Pitt's Lack of Class is Pathetic... | Page 2 | Syracusefan.com

Pitt's Lack of Class is Pathetic...

not for nothing, but i don't think we have the right to call any fan base classless. we are pretty obnoxious ourselves. not that i have any problem with that, but i'm not sticking my nose up at any other fan base. i had a friend get banned from cardiac hill today due to extreme trolling. i also witness anyone who walks in the dome with the opposite colors on get booed viciously by our student section. personally i'm not one to get into with other fan bases, but we are pretty bad ourselves when it comes to class...or lack-thereof
Booing bothers you? Really?
Eh, I'm not going to call them all obnoxious morons because of that (we have some of our own at games, I'm sure) - but they are an annoying bunch. Still, how bad can they be, their fan base seemed to be lining up to take pics with JB pregame! :)

Dixon should have been T'd up, arguing a call is fine, acting like a complete imbecile isn't. Settle down - they're already reviewing it.

The finger thing - eh, in the heat of the moment ppl do dumb stuff. Seems relatively tame to me.

If they were chanting that while he was on the ground - classless. I didn't really hear it till he got up to the line. Not sure.

Lucky shot? That's just stupid. It was a pretty controlled shot - it's lucky when you have to throw it overhand, or put so much force into it that you can't control it. These kids can make those shots at a pretty decent clip (not 40%, but u get the point).

If Zanna wants to talk lucky, he should mention that he should have had about 39 fouls called on him for raping Xmas in the post...

Zanna is a you could just see that with him the whole game...loved how his smug smile was dismissed quickly once Ice Man dropped a half court shot... Zanna.
Posts like these are just really silly. I could show you pretty much same fan behavior at the Carrier Dome any given night. I just think people get carried away with these posts.

I do agree that Dixon has proven himself a real touch hole. I don't think anyone would debate that
Dicksin should get Td up every game for being up and down the court so much. Why even have the rule if such blatant disregard for it is tolerated?
I say we beat UNC twice, Duke 3 times, and Pitt 3 times this season.
Stop being so naive. You HONESTLY think the finger was never once given to an opposing player by some random student in the Syracuse student section?

Pitt fans are ABSURDLY classless. I am okay with being funny and trying to help your team. However, the behavior of their students is a reflection on their school. The Ennis comment when he got clobbered. Their is a difference between tasteful and beyond stupid. This thread is on the money. Georgetown, UConn were always tough places to play, but I never thought their student sections were as classless as Pitt's. Hell when we go to Duke and Carolina they aren't going to be either. Maybe because the program hasn't reached a Final Four the only way they feel they can be seen as a great program to act stupid and make their program seem better. We have some bad fans, but aren't even close to the same level as Pitt and I was in the student section for 4 years. We had limits to what we could say the ushers always made sure the students didn't go beyond during warmups. I remember the day JB won his 700th game against Providence the usher telling the students NOT TO MENTION Donny McGrath from PC's allegations of sexual assault which he had been charged with or they would be removed from the Dome. Something tells me Pitt students don't have the same standards.
kuethstheman said:
Btw, although I'm sure they started it, Ennis did just tell them to kiss his as$ after the shot.

Are we sure he said that? I've watched the shot and post shot over and over. I can't make out what he says and it seems like he only says one word maybe.
Pitt fans are ABSURDLY classless. I am okay with being funny and trying to help your team. However, the behavior of their students is a reflection on their school. The Ennis comment when he got clobbered. Their is a difference between tasteful and beyond stupid. This thread is on the money. Georgetown, UConn were always tough places to play, but I never thought their student sections were as classless as Pitt's. Hell when we go to Duke and Carolina they aren't going to be either. Maybe because the program hasn't reached a Final Four the only way they feel they can be seen as a great program to act stupid and make their program seem better. We have some bad fans, but aren't even close to the same level as Pitt and I was in the student section for 4 years. We had limits to what we could say the ushers always made sure the students didn't go beyond during warmups. I remember the day JB won his 700th game against Providence the usher telling the students NOT TO MENTION Donny McGrath from PC's allegations of s e x ual assault which he had been charged with or they would be removed from the Dome. Something tells me Pitt students don't have the same standards.

Well, I will admit while this is mostly true, some Georgetown fans are pretty classless- and I would assume as much at UConn. However, I will say, as I've been to several SU/Gtown games at Verizon center... the only fan that I've had a near altercation with there was actually a Pitt fan.
...but something I've come to expect from them.

A slew of things from last night alone:

  • Dixon flipped out in the first half when a call didn't go his way...had NO idea how he wasn't "T'd" up
  • When Ennis is HACKED driving the lane, and the collective air is sucked out of #OrangeNation because it looked at first like he'd broken his wrist or elbow, some Pitt douche yells "are you crying? are you crying, baby?" - Serious scum right there. I wanted nothing more than for Ennis to stick it to Pitt after that. No wonder Marcus Smart flipped out.
  • When Ennis hits the game winner, the Pitt student section gives him the finger. - Keep it classy Pitt.
  • Zanna calls it a "lucky shot." - No idiot, the lucky shot was the one that your teammate made as a four point play to avoid a brutal loss on Saturday.
  • And perhaps the worst...one of my best friends (Pitt Alum) who will be my best man in less than four months, when I call him today, giving him the respect of not calling to gloat last night, dismisses the win, says Syracuse is "pretty good," and that it took a "lucky shot" to beat us. Classic little brother big brother syndrome. For YEARS he's rubbed it in my face when Pitt OWNED us, and now the tables have turned, he can't take it.
  • Oh...and did I mention last year at the Pete some female Pitt fan kept making bird/monkey noises during the game...probably some racist epithets. I seriously wanted to choke someone out.
I'm sure you ask your friend to talk about all of those final fours Pitt has been to. If you haven't, you need to. If he can't remember their last one you can give him a hint, it happened before the attack on Pearl Harbor.
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Are we sure he said that? I've watched the shot and post shot over and over. I can't make out what he says and it seems like he only says one word maybe.
Multiple people on here yesterday said they watched the replay a number of times, and he says, "This is my house." I can't tell what he says, but I know it was directed at the Pitt student section, right where it should've been.

Would you rather Pitt continue their basketball "philosophy (physical, foul on every play, whine, win some games)" continuing to be a bane to the Syracuse zone whilst perennially phasing out every March...OR

Have them actually play what is known as basketball, have post season success, but obviously have them match up much more favorably with our guys, and us having much more success against them.

Would you rather Pitt continue their basketball "philosophy (physical, foul on every play, whine, win some games)" continuing to be a bane to the Syracuse zone whilst perennially phasing out every March...OR

Have them actually play what is known as basketball, have post season success, but obviously have them match up much more favorably with our guys, and us having much more success against them.
I think if they changed their style of play, they'd be exposed for not being that great at basketball, and not have as much success during the season. This would lead to lower seedings and, therefore, their early tournament exits would no longer be viewed as upsets. They would still, however, exit early.

Would you rather Pitt continue their basketball "philosophy (physical, foul on every play, whine, win some games)" continuing to be a bane to the Syracuse zone whilst perennially phasing out every March...OR

Have them actually play what is known as basketball, have post season success, but obviously have them match up much more favorably with our guys, and us having much more success against them.
As long we win I could careless what Pitt does. I will say though Dixon is a douche and makes rooting for his team's practically hard because its annoying. Pitt is Michigan State light they play tough defense, physical, foul on every play but don't get the 4/5 star talent Michigan State does and as a result choke in the tournament. Until Pitt gets higher level talent they always be the bain of our zone, but will lose in the NCAA Tournament. Pitt recruits 4 year kids who are good as Seniors, but have to reload a lot. Dejuan Blair was the best NBA prospect and they made the Elite Eight with him, and he left after his Sophomore year. Chris Taft was another NBA draft pick who bombed, but Pitt had. Pitt doesn't get many NBA players as recruits.
As long we win I could careless what Pitt does. I will say though Dixon is a douche and makes rooting for his team's practically hard because its annoying. Pitt is Michigan State light they play tough defense, physical, foul on every play but don't get the 4/5 star talent Michigan State does and as a result choke in the tournament. Until Pitt gets higher level talent they always be the bain of our zone, but will lose in the NCAA Tournament. Pitt recruits 4 year kids who are good as Seniors, but have to reload a lot. Dejuan Blair was the best NBA prospect and they made the Elite Eight with him, and he left after his Sophomore year. Chris Taft was another NBA draft pick who bombed, but Pitt had. Pitt doesn't get many NBA players as recruits.

It will be interesting to see how pitt does next year. Losing patterson and zanna will really hurt them. They've got some decent younger role players, but those two are BY FAR the most important cogs.
I think if they changed their style of play, they'd be exposed for not being that great at basketball, and not have as much success during the season. This would lead to lower seedings and, therefore, their early tournament exits would no longer be viewed as upsets. They would still, however, exit early.

I can definitely see this being the case as I believe their status quo is the only way Dixon knows how to make them even marginally competitive.
As long we win I could careless what Pitt does. I will say though Dixon is a douche and makes rooting for his team's practically hard because its annoying. Pitt is Michigan State light they play tough defense, physical, foul on every play but don't get the 4/5 star talent Michigan State does and as a result choke in the tournament. Until Pitt gets higher level talent they always be the bain of our zone, but will lose in the NCAA Tournament. Pitt recruits 4 year kids who are good as Seniors, but have to reload a lot. Dejuan Blair was the best NBA prospect and they made the Elite Eight with him, and he left after his Sophomore year. Chris Taft was another NBA draft pick who bombed, but Pitt had. Pitt doesn't get many NBA players as recruits.

Agreed. It's really ugly basketball and it will ultimately cost them in the long run in the ACC. I think eventually they will end up where they belong... annual mid to lower tier.
Agreed. It's really ugly basketball and it will ultimately cost them in the long run in the ACC. I think eventually they will end up where they belong... annual mid to lower tier.
Dixon will keep them in the upper to middle of the ACC. However, because they lack elite talent they will flame out in the Tournament each year unless they have a bunch of Seniors to lead them. Pitt operates like a mid-major they don't get many NBA players, but get good 3-4 star players who are coached up over their time at Pitt. However, because they don't get a Michael Carter-Williams, Tyler Ennis, Hakim Warrick, Carmelo Anthony type of player that often they won't win in March. Pitt's best recruit these past 5 years lasted 1 semester at Pitt Khem Birch before transferring to UNLV.
Dixon will keep them in the upper to middle of the ACC. However, because they lack elite talent they will flame out in the Tournament each year unless they have a bunch of Seniors to lead them. Pitt operates like a mid-major they don't get many NBA players, but get good 3-4 star players who are coached up over their time at Pitt. However, because they don't get a Michael Carter-Williams, Tyler Ennis, Hakim Warrick, Carmelo Anthony type of player that often they won't win in March. Pitt's best recruit these past 5 years lasted 1 semester at Pitt Khem Birch before transferring to UNLV.

I was in the student section back in the day when banana peels were thrown on the court when Patrick Ewing was announced...

Were you also there at a Georgetown game at which Boeheim stopped the game, got on the PA system and said, "If I hear any more comments from the crowd like I have been hearing, I will take the team off the floor and forfeit the game to Georgetown"?

Every Big East crowd Ewing played before threw banana peels. The Villanova crowd was the first one to wear "Ewing can't reed (sic) this short" shirts.

Having said that, I wouldn't claim that the SU crowd has any more "class" than any of the others. Well, maybe than some of the worst, like Maryland's.
I was waiting how quickly someone would say that. Unfortunately we've been best friends since middle school...long before our fates were sealed by attending rival BE schools.


You should at least punch him in the face for being a douche

Would you rather Pitt continue their basketball "philosophy (physical, foul on every play, whine, win some games)" continuing to be a bane to the Syracuse zone whilst perennially phasing out every March...OR

Have them actually play what is known as basketball, have post season success, but obviously have them match up much more favorably with our guys, and us having much more success against them.

Ha! LOL. If they actually tried to play straight up basketball we would demolish those fools. Thats why they don't do it. There is no way they could do anything different to match up better with our guys. They are perfectly constructed to drag us into a stone age rock throwing contest right now. Introducing actual basketball to that Pitt program just wouldn't compute to them. It'd be like handing a Stradivarious to Justin Bieber - he'd probably try to smoke it.
Stephens gave JB the "stop sign" and was ready to T him up aIfter the call was overturned
And IIRC, at the same time, Stephens motioned JB to stay in the box - which of course is ridiculous given what goes on continually with Son of Dick.
"And now to give the toast, the best man - who despite his biggest failing being a supporter of the hapless, classless, choker of a team in Pitt and is here today only because the groom is a gracious winner like his #1 team Syracuse - will deliver the best toast he can muster in honor of Tyler Ennis and the happy couple."

This is the script for your DJ.

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