Class of 2015 - OLB Shyheim (Shy) Cullen (MA) Signed LOI | Page 16 |

Class of 2015 OLB Shyheim (Shy) Cullen (MA) Signed LOI

Not sure how I did that but it seemed to have attached weird

I think everybody wants to play for a good team so the recruits coming in make a difference in school choice.

I think given the chance Shy would help convince recruits to join Syracuse. Shy has been huge the last two years recruiting players to the high school team. After his sophmore year they lost their whole line to senior year turn over. Shy convinced a bunch of kids who had never played before to join the team. Also the team was left with a sub par quarterback group that year. When the team heard a kid at a local private school who was a pretty good qb was unhappy with his team situation...Shy Nick and Thunder went and met with the kid and convinced him to come play at the high school for them. It worked out pretty well for the kid he just got a baseball scholarship playing for Lowell high when he wasnt even on the radar for baseball at his previous school.

Shy and Nick are true leaders of this team. they should have been captains last year as the seniors that were put in place didnt do half what those boys did to motivate and get the team ready. Unfortunately the coaches believe only seniors should be captains... I see their point just think the true leaders should be the captains.

Shy and I actually had a conversation yesterday about how strange it would be to go to a school where there seems to be groups of kids that know each other coming in...the florida crew seems like they know each other...and the recent Jersey signing seems there maybe a group of friends coming together. I asked Shy if it would bother him to be the odd man out...he didnt seem to concerned and said it doesnt matter where I go unless by some miracle Nick and I get recruited and end up in the same school anywhere I go it will be like that.

I will also tell you over the weekend Shy spoke with a lot of college coaches, his high school coach and position coach. We had a long conversation and Shy will not be able to commit at the visit coming up. It s not fair to Shy or anyone else at this point. I will say Syracuse is still Shy's Number 1 choice and he will probably end up there in the end but it wont be this month. We are still looking forward to our visit and camp in a couple weeks. As I have told you all before we are new to this process and trying to figure out everything. I think we got a little ahead of ourselves and need to slow down and make sure this is going to be the right thing for all involved.

Don't feel bad about taking time to evaluate options. I'm sure as the season progress Shy will have plenty of places to play. All Syracuse can do is make their pitch and hope Shy and your family agree at the end, its the best place for him. Good luck going through the process. I am sure it can be very stressful to you and your son!
Thanks everyone we appreciate the kind words again. This whole process really stinks. Its funny I sit here and read other kids threads and I am in your shoes. I critique there play, their tweets, their decisions. But then when it comes to Shy I have all the info of whats happening. What schools are saying to him, what coaches are telling him to do or not do, schools promising this and that. This kid gets pulled in a hundred directions. Every day is a new hill or valley in the roller coaster. It may be harder or easier on Shy than some of the top recruits I cant say one way or the other. And Shy doesn't let it show if its getting to him but i can tell you from watching it all alot of it bothers me for him.
Thanks everyone we appreciate the kind words again. This whole process really stinks. Its funny I sit here and read other kids threads and I am in your shoes. I critique there play, their tweets, their decisions. But then when it comes to Shy I have all the info of whats happening. What schools are saying to him, what coaches are telling him to do or not do, schools promising this and that. This kid gets pulled in a hundred directions. Every day is a new hill or valley in the roller coaster. It may be harder or easier on Shy than some of the top recruits I cant say one way or the other. And Shy doesn't let it show if its getting to him but i can tell you from watching it all alot of it bothers me for him.

It's truly been a privilege to have you not only in this thread but on this board. Stay strong, Shy seems like a good, strong charactered individual. Whatever comes of this process I'm sure Shy will make the best of it. It's not easy, but he's already got an advantage having you help him along the way.
Bam - I love reading your posts and your insight and appreciate your openness and honesty. I'm wondering what specifically happened that made things turn from Shy wanting to commit before even coming to visit to holding off for a while. Seemed like he was set on Cuse and everyone was on board in the family (with mom most of the way there), so I'm just curious why the change of heart.
Bambrewer said:
No change of heart. Just have to slow down. It's hard to explain but Syracuse is still his number 1
no worries Bam! It's a stressful time with school wrapping up for the semester and SATs/ACTs on the horizon. Hopefully Shy can hit the camp circuit and take a breather in the summer and focus on himself before worrying about the next step.
My only word of caution is especially if SU is Shy's only BCS offer, you may not want to risk taking that long. I can recall several guys who had 1 BCS offer from SU and eventually lost it when they waited too long, as SU filled up their spot with other guys and they ended up either playing in a small conference or walking on somewhere. So I guess i'm saying take your time, but don't take too long if this is a place that he's excited about and wants to go.
Maybe we need to let Shy and his family and the staff all decide when is the right time for Shy to make his decision. Give the poor man a break. He has been very gracious in answering all of your questions and taking part on this forum. There are many elements involved in recruiting and we aren't privy to most of those. I wish Shy a great camp visit on 6/21 and a great season this Fall.
CL - I'm pretty sure the vast majority of us echo your sentiments, but since we are all big-time recruitniks and love to follow everything and see what is going on it is rare we get actual true insight into the thought process of the kids and parents. So being able to candidly ask Bam questions, at least for me, is amazing. We all want Shy to take his time and make the right decision, it is just fun to find out why certain decisions are made and to see the thinking that goes on behind each twist and turn of the recruiting process, because usually all we get are some random stories from a beat writer or a tweet from a kid. This is arguably the biggest decision Shy will make in his life and he needs to make sure that down to his core he is making the right decision. We all hope it ends up as Syracuse but regardless I have become a fan of the individual, not just the potential football player and will thoroughly enjoy watching him progress, albeit with way more enjoyment if he picks SU. :)
JrodCuse said:
CL - I'm pretty sure the vast majority of us echo your sentiments, but since we are all big-time recruitniks and love to follow everything and see what is going on it is rare we get actual true insight into the thought process of the kids and parents. So being able to candidly ask Bam questions, at least for me, is amazing. We all want Shy to take his time and make the right decision, it is just fun to find out why certain decisions are made and to see the thinking that goes on behind each twist and turn of the recruiting process, because usually all we get are some random stories from a beat writer or a tweet from a kid. This is arguably the biggest decision Shy will make in his life and he needs to make sure that down to his core he is making the right decision. We all hope it ends up as Syracuse but regardless I have become a fan of the individual, not just the potential football player and will thoroughly enjoy watching him progress, albeit with way more enjoyment if he picks SU. :)

I think as they are working it out, it's dangerous to get too involved as fans. I'm with you a 1000% on having a unique perspective into recruiting - and into Shys family (how could we not root for him now!)...

It's just at a point where we have gone as far as we really can - I think Bam has gotten some good info on the fan base and hopefully we've made a good impression.
No change of heart. Just have to slow down. It's hard to explain but Syracuse is still his number 1

Hopefully camp goes well and everything gets sorted for you guys relatively quickly. You've got a fan base here regardless but certainly still hoping everything works out for Shy to be the next great orange LB.
Need people to be scared to hit us over the middle, like they used to be.
Bam can you please help me out with something? When you're at the Southern camps do you notice a lot of prospect in Shy's class being a year or 2+ older than he is? I know you mentioned they impressed with his physique especially given his age (16) and seems some of these Southern boys we land are 20 or older when they hit campus vs Shy whom I presume will only be 18. Perhaps that's part of the reason the NE doesn't have as many guys considered immediate impact starters by the recruiting sites?
Bam can you please help me out with something? When you're at the Southern camps do you notice a lot of prospect in Shy's class being a year or 2+ older than he is? I know you mentioned they impressed with his physique especially given his age (16) and seems some of these Southern boys we land are 20 or older when they hit campus vs Shy whom I presume will only be 18. Perhaps that's part of the reason the NE doesn't have as many guys considered immediate impact starters by the recruiting sites?

Other then Estime who was 20 when they hit campus?
Bam can you please help me out with something? When you're at the Southern camps do you notice a lot of prospect in Shy's class being a year or 2+ older than he is? I know you mentioned they impressed with his physique especially given his age (16) and seems some of these Southern boys we land are 20 or older when they hit campus vs Shy whom I presume will only be 18. Perhaps that's part of the reason the NE doesn't have as many guys considered immediate impact starters by the recruiting sites?
You know thats one stat always missing from player Bio's Im not sure of their ages. I know shy will be turning 17 in 5 days and will graduate at 17. As shy is (at least in mass) only a month under the min start age for school he is usually the youngest in any class. If any kids stayed back a year they would of course be 18 to 19 and I am sure a couple kids thru start dates and staying back would reach 20.

Now I will put on my parent glaze for you. All I cant tell you for sure is when we where in Dallas he was one of the largest kids in there. In Miami he was by far the largest in the skilled player group. New Jersey's Rivals invite only camp was the only place there was a couple kids his size in the skilled position ... but this is where we got to see all the 4 and 5 star kids. I can also tell you Shy is in unbelievable shape. He has the physique of the wide receivers and corners but the size of the biggest linebackers. This kid is in the 10 percent body fat range. Most of the kids in Jersey that were Shys size were very soft compared to Shy.

I will also tell you a story of this week. this week Shy is at a contact full pads camp put on by high school coaches. There is 12 or so surrounding town high schools at the camp. I was watching shy run a line backer drill and the coach moved some kids around so shy would be matched up against the biggest kid available. He is an up coming senior from last years division 2 superbowl team. He is one of the better kids. Well Shy goes to run the drill and he blows this kid up. I mean this kid got decleated. Shy comes running back to get in line and one of Shys teammates is dying laughing. He says to Shy that was so awesome and so excessively unnecessary at the same time. Shy said I didnt mean to do that I thought the kid was bigger. The next time up the kid wouldnt go against Shy again. The coach had to come over and ask Shy to not hit the kids so hard. There was a couple local college coaches that had shown up and were watching Shy so I kinda slid over to hear what they were talking about. One coach said he was going to offer Shy if his next report card looked good. The other guy said he thought about it but with his Syracuse offer he wasnt going to waste his time.
The other guy said he thought about it but with his Syracuse offer he wasnt going to waste his time.

My favorite part of this story.

On a side note, from the pictures posted at the beginning of this thread, it looks to me that Shy could have some success in bodybuilding competitions. I believe one of the pics is just of that, but if football doesn't work out for him, he may want to give it serious consideration. Sounds like he has the mind and willpower to dedicate himself in such a difficult pursuit, and he definitely looks like he has the genes.
My favorite part of this story.

On a side note, from the pictures posted at the beginning of this thread, it looks to me that Shy could have some success in bodybuilding competitions. I believe one of the pics is just of that, but if football doesn't work out for him, he may want to give it serious consideration. Sounds like he has the mind and willpower to dedicate himself in such a difficult pursuit, and he definitely looks like he has the genes.
He probably could...He has 2 or 3 athlete training facilities that want to train him for free. I have heard of that in college but I have never heard of that in highs school. They all tell me they just want to tell other schools they train Shy so the kids will join the gym.
He probably could...He has 2 or 3 athlete training facilities that want to train him for free. I have heard of that in college but I have never heard of that in highs school. They all tell me they just want to tell other schools they train Shy so the kids will join the gym.

Arnold Schwarzenegger started at 16. ;) :D
Other then Estime who was 20 when they hit campus?

Heck of a question. Can you find me a Syracuse roster that lists players birthdays? I looked for SU, FSU, LSU, etc and wasn't able to find any listings.
When you are evaluating kids a big part of that is age as many parents keep their kids home until they are 6 and another year older than a lot of the peers in their grade. Curious to see how much of this adds to confidence to the kid as they age.
Heck of a question. Can you find me a Syracuse roster that lists players birthdays? I looked for SU, FSU, LSU, etc and wasn't able to find any listings.

Yes, If you go to the roster shows the year of their birth. For example Broyld...and he didn't make it to campus until 2012. You will have to check each one but it is there. And no I am not doing this for you.;)

Personal: Ashton M. Broyld … Born in January 1992 in Henrietta, N.Y.
I will also tell you a story of this week. this week Shy is at a contact full pads camp put on by high school coaches. There is 12 or so surrounding town high schools at the camp. I was watching shy run a line backer drill and the coach moved some kids around so shy would be matched up against the biggest kid available. He is an up coming senior from last years division 2 superbowl team. He is one of the better kids. Well Shy goes to run the drill and he blows this kid up. I mean this kid got decleated. Shy comes running back to get in line and one of Shys teammates is dying laughing. He says to Shy that was so awesome and so excessively unnecessary at the same time. Shy said I didnt mean to do that I thought the kid was bigger. The next time up the kid wouldnt go against Shy again. The coach had to come over and ask Shy to not hit the kids so hard. There was a couple local college coaches that had shown up and were watching Shy so I kinda slid over to hear what they were talking about. One coach said he was going to offer Shy if his next report card looked good. The other guy said he thought about it but with his Syracuse offer he wasnt going to waste his time.

LOVE this part of it. Doesn't yet know his own strength but modest in the process. He's looking to beat the other guy but not embarass him in a camp setting. Presume in games he might decleat guys right from the start and then force them to have to play him despite not wanting to the rest of the way.

I don't imagine he's ever been matched up with a guy and not want to face them the rest of the way and that mentality is huge. IF Shy does get beat on one play he's likely going harder the next, not avoiding players. Fair assessment?
Yes, If you go to the roster shows the year of their birth. For example Broyld...and he didn't make it to campus until 2012. You will have to check each one but it is there. And no I am not doing this for you.;)

Personal: Ashton M. Broyld … Born in January 1992 in Henrietta, N.Y.

LOVE this part of it. Doesn't yet know his own strength but modest in the process. He's looking to beat the other guy but not embarass him in a camp setting. Presume in games he might decleat guys right from the start and then force them to have to play him despite not wanting to the rest of the way.

I don't imagine he's ever been matched up with a guy and not want to face them the rest of the way and that mentality is huge. IF Shy does get beat on one play he's likely going harder the next, not avoiding players. Fair assessment?
Lol yes with out question. We talk every game about the game film of the up coming opponent. We pick a kid who is going to be the first play target. That play offense or defense shy hits them as hard as he can for no other purpose other than to hit them...even if he is running the ball he just runs over who ever the target for the game is. In two games last year it resulted in the kid actually running away from Shy by the 2nd quarter. if you watch his game film from last years game against dracut you can actually see this kid run in the opposite direction on one play and on another he pretends he is responsible for another guy and turns away from Shy... the result was a 2 sack game with 5 knockdowns for a big win.

And at these camps Shy always looks for the kid that is the big talk of camp. he always wants to match up and show he can out play the big name. He has a huge chip on his shoulder this year about lack of rating and there will be a lot of opponents paying a price for that. I imagine that chip will stay in place thru college.

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