I get that you are not are not "attacking" or "bashing" the D or HCDB. The point is that the pices are not yet in place and complaining about it is premature. Additionally, it does nothing to advance the cause. We have faced the issues (more importantly, HCDB and staff have faced the issues, identified players to fill the needs and are going after them). We have realized that depth is an issue. We know the D is not as daunting as it once was. However, in the big picture, pieces are coming together.
As to teh scheme itself, what scheme would you run with undersized underclassmen? Serious question. You and others have not proffered a better solution or pla, only stated this is not working. This in spite of the fact that the D has worked in several games where teh O was the issue. Today, the D faced a very good O in Pitt and acknowledging the personnel losses one can easily conclude that the scheme may work, but requires experience, size and speed. The kids played well in spite of the negatives. The scheme has worked in several games. Also, the T2 is the basis of the defense and is tailored to HCDB's plans. Let's get more if HCDB's ideal players in the system and see what it does before condemning it.