OT: Tebow | Syracusefan.com

OT: Tebow


Living Legend
Sep 1, 2011
I know people have mixed feelings about this guy but I was sick last night, stayed in and had the chance to watch Tim Tebow: "Year of the QB" and "The Chosen One". Let me preface by saying I have never pulled for someone like I am for Tebow. This guy embodies everything I wish a role model to be. He blows my mind when I hear about his off the field stuff, and I cannot overemphasize how impressed I am with how he barely even flinches with all the venom and hate that is spewed at him. He is also the most beloved player in the NFL so I guess it evens out. Figured id share how great I thought these two documentaries were and if anyone gets a chance to watch I highly recommend them.

In the Year of the QB special they show him leading up to the draft. He goes Rocky IV in his training, its insane. Does situps while his brother punches him in the stomach, goes to his parents farm and chops up trees with an ax, smashes a sledgehammer repeatedly into a giant log, flips tractor tires and pushes a truck up and down the street. Just crazy stuff. They show all the negative press and how he would listen and soak up all of it. Then they show behind the scenes as him, his fam and agent follow all the goings on before he got drafted by Denver, really cool behind the scenes stuff.

The Chosen One is about his high school career and his recruitment to colleges. Interesting recruiting stuff and a look into a young Tebow as he led his team as a senior. This video clip from the show will blow your mind. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6AQWaQkArpE
In the Year of the QB special they show him leading up to the draft. He goes Rocky IV in his training, its insane. Does situps while his brother punches him in the stomach, goes to his parents farm and chops up trees with an ax, smashes a sledgehammer repeatedly into a giant log, flips tractor tires and pushes a truck up and down the street. Just crazy stuff. They show all the negative press and how he would listen and soak up all of it. Then they show behind the scenes as him, his fam and agent follow all the goings on before he got drafted by Denver, really cool behind the scenes stuff.

lol.....you know who does those things? People in movies, or I guess people obsessed with their life appearing theatrical.

The real role models are usually the guys you never hear much about, and never will. Tebow is a douche - awesome marketer though. I'll give him all the credit in the world for that - he's fantastic at selling his brand.
I've never been a Tebow guy. I think he's a bit over the top with his religion and never could stand him in college. But I must say that I am intrigued by him at Denver and find myself rooting for him.
Tebow is never OT!

I realize he catches alot of people the wrong way, but at this point it seems he is 100% genuine and that is hard not to like from an athlete.

As far as that stuff being done by people in movies... same stuff some of our players do now. Why change just because the camera is on you?
I know people have mixed feelings about this guy but I was sick last night, stayed in and had the chance to watch Tim Tebow: "Year of the QB" and "The Chosen One". Let me preface by saying I have never pulled for someone like I am for Tebow.

Admittedly, I had a hard time getting past these first two sentences.

That being said, I like Tebow, and find all the vitriol heaped upon him to be ridiculous.

I thought this article by Klosterman was pretty well reasoned. http://www.grantland.com/story/_/id/7319858/the-people-hate-tim-tebow
lol.....you know who does those things? People in movies, or I guess people obsessed with their life appearing theatrical.

The real role models are usually the guys you never hear much about, and never will. Tebow is a douche - awesome marketer though. I'll give him all the credit in the world for that - he's fantastic at selling his brand.

My favorite was the incline pushups with the Titanic anchor chain criss crossed over his back. I really want to not like the guy but I find myself rooting for him and looking up Bronco box scores. Really, Bronco box scores.
Wield, I do the same thing with Tiger Woods.
lol.....you know who does those things? People in movies, or I guess people obsessed with their life appearing theatrical.

The real role models are usually the guys you never hear much about, and never will. Tebow is a douche - awesome marketer though. I'll give him all the credit in the world for that - he's fantastic at selling his brand.

Ah yes -- It's Tebow that pimps out his brand and not his fanbase or the Mouse...

Have you ever seen videos of MMA training? They all do similar stuff as well. That type of training is becoming very popular with professional athletes.
I give up. He is god's QB. Barber fumbles in OT, they come back from 10-0 to win. Rivers fumbles a snap for the first time in like 7 years...every game he wins is because of divine intervention. He sucks at QB, but he wins.
Admittedly, I had a hard time getting past these first two sentences.

That being said, I like Tebow, and find all the vitriol heaped upon him to be ridiculous.

I thought this article by Klosterman was pretty well reasoned. http://www.grantland.com/story/_/id/7319858/the-people-hate-tim-tebow

Exactly. Maybe the religion stuff can be a bit much, but it's far better than what you get from most of the guys the nfl. Guy has done nothing wrong, proven winner, tremendous leader...yet people hate him.

Yeah, that makes sense.

All he does is say "I thank my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ" when interviewed (a TON of players do that, yet Tebow gets everyones panties in a bunch). All the other stuff is on his own time. He preaches at prisons, goes on mission trips, makes commercials for Focus on the Family but thats on his own time. This guy does more positive for the world and believes his calling as an athlete is to use his fame for that. The amount of charity work he does including visiting sick kids etc is mind blowing. How anyone can hate him blows me away.
All he does is say "I thank my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ" when interviewed (a TON of players do that, yet Tebow gets everyones panties in a bunch). All the other stuff is on his own time. He preaches at prisons, goes on mission trips, makes commercials for Focus on the Family but thats on his own time. This guy does more positive for the world and believes his calling as an athlete is to use his fame for that. The amount of charity work he does including visiting sick kids etc is mind blowing. How anyone can hate him blows me away.

I don't think people hate Tim Tebow. People hate the fact that he completes 10 passes a game and gets the Tom Brady treatment.

They hate the fact that he's overhyped by the national media and gets 1000% of the credit for these comebacks when in fact his defense has kept him in most of these games while he's been Tyler Palko-bad the first 3 quarters of every game.

Nobody in their right mind would hate Tim Tebow, the person. I think he's fun to watch (at least during the 4th qtr) and clearly a winner.

I will say that long-term I don't think they can continue to win playing that type of football. Sort of a Dolphins Wildcat effect when the league finally caught up.
I don't think people hate Tim Tebow. People hate the fact that he completes 10 passes a game and gets the Tom Brady treatment.

They hate the fact that he's overhyped by the national media and gets 1000% of the credit for these comebacks when in fact his defense has kept him in most of these games while he's been Tyler Palko-bad the first 3 quarters of every game.

Nobody in their right mind would hate Tim Tebow, the person. I think he's fun to watch (at least during the 4th qtr) and clearly a winner.

I will say that long-term I don't think they can continue to win playing that type of football. Sort of a Dolphins Wildcat effect when the league finally caught up.

The kicker hit a 59 yard FG...A 59 YARD FG.

This after Barber walked out of bounds for no reason giving them a chance. What Tebow did was very nice...but the credit should go to Prater and the D for allowing only 10 pts...and of course, Barber is an idiot.
The kicker hit a 59 yard FG...A 59 YARD FG.

This after Barber walked out of bounds for no reason giving them a chance. What Tebow did was very nice...but the credit should go to Prater and the D for allowing only 10 pts...and of course, Barber is an idiot.

I'd also like to add. If the Steelers are a pk or getting pts in the 1st round of the playoffs in Den, I will bet a grand on the steeler money line.
I don't think people hate Tim Tebow. People hate the fact that he completes 10 passes a game and gets the Tom Brady treatment.

They hate the fact that he's overhyped by the national media and gets 1000% of the credit for these comebacks when in fact his defense has kept him in most of these games while he's been Tyler Palko-bad the first 3 quarters of every game.

Nobody in their right mind would hate Tim Tebow, the person. I think he's fun to watch (at least during the 4th qtr) and clearly a winner.

I will say that long-term I don't think they can continue to win playing that type of football. Sort of a Dolphins Wildcat effect when the league finally caught up.
The league has caught up, he hasnt played that way in 2 games (Vikings/Bears). They run a little bit of the spread but mainly its power run football with playaction and Tebow scramble/passing. Tebow was great in the second half against the Vikings. He wasnt horrible against the Bears. He was 18/24 for 191 yds and a TD in the 4th quarter and OT. In the first 3 quarters he had at least 5 drops, 2 for first downs. First drive after halftime he put a ball right on the money for a TD and Demaryius Thomas dropped it. People think Denver is gimmicky...they were, now they are not.
The league has caught up, he hasnt played that way in 2 games (Vikings/Bears). They run a little bit of the spread but mainly its power run football with playaction and Tebow scramble/passing. Tebow was great in the second half against the Vikings. He wasnt horrible against the Bears. He was 18/24 for 191 yds and a TD in the 4th quarter and OT. In the first 3 quarters he had at least 5 drops, 2 for first downs. First drive after halftime he put a ball right on the money for a TD and Demaryius Thomas dropped it. People think Denver is gimmicky...they were, now they are not.

Good QBs never, ever, ever have 12 incompletions in a row. Never. Listen, the guy is a winning player. No one disputes that but he will not be a great QB in this league with his accuracy issues.
The kicker hit a 59 yard FG...A 59 YARD FG.

This after Barber walked out of bounds for no reason giving them a chance. What Tebow did was very nice...but the credit should go to Prater and the D for allowing only 10 pts...and of course, Barber is an idiot.
Ok, and the Chicago kicker hit a 57 yd FG. Denver had a 29 yd FG blocked and Demaryius Thomas dropped a TD on the first drive after halftime. Obviously Denver's defense is nasty, but you gotta give Tebow credit, dude gives new meaning to clutch.
All he does is say "I thank my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ" when interviewed (a TON of players do that, yet Tebow gets everyones panties in a bunch). All the other stuff is on his own time. He preaches at prisons, goes on mission trips, makes commercials for Focus on the Family but thats on his own time. This guy does more positive for the world and believes his calling as an athlete is to use his fame for that. The amount of charity work he does including visiting sick kids etc is mind blowing. How anyone can hate him blows me away.

Why does everyone get upset when you hate Tebow? Nobody cared when people were hating Tiger (pre-Tiger's very public fall from grace). Nobody actually hates these people anyway. It's not like I want Tebow to get hit by a car - yet.

It's the same reason people hate Coach K or Duke. Excessive media coverage, cynicism - whatever. Lots of Red Sox fans hate Derek Jeter, lots of Yankees fans hate Dustin Pedrioa. As far as I know they're both very nice people that do plenty of good for their communities. Nobody cares that the other side hates them.

Why can't we just hate Tebow? It's okay to hate everyone else - but if you hate this guy it's a big deal for some reason.

Plus, he sucks at QB - I don't care that he has one good quarter out of 10. Blaine Gabbert has a good quarter every once in awhile too. Vince Young used to be that guy that "just wins" too back in 2006 - ESPN certainly didn't force him down our throats like this.
Good QBs never, ever, ever have 12 incompletions in a row. Never. Listen, the guy is a winning player. No one disputes that but he will not be a great QB in this league with his accuracy issues.
He may not be a great QB by definition but he is a great player who happens to be a QB.
Why does everyone get upset when you hate Tebow? Nobody cared when people were hating Tiger (pre-Tiger's very public fall from grace). Nobody actually hates these people anyway. It's not like I want Tebow to get hit by a car - yet.

It's the same reason people hate Coach K or Duke. Excessive media coverage, cynicism - whatever. Lots of Red Sox fans hate Derek Jeter, lots of Yankees fans hate Dustin Pedrioa. As far as I know they're both very nice people that do plenty of good for their communities. Nobody cares that the other side hates them.

Why can't we just hate Tebow? It's okay to hate everyone else - but if you hate this guy it's a big deal for some reason.

Plus, he sucks at QB - I don't care that he has one good quarter out of 10. Blaine Gabbert has a good quarter every once in awhile too. :) Vince Young used to be that guy that "just wins" too back in 2006 - ESPN certainly didn't force him down our throats like this.
I do wonder why people hate Derek Jeter and Coach K, i dont. If people hate winners then I guess its their own insecurities so ill let you hate.
Ok, and the Chicago kicker hit a 57 yd FG. Denver had a 29 yd FG blocked and Demaryius Thomas dropped a TD on the first drive after halftime. Obviously Denver's defense is nasty, but you gotta give Tebow credit, dude gives new meaning to clutch.

They just won a game...AT HOME...against a team QB'ed by Caleb Haney and w/o their best player, Forte...and it took at 59 yard FG to get to OT.

Congrats to the Broncos. Clearly, they are going to the Super Bowl.
*Edit, the reason people like me get bent out of shape by certain hate of Tebow is because some (not all) hate him because of his faith. I know I have friends who do. If you dont think hes good at QB, then thats fine, I would say you're entitled to your own opinion even though I think results on the field would prove you wrong. I have a problem with people who mock his faith and who he is because of it.
I do wonder why people hate Derek Jeter and Coach K, i dont. If people hate winners then I guess its their own insecurities so ill let you hate.

So you just enjoy every single player in sports except those that have been convicted of some sort of crime? You're very unusual, but good for you.

The other part of my point is that when people refer to "hating" someone in sports it's different than hating someone you actually know.

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