Personal request |

Personal request


Aug 28, 2011
Last year my wife and I ran 48.6 miles for pediatric cancer research.. we had many people donate to out nonprofit organization. We have decided to do it again but this time to be accompanied with our 8year old who will be Running his first 5k for the same organization and the same cause. Would anyone be able to print out his flyer and have it available for there tailgate? I am hoping to bring him to the Notre Dame game in a few weeks so he can hand out his flyer. Thank you all so much for your time and considerations.. if this is not allowed please delete and I apologize.. i can post it in the comments or send in a message form.
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Last year my wife and I ran 48.6 miles for pediatric cancer research.. we had many people donate to out nonprofit organization. We have decided to do it again but this time to be accompanied with our 8year old who will be Running his first 5k for the same organization and the same cause. Would anyone be able to print out his flyer and have it available for there tailgate? I am hoping to bring him to the Notre Dame game in a few weeks so he can hand out his flyer. Thank you all so much for your time and considerations.. if this is not allowed please delete and I apologize.. i can post it in the comments or send in a message form.

You're doing all 48.6 again? I'll see you at the marathon!
Last year my wife and I ran 48.6 miles for pediatric cancer research.. we had many people donate to out nonprofit organization. We have decided to do it again but this time to be accompanied with our 8year old who will be Running his first 5k for the same organization and the same cause. Would anyone be able to print out his flyer and have it available for there tailgate? I am hoping to bring him to the Notre Dame game in a few weeks so he can hand out his flyer. Thank you all so much for your time and considerations.. if this is not allowed please delete and I apologize.. i can post it in the comments or send in a message form.
God Bless America! All SU fans unite!!!!!!
Selfish bump.. unfortunately my son has a hockey game and we will not be able to go to any tailgates. :(. So I thought i would see if anyone would print out his flyer…. Thank you all again for your consideration..
Do you have a link we can go to?
I say this exact quote about 5 times every weekend...
Me too, Son plays for Valley and daughter plays for the Nats...All I do is travel to hockey on the weekend from now through March
I say this exact quote about 5 times every weekend...
Marek who is running his 5k has 3 games this weekend and the oldest has 2 himself lol. Then the 13yo has swimming.. im scared to see what the baby wants to get into.. ‍♂️
I say this exact quote about 5 times every weeken
This Orange Family is amazing!! Thank you so much. He is gonna be so excited
Fantastic news. We get to skip hockey and go to the game now.. hopefully we run into some of you..
Made it up to skytop and handed out 50 flyers quick.. thank you all for being amazing!!!
Wanted to say thank you all who donated to our fundraiser! My son was the top fundraiser at just about $4000. Thabk you all again!!!
Great job by your son!

How are your legs feeling after the weekend?
Great job by your son!

How are your legs feeling after the weekend?
Thighs are still tight but other then that everything else is good.. How about yours? something needs to done with how narrow parts of the race are..
Thighs are still tight but other then that everything else is good.. How about yours? something needs to done with how narrow parts of the race are..
I did "only" the marathon. My legs are tired and sore, but I think that is more from the walking around I did on Sunday after the race and yesterday throughout the day.

I talked with many fellow runners who mentioned the narrow parts of the courses. I tend to run for time, so I don't experience a lot of crowds around me.

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