This team is going to fall somewhere between 2010 and 2017.
I am relatively confident we are going to generate high volume scoring with very good efficiency.
The question will come down to defense and rebounding (and chemistry).
CDB being healthy OR Frank coming back goes a long way to giving me confidence about both of those things and might be the most important variable for next year. If one of those happens, we will no longer be in double digit seed zone.
Having 2/3 of Benny/Cole/Sy play above expectations (on O & D) is the variable that could get us to 2010 levels, if CDB and/or Frank is full go.
I actually like that all of our forwards will be in their first year in the system because I think that lowers the chance that JB puts them at the 5 (I am assuming Q is gone)
Final prediction relates to Frank staying but if he does I think we could get close to 2010 levels.
- Sy will be a better ball handler AND shooter than people think (more like Triche than KR)
- Cole will shoot as well as buddy on lower volume but board and defend better than people think
- Benny is the one I have lower expectations for but if he can give us a poor mans Melo, that’d be cool (not counting on it)
- Buddy will not dip (>40% from three and efficient from 2)
- Junior will shoot and rebound better than people think and give us Big Rick like moves on the block, though in small doses
- Frank could give us the biggest impact on D at the 4/5 since Grant
- Edwards will be serviceable and provide good depth and rebounding/D
- CDB would be an above average starting Center in every phase of the game if healthy (5th year senior)
- Big Joe - Upside call option (do they make downside call options?