Pet Peeve | Page 5 |

Pet Peeve

It really cheeses me off when people don't list mayo as an ingredient, so I happily order my food thinking it will be mayo free, and it comes and has been completely destroyed by the culinary abomination that is mayo.

This. Agree 100%.
I hate when someone calls me "buddy" who isn't my buddy. I'm not your buddy so don't call me buddy, and since being called buddy by a non buddy is a pet peeve of mine you'll never be my buddy! so off buddy.
yes!!! I'm at the point where any time I order a sandwich or even a burger I have to say no mayo.

Amen, brother. But we shouldn't have to do that.
When ordering my last words are - that's it - or that's all I want. The response - can I get you anything else?

Makes. Me. Crazy.
My biggest all time pet peeve is when people disrespect the national anthem when it always plays at the end of the duty day on military bases. Instead of stopping and standing at attention or saluting (if in uniform) they would do everything they could to run back into the nearest building. :mad:

and you're thinking "retreat", not the national anthem
when my 11 month old thinks its hilarious to play in the dogs food and water bowls.
I hate when someone calls me "buddy" who isn't my buddy. I'm not your buddy so don't call me buddy, and since being called buddy by a non buddy is a pet peeve of mine you'll never be my buddy! so off buddy.

Okay, pal.

j/k ... ;)
I have so many. Number one is when one qualifies unique with an adjective. Unique is unique .
What is very unique. More uniquer?
When anyone in the household puts something which is empty back in the refrigerator or the cabinets because they are too lazy to throw it out.

“I think that all good, right thinking people in this country are sick and tired of being told that all good, right thinking people in this country are fed up with being told that all good, right thinking people in this country are fed up with being sick and tired. I'm certainly not, and I'm sick and tired of being told that I am.”

“I think that all good, right thinking people in this country are sick and tired of being told that all good, right thinking people in this country are fed up with being told that all good, right thinking people in this country are fed up with being sick and tired. I'm certainly not, and I'm sick and tired of being told that I am.”

But, irregardless of that ...
Drives me sideways when people fulminate effusively, yet think "a lot" is one word; can't sort out their/there/they're; don't realize "it's" is a contraction for "it is;" say "less" when they mean "fewer;" "then" when they mean "than;" and "except" when they mean "accept." I was going to include effect/affect, but most can't anyway.

And pompous pedants who use big words to make themselves appear more intelligent, and do it wrong. :D
My pet peeve used to it's versus its but, because of the Cletus level of education in this country & the fact that I am a grammar Nazi, I had to expand my horizons to include all manner of apostrophe catastrophes. I'm compelled to take pictures of whatever examples I come across in the wild & have made contributions to blogs like this one
yes!!! I'm at the point where any time I order a sandwich or even a burger I have to say no mayo.
Recently I ordered a BLT with no mayo, which came out with mayo, so I sent it back only for it to come back out with extra mayo. I just got up and left
Non-sports pet peeve: When people at work say that we should "take this conversation off-line." What? When was it ever on-line? Also, "I'll shoot you an email." No thanks, sending it will do just fine.
I love it when someone stops over to ask, did you see my email I just sent you? So, you sent an email and immediately walked over?

Why not just take it off line?;)
My pet peeve used to it's versus its but, because of the Cletus level of education in this country & the fact that I am a grammar Nazi, I had to expand my horizons to include all manner of apostrophe catastrophes. I'm compelled to take pictures of whatever examples I come across in the wild & have made contributions to blogs like this one

Back off, 'buddy,' that's my job description!


And when did the term for mislaying something become loose rather than lose?
Pet Peeve: when people claim that there was more than one Ultimate Warrior and that one of them died. Nope, complete myth/urban legend. There has only ever been one.

"It is what it is ..."


LOL, love this line.

As for the topic, saying you COULD CARE LESS about something runs counter to the point you're trying to convey and makes no sense. Perhaps you meant saying you could NOT care less?
Preface: No disrespect to any posters here as I'm sure others find this sort of thing useful or entertaining (for what reason I have no idea).

That said, I cannot stand when people try to draw comparisons between players now and players of the past, players on other teams, all stars, flops, etc. Why can't we just watch somebody like Tyler Ennis and appreciate him for he is? Why do we have to say that he reminds us of (insert name here)?
That reminds me of my wife always insisting that some kid looks like one of his/her parents. Very seldom do I ever see it, and even if I do, who cares?
Americans who think all Canadians say about as "aboot" when the total Ontario population that says "aboot" is close to two people.

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