it has set the opening day record in half the countries it opened in. blowing away all dec records so far. tough to beat a summer opening but it will be close.. too bad china held off for a few weeks.
The first showing here is at 8:10 tonight, which my wife and I are going to. Apparently they're already seating people, and there are several there already. They've been there since before 3 locally (we're central time). That's just dumb.
the box office thing thats crazy so many people going this weekend.. i know in our office of geeks about 15 people age 30-55. everyone plans on seeing this movie but i am the only one who plans on going this weekend. with the xmas holiday the rest are all waiting for after xmas when the demand slows down.. that bodes well for the legs.
some crazy box office numbers being thrown out.. it broke the preview record by a ton.. but now they are wondering if disney held something back and is rolling after midnight into fridays totals to break even more records. rumors of over 230 now.