that have consistently played well, and stepped up at crunch time to make big plays to win games. That hasn't happened this season. It is a shame...these kids have won a lot of games and played really well many times. But their legacy is getting diminished greatly by the bad play down the stretch of their senior seasons.
I think these psychological assessments probably are accurate for the most part. But I don't think Boeheim is "bewildered" by Triche at all. JB is a very smart man and has been working directly with college kids for roughly 200 years now. He gets it, he understands what type of personality Triche is. Listen to JB talk about's always delicate words, very complimentary. On Wednesday, he heaped as much praise on Triche as he has nearly anyone he has ever coached.

There was a moment earlier this season, can't remember the game, where Triche missed a late FT in a close game. JB looked angry about it, yelled something at Triche. Seemed strange at the time, because if anyone is used to missed FT's, it's JB. So he was asked about it after the game. He said what upset him was that he could see in Triche's eyes that he (Triche) knew he wasn't going to make that free throw.

I hoped something like that wouldn't resurface, but it did. In a big way. It's unfortunate. Really not much you can do except hope he shoots his way out of it in the first game of the BET and everything goes up from there.

It's not impossible, but I don't think it's all that probable either. Hope it happens.
Brandon was quicker and a better ball handler when he was younger and not as wide. He now looks like a dude from Venice Beach. He has put on so much muscle and mass that he has lost his ability to get by anyone. Whatever happened to the kid who played Flynn in Manley? That kid handled the ball with ease, like it was on a string. Now he handles it like it's a fumble in a rugby scrum. IMO, Brandon overpumped. Now the muscle between his ears is a delicate animal, confidence is everything in hoops and Brandon has totally lost his unfortunately. At this point we don't need him to win the game just not lose it.
I think this team is soft in a number of ways, but there's more wrong than that. We're just not as talented and we thought we we'd be. JS is a deep shooter (and streaky one at that) and that's about it. Apparently he's never watched. He can't dribble a basketball to save his life, and everyone we play knows it. Anytime I see him have to handle the ball I hold my breath. MCW hasn't improved on his weaknesses throughout the year. When he can blow by a guy, he looks like a lottery pick. When he plays a quick guy that stays in front of him he's pedestrian. How many times this year has good ball pressure bothered him? Far more than it should for the starting point guard. Will he ever learn how to turn his back to a shorter defender Z Sims style, and use his length to keep the defender from knocking the ball away? I don't know what's up with Triche. I never expected him to be a superstar, but his play of late is dismal. Christmas is an athletic guy without a feel for the game. When he made that dropstep jumphook off of the glass early in the game, I hoped he was going to have a good offensive game and give us an inside presence. I hope he sticks around. He's got too much to learn. Fair is what he is. He's our best all around player right now, but he's a number 2 guy. He's not someone that impose his will on a game. He has to let the game come to him, which is a good trait to have, but with a team struggling on offense, we need someone that can make things happen. This team doesn't have that player.
Oh I think Buss Patterson can easily fit that role. I think a lot of people/scouts underrate how good patterson is. Gbinjie is more of a 2/3... I guess he could play point guard but his build is more of a hybrid 2... Patterson will be very good I think. Great shot, quick, good handle, can really stop on a dime and throw a great dish. He's a very good offensive player.

Thanks. Now I feel better. I've heard Patterson compared to Waiters. I suppose Waiters could have played the point. I'm not sure how much his teammates would have seen the ball.
Brandon was quicker and a better ball handler when he was younger and not as wide. He now looks like a dude from Venice Beach. He has put on so much muscle and mass that he has lost his ability to get by anyone. Whatever happened to the kid who played Flynn in Manley? That kid handled the ball with ease, like it was on a string. Now he handles it like it's a fumble in a rugby scrum. IMO, Brandon overpumped. Now the muscle between his ears is a delicate animal, confidence is everything in hoops and Brandon has totally lost his unfortunately. At this point we don't need him to win the game just not lose it.

I don't think Brandon was ever that quick. And he had a noticeably strong physique even as a freshman.
I don't think Brandon was ever that quick. And he had a noticeably strong physique even as a freshman.

i concur
I don't think Brandon was ever that quick. And he had a noticeably strong physique even as a freshman.

I thought I remembered stories about him trying to drop a few pounds after his freshman year and I believe he did just that.
I don't think Brandon was ever that quick. And he had a noticeably strong physique even as a freshman.
Completely agree. He didn't have problems getting to the basket earlier this year. I think some of the blame for his struggles now are due to teams completely ignoring our inside players.
I don't think Brandon was ever that quick. And he had a noticeably strong physique even as a freshman.
I also think brandon reached his ceiling as a freshman. He never really got any better imo.
There was a moment earlier this season, can't remember the game, where Triche missed a late FT in a close game. JB looked angry about it, yelled something at Triche. Seemed strange at the time, because if anyone is used to missed FT's, it's JB. So he was asked about it after the game. He said what upset him was that he could see in Triche's eyes that he (Triche) knew he wasn't going to make that free throw.

I hoped something like that wouldn't resurface, but it did. In a big way. It's unfortunate. Really not much you can do except hope he shoots his way out of it in the first game of the BET and everything goes up from there.

It's not impossible, but I don't think it's all that probable either. Hope it happens.
Yes, and I don't think its a coincidence that Triche went into the tank once JB declared "This is Brandon's team".
The only blame I'd put on JB is how much he's apparently misjudged BT's fragile psyche. I keep going back to how for FOUR(4) years we kept hearing "Triche doesn't know how good he is", or, "Brandon needs to shoot more", etc.
Either the old man is slipping in his talent evaluations or Triche is that anomaly that doesn't get any better, despite all signs to the contrary.
Yes, and I don't think its a coincidence that Triche went into the tank once JB declared "This is Brandon's team".
The only blame I'd put on JB is how much he's apparently misjudged BT's fragile psyche. I keep going back to how for FOUR(4) years we kept hearing "Triche doesn't know how good he is", or, "Brandon needs to shoot more", etc.
Either the old man is slipping in his talent evaluations or Triche is that anomaly that doesn't get any better, despite all signs to the contrary.
maybe boeheim is going all in knowing it's his last shot. expected value of fair shooting more is probably higher but might have a lower chance of hitting the jackpot

personally, I think they should go all in on fair, despite his warts. he's up to it.

but maybe boeheim thought "someone is going to have to shoot a lot ... I don't want it to be james southerland because he acts like a fool when he makes a few and pouts when he doesn't... i don't want it to be fair because he can't create his own shot well enough ... i guess that leaves triche"

long way of saying process of elimination
There are a lot of posts in this thread that seem to focus on the last 10 games while forgetting that he played lots of minutes on two teams that most of you thought capable of winning the NC. He is not Kyrie Irving or Derrick Rose or Sherman Douglas, but he is a very productive 4 yr starter who will will end up with the 1st or 2nd most wins in SU history, many of which he helped win. I think every player on this team (and JB) is responsible for this late season collapse, except CJ Fair.
Why does CJ get a pass? I love the guy's game and think he's played the most consistent on this team, but he hasn't been without his faults over the last month. The whole team played lost in the 2nd half on Saturday.
Why does CJ get a pass? I love the guy's game and think he's played the most consistent on this team, but he hasn't been without his faults over the last month. The whole team played lost in the 2nd half on Saturday.

Can't really blame CJ for the g-town games. He was the only one actually facing an NBA player on D.
Never has a senior played so badly yet defended by people with : he's a good guy,student,teammate. He's a basketball player , thats why hes put under a microscope.

That's because he's local. It's the same thing with the Albany contingent who would attack anyone with the slightest criticism of Forth.

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