I'm not surprised. I had seasons for almost 35 years when I lived up there. I think I paid $14 or $17 a game in 1982. On the first level. Now I watch on TV from afar. Sometimes go when they play the Panthers down here. I met Ted once. They invited me to sit in his suite once during the 30th year I had tickets. He was very unfriendly. But dinner downstairs in his private dining room after the 1st period was very good. Sat with Dick Patrick. But my seats were better than his suite and we went back to them for the 3rd period. I'm really enjoying Ovi's march to break The Great One's record. With at least 3 of us on here should we have an "Other Sports" thread on the Caps? I can post tweets of the videos of Ovi's goals which I send to a friend in Syracuse.