Class of 2015 - OLB Shyheim (Shy) Cullen (MA) Signed LOI | Page 14 |

Class of 2015 OLB Shyheim (Shy) Cullen (MA) Signed LOI

So just a little thing I found interesting in the last few days I have been on this and a Miami board. Its getting to be a full time job. But i find it interesting in what the people hear think of some recruits particularly the recruits coming from Florida and Jersey vs what Miami fans think of the Florida prospects and Jersey prospects. I wonder how much is rating boards and hype vs actual knowledge of the kids. Its funny there are very few kids that both sites think are quality recruits

Everyone loves Florida prospects but you'll find this board divided on the importantance of NJ. While not an area one can ignore, IMO championship teams aren't built mainly of NJ players.

Everyone loves Florida prospects but you'll find this board divided on the importantance of NJ. While not an area one can ignore, IMO championship teams aren't built mainly of NJ players.

2012 State Populations
California - 38,041,430 - .000591%
Texas - 26,059,203 - .000737%
Florida - 19,317,568 - .000932%
New Jersey - 8,864,590 - .000688%

Looks to be right in range when you break it down by population.
Everyone loves Florida prospects but you'll find this board divided on the importantance of NJ. While not an area one can ignore, IMO championship teams aren't built mainly of NJ players.


Not sure how much you can lean on that report as it's State of Birth, not State of High School. I was born in New York, but played HS ball in Ohio.
2012 State Populations
California - 38,041,430 - .000591%
Texas - 26,059,203 - .000737%
Florida - 19,317,568 - .000932%
New Jersey - 8,864,590 - .000688%

Looks to be right in range when you break it down by population.

Population total is a tough measure to tell the entire story as we don't know how many of those are actually football players. I looked briefly and can't find the total number of high school football players by state. Only that last year there were just north of 1 mil HS football players in the US. If we had that number to compare to we could make a more informed judgement. I did find this though.
Population total is a tough measure to tell the entire story. I looked briefly and can't find the total number of high school football players by state. Only that last year there were just north of 1 mil HS football players in the US. If we had that number to compare to we could make a more informed judgement. I did find this though.
WOOOO go Mass...i dont know why I cant get shy ranked lol
Getting close to the visit...he is pretty excited.

We all are at this point. As you saw way back in the beginning of this thread, I (and others) saw his tape and were sold. Obviously we covered quite a bit more groundsince as to who Shy is, why the offer list didn't yet match the talent level, and recently the positive feedback he got in Texas and Florida. When it comes full circle though, the tape didn't lie and he still looks like a great LB that would excel most anywhere but especially at Syracuse in the system we run.
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We all are at this point. As you saw way back in the beginning of this thread, I (and others) saw his tape and were sold. Obviously we covered quite a bit more groundsince as to who Shy is, why the offer list didn't yet match the talent level, and recently the positive feedback he got in Texas and Florida. When it comes full circle though, the tape didn't lie and he still looks like a great LB that would excel most anywhere but especially at Syracuse in the system we run.
thats funny you say that even the Miami Fans Ive talked to that like Shy and his tape have said the Golden defense probably wont fit Shy. they are looking for more hybrid backer/corner types for their system. They have said the Syracuse defense would be a place Shy would excel at. As far as offers go I was just telling a guy from Miami who was giving me tips on getting Shys name to the other big schools Shy wanted Miami to look at him and he loves Syracuse so we have the attention of the only schools we want.
thats funny you say that even the Miami Fans Ive talked to that like Shy and his tape have said the Golden defense probably wont fit Shy. they are looking for more hybrid backer/corner types for their system. They have said the Syracuse defense would be a place Shy would excel at. As far as offers go I was just telling a guy from Miami who was giving me tips on getting Shys name to the other big schools Shy wanted Miami to look at him and he loves Syracuse so we have the attention of the only schools we want.

Curious as to how they know that since I don't pay the same attention to the Canes but it is true. Watching Shy's tape then watching Cuse game film of current and recently graduated LB's we have/had that excel it seems like a great fit.

Check out the numbers for our defense last season

Lynch and Davis are our returning senior OLB's with Spruill (now w/ the Falcons) running MLB between them. Nice TFL and Sack numbers. Davis wouldve had more but missed some time when he was dinged up.
This guy was pretty fanatical... he gave me film on a bunch of colleges broke down why shy would be good at bc replacing kpl at wisconsin at syracuse how if he moved to a different position his speed and power would work good at a couple different was crazy all the film and time he put into it. Not bad looking numbers hopefully Shy could fit in and bump up the sacks and tackles for loss record. I have a feeling when this process is over there will be a few schools shy will be looking to make an impact on as if to say "you should have taken me"
Bambrewer said:
This guy was pretty fanatical... he gave me film on a bunch of colleges broke down why shy would be good at bc replacing kpl at wisconsin at syracuse how if he moved to a different position his speed and power would work good at a couple different was crazy all the film and time he put into it. Not bad looking numbers hopefully Shy could fit in and bump up the sacks and tackles for loss record. I have a feeling when this process is over there will be a few schools shy will be looking to make an impact on as if to say "you should have taken me"

Don't know how the insane ACC schedule will play out - but it would be fun for him to play vs the Canes.
I'm look forward to seeing him make other schools think they should have looked at him. Thanks for all the interesting information you are giving us. Can't wait to hear how the Cuse visit goes!

This guy was pretty fanatical... he gave me film on a bunch of colleges broke down why shy would be good at bc replacing kpl at wisconsin at syracuse how if he moved to a different position his speed and power would work good at a couple different was crazy all the film and time he put into it. Not bad looking numbers hopefully Shy could fit in and bump up the sacks and tackles for loss record. I have a feeling when this process is over there will be a few schools shy will be looking to make an impact on as if to say "you should have taken me"
Don't know how the insane ACC schedule will play out - but it would be fun for him to play vs the Canes.
Lol when we were leaving I said to shy if Miami doesn't offer you the very first play the very first time you get on the field against them I want you to blitz I don't care what they play call is you blitz and you get qb and put him down hard and then get up and look over at the coaches that didn't offer and smile
Might not be able to compete with bikinis, but at least Mom and Dad can watch Shy play in person multiple times a yr :)

Who were the guys last year that were tweeting about the Cuse girls on campus during a visit? maybe Rodney Williams and Zaire Franklin?

I think out girls will do just fine. It's also a major bonus right after the cold season ends and the sunbathers come out in bikinis... Its also like a super bonus because it isn't a year round thing, and it just makes it that much more special...
thats funny you say that even the Miami Fans Ive talked to that like Shy and his tape have said the Golden defense probably wont fit Shy. they are looking for more hybrid backer/corner types for their system. They have said the Syracuse defense would be a place Shy would excel at. As far as offers go I was just telling a guy from Miami who was giving me tips on getting Shys name to the other big schools Shy wanted Miami to look at him and he loves Syracuse so we have the attention of the only schools we want.

Seeing as how on top of this whole process you guys seem to be, i'm sure you've had this conversation with Shy, but i'd be curious to know what your guys plan is if an offer from a school you hadn't anticipated. I don't mean your western michigans, but say a school like Notre dame, or South Carolina, or Michigan or even Alabama (the biggest of the big boys) drops an offer on Shy. I'd be very curious to see how you guys would handle that, and weigh it vs. the fact Shy seems to be in love with SU and his visit is right around the corner.

I'd also be curious how you would handle an offer that arrives post commitment that you can't really ignore.
That's a good question and thank you for thinking we are on top of this. Truth is I m pretty clueless and just learning as we go. We have discussed the big names and shy doesn't want to go to the factories. We have met a lot of kids through this and very chance I get I pick their brains. I see who they have talked to what they thought of it. The biggest thing that has rung thru is the kids that have a brain all say they don't care about me as a person just as a player. They won't help me get my degree they will just put me in easy classes to stay eligible. Shy doesn't want any part of it. From a football stand point the big schools don't get you any closer to the nfl than syracuse or bc but they put you further away from your degree... At least for a kid that may need some help the ultra smart book worms will be fine where ever. Shy has 3 schools on a list Syracuse Miami and BC . But bc cooled way off after shys last report card and shy looks at it as they don't believe in him. It had really slid them way down from where he was a couple months ago. Miami these week end was quite the trip great campus decent school they say all the right things about acedamics and haven't really heard anything bad in that front. The coaches were all very nice and lived shy. The big problem aside from they haven't offered is their defense isn't really set up for shy. I'm sure shy could work and fit any scheme but I think the coaches feel they have other fish they want to land before making a project of shy. As far as post commit offers shy and I have talked extensively about it. His word is his word. Syracuse has put faith in him to offer and he won't change once he commits ( aside from what I have always said... If coaches leave or get fired ... Ncaa sanctions etc real reasons ) not just well so and so looks better. Shy has very little use for these kids that use a commit to draw attention. He even told one kid that told him he wAs doing it to get a better offer that he wouldn't want to play with a kid who would do that. So when you see the BOOM SHY committed ... To who ever it is... You won't need to worry till signing day with this kid
That's a good question and thank you for thinking we are on top of this. Truth is I m pretty clueless and just learning as we go. We have discussed the big names and shy doesn't want to go to the factories. We have met a lot of kids through this and very chance I get I pick their brains. I see who they have talked to what they thought of it. The biggest thing that has rung thru is the kids that have a brain all say they don't care about me as a person just as a player. They won't help me get my degree they will just put me in easy classes to stay eligible. Shy doesn't want any part of it. From a football stand point the big schools don't get you any closer to the nfl than syracuse or bc but they put you further away from your degree... At least for a kid that may need some help the ultra smart book worms will be fine where ever. Shy has 3 schools on a list Syracuse Miami and BC . But bc cooled way off after shys last report card and shy looks at it as they don't believe in him. It had really slid them way down from where he was a couple months ago. Miami these week end was quite the trip great campus decent school they say all the right things about acedamics and haven't really heard anything bad in that front. The coaches were all very nice and lived shy. The big problem aside from they haven't offered is their defense isn't really set up for shy. I'm sure shy could work and fit any scheme but I think the coaches feel they have other fish they want to land before making a project of shy. As far as post commit offers shy and I have talked extensively about it. His word is his word. Syracuse has put faith in him to offer and he won't change once he commits ( aside from what I have always said... If coaches leave or get fired ... Ncaa sanctions etc real reasons ) not just well so and so looks better. Shy has very little use for these kids that use a commit to draw attention. He even told one kid that told him he wAs doing it to get a better offer that he wouldn't want to play with a kid who would do that. So when you see the BOOM SHY committed ... To who ever it is... You won't need to worry till signing day with this kid

I won't lie, it's very exciting to hear you talk about how those factories don't have any sort of family culture, and they could give a rats backside about a kids ability to have a life if he can't go pro (which is still 50% of their roster or higher for any one year).

Like you said at SU they want to be a family that extends beyond the field. It really seems like Marrone was able to start that ball rolling, and Shafer has been able to put it in full swing. That's all we ever hear about, how much like a family we are, and it is great to hear that it really does matter to kids out there. Since you've talked to so many kids, what other schools seem to really have that family first culture?

Love the fact Shy wants to be a student at the next level. That's especially exciting to hear given his academic issues previously. It wouldn't be that shocking to hear a student in that situation just wanting things made easy for him so he can just play ball. Now that he has his IEP and is getting the additional supports that he needs, it sounds like he won't have a problem getting through HS and qualifying, especially with the help of another year to get that stuff up even more.

I don't claim to know a ton about IEPs, (and you've probably thought of this anyways) but I believe there are certain accommodations that HS students can receive that college students can not. I would shoot his case manager (or perhaps talking to Shy's lead SU recruiter would be the better option?) an email and see if she can clarify, so that before Shy's final HS evaluation meeting, he has the proper accommodations listed that will transfer with him to college and make sure he has all the necessary supports. I would hate to see him make tons of progress and then back step because something he was accustomed to as a support wasn't available to him.

Random piece of advice/suggestion (which might be hard on a mobile device) but for your longer posts, could you space them out a touch? Always a little easier on the eyes, you won't get people who do the whole TLDR; garbage when some really good stuff you point out is there to give us all the more insight, and for my own selfishness, I often get interrupted when surfing and it takes time to find where I was when I got interrupted.

Lastly I would also like to say its nice to hear about "your word is your word, and you stick by it." Essentially you don't want him to say yes until he's 100% all in, and that's great to see. Also quite happy to see Shy isn't a fan of kids using schools to get bigger offers. That practice annoys the crap out of me.

Couple more questions...

How did you guys identify your top 3, Miami, BC and Syracuse? Was that a growing up thing? Or were they the first to reach out? Something else entirely?

I assume you are aware, but we unveiled new Uniforms are while back, what do you think of them? What about Shy? Do the uniform he'd be wearing make an ounce of difference to him/you guys? Do you think uniforms make that big of a deal in terms of recruiting? This has been debated to death around here, and would be nice to get an opinion from somebody who is actually in a position to help answer those questions.
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This post is why people believe you're on top of things, whether its Syracuse or someone else you obviously get it. Breath of fresh air really. Good luck to Shy and you and your family wherever he decides to go.
This 1000X this. It may not feel like you have a clue, and are totally winging it as you go, but you are really considering all sides of this, and it's great to hear about it all coming together for you guys.
I won't lie, it's very exciting to hear you talk about how those factories don't have any sort of family culture, and they could give a rats backside about a kids ability to have a life if he can't go pro (which is still 50% of their roster or higher for any one year).

Like you said at SU they want to be a family that extends beyond the field. It really seems like Marrone was able to start that ball rolling, and Shafer has been able to put it in full swing. That's all we ever hear about, how much like a family we are, and it is great to hear that it really does matter to kids out there. Since you've talked to so many kids, what other schools seem to really have that family first culture?

Love the fact Shy wants to be a student at the next level. That's especially exciting to hear given his academic issues previously. It wouldn't be that shocking to hear a student in that situation just wanting things made easy for him so he can just play ball. Now that he has his IEP and is getting the additional supports that he needs, it sounds like he won't have a problem getting through HS and qualifying, especially with the help of another year to get that stuff up even more.

I don't claim to know a ton about IEPs, (and you've probably thought of this anyways) but I believe there are certain accommodations that HS students can receive that college students can not. I would shoot his case manager (or perhaps talking to Shy's lead SU recruiter would be the better option?) an email and see if she can clarify, so that before Shy's final HS evaluation meeting, he has the proper accommodations listed that will transfer with him to college and make sure he has all the necessary supports. I would hate to see him make tons of progress and then back step because something he was accustomed to as a support wasn't available to him.

Random piece of advice/suggestion (which might be hard on a mobile device) but for your longer posts, could you space them out a touch? Always a little easier on the eyes, you won't get people who do the whole TLDR; garbage when some really good stuff you point out is there to give us all the more insight, and for my own selfishness, I often get interrupted when surfing and it takes time to find where I was when I got interrupted.

Lastly I would also like to say its nice to hear about "your word is your word, and you stick by it." Essentially you don't want him to say yes until he's 100% all in, and that's great to see. Also quite happy to see Shy isn't a fan of kids using schools to get bigger offers. That practice annoys the crap out of me.

Couple more questions...

How did you guys identify your top 3, Miami, BC and Syracuse? Was that a growing up thing? Or were they the first to reach out? Something else entirely?

I assume you are aware, but we unveiled new Uniforms are while back, what do you think of them? What about Shy? Do the uniform he'd be wearing make an ounce of difference to him/you guys? Do you think uniforms make that big of a deal in terms of recruiting? This has been debated to death around here, and would be nice to get an opinion from somebody who is actually in a position to help answer those questions.

Ok lot to work with here...First I will try and space the posts I am terrible at typing and scraped thru school but will do what I can...all bets are off from the phone though. My iphone zooms in so I can only see like 10 words at a time and I am usually impressed it is readable at all.

To be honest there have been very few kids that have mentioned a family atmosphere... mostly they talk about the other players as being a family staff doesnt really enter into it. I will say watch the staff interact with the Miami players (during the camp the football team was there and at lunch were doing 7 on 7s) the kids seemed to be laughing and hanging out with the position coaches but who knows could be just a show for the camp. BC was very impressive in their insistence that you graduate with a degree... I havent seen it at any other schools (though it may exist) but we had to meet with the athletes learning resource center during our visit. The lady we spoke with us explained what they do. She said the meet with all the freshman and help set up classes so they are not overwhelmed during the season. She said after that its what the individual needs. She said some kids come once a quarter to do class schedule. Some come once a month to check in. Some will come weekly to use the computer lab and library. Some kids come every day to meet with tutors...then she blew me away... she said in some cases they will assign a person to go with the student to every class and do every assignment...she said they wont do the work but they will make sure the student understands what they are doing. That was pretty cool to know for a kid like shy that might need help.

Shys attitude to school changed a lot when the doctor told him its not a bad attitude Shy suffers from but that the early stuff Shy went thru has caused the problems he has now. He went from hating school and wanting to play at a place like UNC to just play ball and cruise thru wanting a back up plan if the NFL doesnt happen. His IEP will follow thru college. BC was huge on pushing for his IEP. They said what ever is in place when he graduates will follow him all the way thru. He gets 50 percent more time to complete tests and that seems to be working next year when we meet in Sept we will see if he needs more. The recruiters seem to know very little about the academic stuff and point you to other people at the school to talk to. When he commits we will begin that. He has a college adviser in the high school who takes care of the communication from high school to college... they are working on his no time restriction SAT ACT now...which he takes the SAT saturday and the ACT next Saturday.

Top 3 we call the only three. Miami was a growing up thing Shy likes the loud hard hitting style that Miami used to be know for. He always used to say he was going to play there..then he grew up and has started looking at schools differently. I think if they offered in the next couple weeks Shy might have to do some sole searching as to what he wants.

Syracuse was a relationship thing. The coaches believed in Shy. Thats huge to Shy. He believes he can be the next great player and his work ethic will get him there. But if someone doesnt give you the tools to get there it doesnt matter. The coaches call him and visit the school alot and Shy has formed a bond with the coach. Now I have tried to explain that any one recruiting him will give him that same feeling (the coaches really pump these kids up) But its all the stuff we have read and heard since the initial contact that has reinforced that this is a great place to be...not to mention proximity and moms approval.

BC was kind of a surprise. Its a local school so it has the closeness thing and you have the local espn hype when the recruiters get out to the schools so the kids like that. The visit went well and the film time where the coach kept saying we want you to come here and do exactly what KPL is are built to replace KPL... helped the case. Shy believes he is a great blitzer believes his sacks are what will get him to the next level. He has and unbelievable sense of when the ball is going to be snapped. He faced all kinds of snap counts this year and only had 3 offsides which considering how he gets across the line is unbelievable. the other teams do everything to get him to jump but cant.. as a matter of fact 1 of his offside last year wasnt a missed timing it was he went to fake and slid into the neutral zone. BC wants to blitz 60 percent of the time.. thats built for Shy. plus the academics and the help the offer on the academics helped their case. But as I have said their recruitment has cooled so Shy is feeling like they have lost faith.

Uniforms arent a huge factor but no one wants to wear ugly stuff. To be honest my kids wear under armour and it kills me that Syracuse and Miami are nike. BC has under armour. Shys coaches ask all the time if he has an under armour contract . I spent 650 dollars last season on the cleats my two kids was a charity auction for the BC under armour Wounded Warrior Project uniforms with the american flag cleats. those could be the greatest cleats ever made. Shy destroyed his during the season but Ryan will wear his to BC camp. This year Shy is wearing his Superman highlights and for grass games has his Northwestern wounded game flag cleats... if I can figure it out I will post some pictures of Shys equipment..I have spent a fortune.The new uniforms are ok id give the edge to the new Miami ones...the chrome helmet look goes along way.

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