O'Brien To Texans Finalized | Page 3 | Syracusefan.com

O'Brien To Texans Finalized

"There seemed to be particular frustration with the political side of being a college coach, the glad-handing and recruiting that takes up more time than the football."

That paragraph describes both O'Brien and Marrone. Like others have said, none of it is new to college athletics. Looks like neither of these friends did their homework.

There are many talented NFL assistants. All of them know that having NFL experience AND HC experience gives you a leg up on those that only have one or the other. Taking a D-1 college HC job accomplishes that and increases your chances of getting an NFL HC job. Marrrone and BOB both were well aware of this. Doesn't make them bad people - just the way it is. Both of them probably underestimated the politics.
Haven't heard Dan Mullen's name come up again. Might be an option.

If they hired Mullen PSU would be around 6-6 until he was gone. Was he a guy that they were looking at?
There are many talented NFL assistants. All of them know that having NFL experience AND HC experience gives you a leg up on those that only have one or the other. Taking a D-1 college HC job accomplishes that and increases your chances of getting an NFL HC job. Marrrone and BOB both were well aware of this. Doesn't make them bad people - just the way it is. Both of them probably underestimated the politics.
there is no doubt that both understood the politics, but if you read into O'Brien's quotes I think he had some real serious issues behind the scenes with the Pedterno lovers and he is openly warning all future staffs that there will be immense pressure behind the scenes.

They might run the program down to a lower BCS status. Rutgirls might have it's equals until the present board of trusties is replaced with NEW ONES that have no ties to the Paternos.

Shady might be the only coach dumb enough to not to understand the rules that are in place at Ped university.
there is no doubt that both understood the politics, but if you read into O'Brien's quotes I think he had some real serious issues behind the scenes with the Pedterno lovers and he is openly warning all future staffs that there will be immense pressure behind the scenes.

They might run the program down to a lower BCS status. Rutgirls might have it's equals until the present board of trusties is replaced with NEW ONES that have no ties to the Paternos.

Shady might be the only coach dumb enough to not to understand the rules that are in place at Ped university.

From the previous posts, it sure sounds like BOB wanted out because of the PSU environment more so than an opportunity in the NFL.

As for Shady, he may be one of the only coaches that wouldn't give a about what Paterno supports thought of him. Look at the way he acted in Tampa. Even though his players were in revolt, he wouldn't change his ways.
CuseOnly said:
Herbstreet just mentioned on College Gameday that he thought Schiano would be a great choice for Ped State. I almost spit orange juice through my nose when I heard it.

That guy is a buckeye at heart. He knows exactly what he was saying...
"There seemed to be particular frustration with the political side of being a college coach, the glad-handing and recruiting that takes up more time than the football."

That paragraph describes both O'Brien and Marrone. Like others have said, none of it is new to college athletics. Looks like neither of these friends did their homework.
I don't know about O'Brien's background, but Marrone did his homework at Tennessee and Georgia Tech. What he may not have realized is the different levels of support between the southern schools and his alma mater.
there is no doubt that both understood the politics, but if you read into O'Brien's quotes I think he had some real serious issues behind the scenes with the Pedterno lovers and he is openly warning all future staffs that there will be immense pressure behind the scenes.

They might run the program down to a lower BCS status. Rutgirls might have it's equals until the present board of trusties is replaced with NEW ONES that have no ties to the Paternos.

Shady might be the only coach dumb enough to not to understand the rules that are in place at Ped university.
its all about the benjamins
christopher hanzel ‏@milt40 7m
Cleveland Browns want to interview Auburn's Malzahn, Vandy's Franklin http://cbsprt.co/1l01FQt via @cbssports GREAT CHOICE

Malzahn's rise to coaching has been pretty amazing.

HS Head coach 1992-2005
Arkansas OC 2006-2006
Tulsa OC 2007-2008
Auburn OC 2009-2011
Arkansas St HC 2012-2012
Auburn HC 2013
Cleveland Browns HC ?

How many coaches in this era have never been an assistant coach ever before becoming an OC? Just seems like he landed in the right spot at the rift time with the players in high school that he brought to Arkansas.
Cowherd said Schiano is a perfect fit and the perceived leader at this point. Schiano is a Sandusky disciple so that might be a negative to some. After coaching at RU I'd hate for him to get a higher profile gig built on the "Howards" and "Norfolk States" of the world. That, and I think he's a dbag.
Cowherd said Schiano is a perfect fit and the perceived leader at this point. Schiano is a Sandusky disciple so that might be a negative to some. After coaching at RU I'd hate for him to get a higher profile gig built on the "Howards" and "Norfolk States" of the world. That, and I think he's a dbag.

He'd fit in perfectly at PSU since they are the qb killer of high profile college teams.
SUFaninNJ said:
Cowherd said Schiano is a perfect fit and the perceived leader at this point. Schiano is a Sandusky disciple so that might be a negative to some. After coaching at RU I'd hate for him to get a higher profile gig built on the "Howards" and "Norfolk States" of the world. That, and I think he's a dbag.

Schiano to Penn St is similar to Kiffen to USC in that they both have perceptions that outweigh actual accomplishment. And it's be painted as a good move be everyone in the media - while most see it as an accident waiting to happen.
PSU is always going to recruit better than Syracuse, not much you can do there. Schiano will never be able to outcoach a lot of those guys in the Big 10. After O'Briens rant, don't know if PSU will do much better. Franklin can go just about anywhere now
I want Ped State to hire Greg Robinson, that is my New Year's wish. Or Bozo The Clown, whichever is available first.
If O'Brien's leaving was being planned well in advanced then why did he fire Vanderlinden,who was a long term assistant at Penn. St.. 13 years.

Could he have been rat to the BOT'S or could have been some other type of retaliation against the school as O'B wanted out in a big way. Will the new coach be forced to hire him back?

something smells rotten here as the guy was having success getting his position players in the NFL.
IthacaBarrel said:
PSU is always going to recruit better than Syracuse, not much you can do there. Schiano will never be able to outcoach a lot of those guys in the Big 10. After O'Briens rant, don't know if PSU will do much better. Franklin can go just about anywhere now

Hire Schiano, force Jay Paterno on him as OC. Grab some popcorn and enjoy the show, especially with Rutgers in the B1G.
Maybe they'll hire McQueary as head coach. ROFL...oh I guess he already played all of the cards he had.
Schiano to Penn St is similar to Kiffen to USC in that they both have perceptions that outweigh actual accomplishment. And it's be painted as a good move be everyone in the media - while most see it as an accident waiting to happen.
Can't agree more with this. Also as Chip has said I think its obvious Schiano would hire Jay Paterno as a sign of respect to the Cult of Joe apologists still at Penn State. Sadly my girlfriend's family is full of Penn State alums and they want James Franklin just because he is a PA guy and not Greg Schiano.
Harrisburg Patriot News reports that Larry Johnson Sr. has been named Acting Head Coach. Clearly the best choice to try to keep recruiting class together.
Totally disagree. The situation at Ped State was unique. Idolized coach, the only one most Ped Staters had ever known, (literally) taken off his pedestal due to assistant coach/child molester. A university, a town and a culture imbued with the pseudo-religious notion of 'St. Joe' now facing a crisis of faith. And/or falling under the spell of total denial.

My favorite part of O'Brien's screed:

“You can print this: You can print that I don’t really give a ---- what the ‘Paterno people’ think about what I do with this program. I’ve done everything I can to show respect to Coach Paterno. Everything in my power. So I could really care less about what the Paterno faction of people, or whatever you call them, think about what I do with the program. I’m tired of it.

“For any ‘Paterno person’ to have any objection to what I’m doing, it makes me wanna put my fist through this windshield right now.”

Ya think prospective future coaches might read that?

The situation at Penn State was unique...but should anything have been a surprise? Nope. Shouldn't have been, other than perhaps dealing with it is even more demanding than the expectations.
Cowherd said Schiano is a perfect fit and the perceived leader at this point. Schiano is a Sandusky disciple so that might be a negative to some. After coaching at RU I'd hate for him to get a higher profile gig built on the "Howards" and "Norfolk States" of the world. That, and I think he's a dbag.

oh my god imagine poor Christian Hackenburg who basically committed to BoB and stuck with his pledge even with the strict penalties. He better practice turning around and handing the ball off. He is probably beside himself
oh my god imagine poor Christian Hackenburg who basically committed to BoB and stuck with his pledge even with the strict penalties. He better practice turning around and handing the ball off. He is probably beside himself
Coulda been the starter at Bama next year.
Coulda been the starter at Bama next year.

he's probably so pi$$ed. i saw a Holley interview where he said he talked to O'brien last week right when the rumors came out and he told him he just signed a 5 year contract and will be his coach. At least Marrone had his assistants lie for him.
he's probably so pi$$ed. i saw a Holley interview where he said he talked to O'brien last week right when the rumors came out and he told him he just signed a 5 year contract and will be his coach. At least Marrone had his assistants lie for him.
Holley backed off on that claim a bit later.

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