Class of 2020 - PF Isaiah Jackson (MI/SpireAcademyOH) to Kentucky | Page 101 |

Class of 2020 PF Isaiah Jackson (MI/SpireAcademyOH) to Kentucky


This is the type of kid who bombs at UK and gets recruited over. It’s not an option there to stay a few years and keep improving.

But who knows what happens at SU.

Sr Marek and Sid will be good at the position. Just sucks we don’t get to return to being a recruiting have got vs a have not.

Guerrier and Goodine could go on to have great careers but neither showed up as good as a top 10 burger boy from day 1 way better than their rankings. This guy would have been a huge add from that perspective.

Hopefully we can line up a 5 star big for 2021. Play with Sr Buddy JBs last year for your 1 and done.

Article in his own words. Seems he decided after his Alabama OV. They sold him on being the next AD imo.

Funny comment about him thinking they will have the talent to win a title next year. With all the “talent” they get they have as many titles as us since 2000
kid is significantly better than both right now imho

I think the post about him having difficulty beating Sidibe out was a joke... or for the love of Boeheim I sure hope it was! Otherwise this thread was even more of an epic waste than it already was.
Are you mentioning Stewart? Pretty sure people have said he just didnt want to stay on the easy coast and knew hop

People can say anything, and do say lots of things on here. It does not mean it's the case, the only reason(s), or even the primary reason.

That's called "sour grapes"/homer narrative/self-soothing. I made a post when Hop first left simply asking if he could ever beat us head to head in recruiting, and was soundly ridiculed. "A recruit would never go to the West coast. even to play for a team more highly ranked than ours!!(and heaven knows Boeheim would never recruit outside the northeast)". Not one person came to my defense(though I merely asked a question), and each time it happened an excuse was made why it didn't count. Thankfully now I suppose we are past the time for such excuses.

To be open, this post is coming from a guy who initially rejoiced when JB showed his finger to the NCAA and decided to stay!

What makes me the most curious about the Isaiah Jackson ordeal is that he "pulled a Marek" and contacted us...kind of like the relatively rare times a hot chick out of nowhere starts making moves on you when you are drunk and unsuspecting. I wonder what compelled him to do so, or if it was only his father. If it was his father, I wonder what compelled him. I think the "family" thing came later, so I am wondering what the initial draw was, so that staff could build upon playing it up to other recruits.

I kind of wish JB could assign GMac or someone to call up IJ and give him one of those surveys where they say things like "With the thought of playing the 2-3 zone, would you say you were very impressed, impressed, neutral...", etc.
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Article in his own words. Seems he decided after his Alabama OV. They sold him on being the next AD imo.

Funny comment about him thinking they will have the talent to win a title next year. With all the “talent” they get they have as many titles as us since 2000

While that may be true, I think it seems logical to kids(and maybe adults) that year in and year out UK has better odds of winning the title than most schools. I think there's a decent chance of them having one more if not for that freak injury not that long ago.

To end on a positive note, I want to repeat my feelings that JB at his best(and overall, IMO) has made more with less than coaches many might feel are superior to him. I agree with Isaiah's father about the recognition of sitting next to greatness. I wonder if he was giving him his due as an adult, but maybe kids don't quite see it the same? Oddly enough, old men like Bernie Sanders and Ron Paul have been the rock stars of politics in the last decade that resonated hard core with grass roots/non-contrived youth movements. I'm not sure if it's the same with JB or not.
I have it from a solid source that he was all set to pick Cuse until one of his relatives was let out of prison early on directive from the governor, giving him 1 week furlough to convince him to pick Kentucky over other schools. The governor promised to commute his sentence if he could direct him to the cats.
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While that may be true, I think it seems logical to kids(and maybe adults) that year in and year out UK has better odds of winning the title than most schools. I think there's a decent chance of them having one more if not for that freak injury not that long ago.

To end on a positive note, I want to repeat my feelings that JB at his best(and overall, IMO) has made more with less than coaches many might feel are superior to him. I agree with Isaiah's father about the recognition of sitting next to greatness. I wonder if he was giving him his due as an adult, but maybe kids don't quite see it the same? Oddly enough, old men like Bernie Sanders and Ron Paul have been the rock stars of politics in the last decade that resonated hard core with grass roots/non-contrived youth movements. I'm not sure if it's the same with JB or not.
When did JB do “more with less?” In the 80s he had two of the decades best point guards, one of who was recruited by everyone (Douglas might have been too, but I don’t remember).

he had Coleman and Owens who were generational type talents.

the Wes Johnson team and fab melo teams both underachieved in the end.

Other final four runs were based on riding a few hot players at the right time (which is great, but not necessarily a sign of overachieving)

all of this with fertile recruiting grounds, playing in the best conferences, having top notch facilities, and unrivaled d fed an support (accept by maybe half-dozen programs).

This is the type of kid who bombs at UK and gets recruited over. It’s not an option there to stay a few years and keep improving.

But who knows what happens at SU.

Sr Marek and Sid will be good at the position. Just sucks we don’t get to return to being a recruiting have got vs a have not.

Guerrier and Goodine could go on to have great careers but neither showed up as good as a top 10 burger boy from day 1 way better than their rankings. This guy would have been a huge add from that perspective.

Hopefully we can line up a 5 star big for 2021. Play with Sr Buddy JBs last year for your 1 and done.

Like I mentioned in another post, not many colleges will be getting 5 star guys by '21 as they'll be going straight to the NBA. One of the mocks for '20 shows 12 freshman who likely would have gone right into the draft. And that doesn't count the guys going to the G-league or who are not projected as 1st rounders. The days of ultra studs spending a year in college are pretty much done after '20. Let's see how good Duke, UK, UNC, and Kansas are at "getting guys to the league" when they have to actually evaluate, project, and develop players that aren't already NBA ready.
When did JB do “more with less?” In the 80s he had two of the decades best point guards, one of who was recruited by everyone (Douglas might have been too, but I don’t remember).

Other final four runs were based on riding a few hot players at the right time (which is great, but not necessarily a sign of overachieving).
(1) Your namesake Sherman Douglas was NOT recruited by “everyone”. He wanted to go to Georgetown, and when we missed on I believe, Boo Harvey who went to St Johns, we took a flyer on Sherm- who turned Into one of the best PG’s ever.
(2) This 2nd part is the very definition of “overachieving”. Why diminish the accomplishment of getting to a F4 by suggesting it was lucky or just due to “a few hot players”? That’s illogical and makes no sense.
Look we can all be down or disappointed in recruiting, but in our self-loathing eagerness to lash out at JB, the staff, etc... can we at least maintain a semblance of perspective? JMHO
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When did JB do “more with less?” In the 80s he had two of the decades best point guards, one of who was recruited by everyone (Douglas might have been too, but I don’t remember).

he had Coleman and Owens who were generational type talents.

the Wes Johnson team and fab melo teams both underachieved in the end.

Other final four runs were based on riding a few hot players at the right time (which is great, but not necessarily a sign of overachieving)

all of this with fertile recruiting grounds, playing in the best conferences, having top notch facilities, and unrivaled d fed an support (accept by maybe half-dozen programs).

People forget what a huge recruiting advantage we had in the 80s with the inception of the Big East , playing on ESPN all the time with big Monday and the BET.. man I used to LIVE for those cold winter Monday’s when we’d have a big game at the dome ..

As time advanced and everyone ended up on TV , the advantage dried up and so did recruiting
People forget what a huge recruiting advantage we had in the 80s with the inception of the Big East , playing on ESPN all the time with big Monday and the BET.. man I used to LIVE for those cold winter Monday’s when we’d have a big game at the dome ..

As time advanced and everyone ended up on TV , the advantage dried up and so did recruiting

We still got talent after that. What has dried up is the drive to do what is needed.
I don't blame him either. The UK offer is the prized jewel all these guys want to at least receive. But damn we lose every single time head to head with them.
Plus,no academic commitment required, and cash in the bank.
Jackson's loss to Kentucky is painful and yet the staff seems to always find a way to compensate for these recruiting setbacks. In time, we will see how they will adjust We witnessed this, earlier in the 2020 recruiting cycle when the loss of Andre Jackson gave us Kadary Richmond who I feel will be better, for us, in the future.

For me, this sage has ended and I am now looking forward to seeing the adjustment to this, by our staff!

(1) Your namesake Sherman Douglas was NOT recruited by “everyone”. He wanted to go to Georgetown, and when we missed on I believe, Boo Harvey who went to St Johns, we took a flyer on Sherm- who turned Into one of the best PG’s ever.
(2) This 2nd part is the very definition of “overachieving”. Why diminish the accomplishment of getting to a F4 by suggesting it was lucky or just due to “a few hot players”? That’s illogical and makes no sense.
Look we can all be down or disappointed in recruiting, but in our self-loathing eagerness to lash out at JB, the staff, etc... can we at least maintain a semblance of perspective? JMHO

thanks for the info on Sherm, I honestly didn’t know. When you have advantages unrivaled by all but a few teams, you can’t be “over achieving”unless you are winning at some unprecedented level. I’m not diminishing the runs, but to me, that’s not what overachieving is.

Also, I’m not self loathing. The quality of play has been substandard for the last 5 years.
thanks for the info on Sherm, I honestly didn’t know. When you have advantages unrivaled by all but a few teams, you can’t be “over achieving”unless you are winning at some unprecedented level. I’m not diminishing the runs, but to me, that’s not what overachieving is.

Also, I’m not self loathing. The quality of play has been substandard for the last 5 years.
Jackson would have been a great get and a welcome addition to the program. Do you think he would beat out seniors Marek or Sidebe Next year. I doubt it. If he’s a one and done, how much of a loss is he?
Jackson would have been a great get and a welcome addition to the program. Do you think he would beat out seniors Marek or Sidebe Next year. I doubt it. If he’s a one and done, how much of a loss is he?

He would have been a difference maker. Have you seen our big men? This is the type of athlete who can lock down the lane and has dog in him. The only thing this team is missing is a Bull in the post. The post has been trash since rock left. Every elite big man we miss hurts us.
Jackson would have been a great get and a welcome addition to the program. Do you think he would beat out seniors Marek or Sidebe Next year. I doubt it. If he’s a one and done, how much of a loss is he?
I dunno. He would have been a nice presence. I was really just responding to the Boeheim overachieved trope.
image our press with IJ guarding the rim, or throwing him a lob or all the put back dunks he can get by out jumping everyone. He is a next level athlete! I wish him the best, but to minimize the lose is nothing more than sour grapes.
image our press with IJ guarding the rim, or throwing him a lob or all the put back dunks he can get by out jumping everyone. He is a next level athlete! I wish him the best, but to minimize the lose is nothing more than sour grapes.

Two or 3 months ago, hardly any of us knew that IJ was a human that existed.

Now, once he expressed renewed interest in us, had an OV that he and his Dad enjoyed, we all started to imagine the possibilities.

But, as we’ve learned, once UK gets serious about a recruit, our odds drop precipitously.

I honestly believe this kids best opportunity was here, and that he made a mistake with his decision.
At the end of the day, he’s going to be one of several 5* guys trying to show out, and with only 1 ball to go around.

He and his Dad were class acts all the way.
Props to them, and best of luck.

Oh well. We got 2 quality guys this cycle, and we seem to have a ton of young talent - the future is bright regardless
If we can keep both guerrier and dolezaj... This miss isn't as critical.
He could play along side those 2. He made it clear he had no issue playing center. Top notch athletes who can play center a few and far between. Rock was the number 1 center in his class. Its not the end of the world, but the kid would have been a game changer.
girard is elite because of how smart he is & how he plays the game. he's got moves that he has clearly learned from watching the greats. he has curry moves and harden moves. he unleashed one of the latter tonight.

and i'm not going on just this game. i was super excited to land him and have anticipated great things from him all along
Yup. We can still contend for a NC if our guys stay 3 and 4 years and develop each season. They have talent. One and done's are great but give me guys like JG3 and Buddy for four seasons.
Yup. We can still contend for a NC if our guys stay 3 and 4 years and develop each season. They have talent. One and done's are great but give me guys like JG3 and Buddy for four seasons.
We can get off the bubble and maybe be top 25 with what we have if our guys develop, but to really contend for a nc we will need at least one and probably two big time talents who can take over games when necessary. I just do not see those players on the current roster.
We can get off the bubble and maybe be top 25 with what we have if our guys develop, but to really contend for a nc we will need at least one and probably two big time talents who can take over games when necessary. I just do not see those players on the current roster.
If we pull in a top 20 talent, and add them to what we’ll have in a couple of years, we will definitely contend. Melo was the big piece, but Hak, Josh Pace, Kueth, etc. , they all played major roles in getting that chip.
They weren’t gonna win by themselves, but they’d hold the fort until a Melo-like player could take over.
We can get off the bubble and maybe be top 25 with what we have if our guys develop, but to really contend for a nc we will need at least one and probably two big time talents who can take over games when necessary. I just do not see those players on the current roster.
We watched last year a team with no top 100’s make the final 4. You can do without them if you have enough talent

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