How times have changed as far as demographics goes on where we recruited this class: By State...
1st Illinois : 6
2nd Florida : 5
3rd - Pennsylvania: 3 (ok 4 if you count AJ)
4th - Georgia: 2
5th - New York: 2 (I placed them 5th only because the 2nd NY recruit is JC- WayneWilliams who has been in previous classes)
6th thru 11th - 1 each in Alabama, Tennessee, North Carolina, Michigan, Connecticut and NJ.
That is 10 from the South East region (40%)
7 from the Mid West (28%)
and 8 from the North East (32%)
We recruited from 11 different states. Not a great showing from NY, but what can you do. Be intresting to see if this trends continues, but as long as they keep drafting classes like this one, although I would like more local kids to stay home, does it really matter?
Before we landed Thomas, I thought the Cabinda loss was significant, but feel we did just fine there without him. The only other loss I was concerned about in this draft was Holley, but realized too late is was never meant to be. Other than that, I would say the only hole, if it is one that I can see was we didn't get that second RB, but other than that, best recruiting year I have ever followed since the 90's, and we didn't have the tools and info we do today. Great job to HCSS and his team, and thanks to all of you guys & gals that spend so much time keeping people like me informed, and sometimes in line!
Coaches can take a day off now and enjoy the moment and start the 2015 class after the snow storm! #hardnosed