Remember when I said the coaching staff | Page 11 |

Remember when I said the coaching staff

Did you not read the last sentence in my second paragraph?[/QUO

I did and it has no bearing on the fact that his best scoring opportunities come after rebounds. The fact that he is not getting rebounds only aggravates his offensive deficiency. The truth is if he is not rebounding his contributions to this team are minimal, and the reason that he is not rebounding is not as important as the fact that he is not fighting thru block outs to rebound.
If he'd said what you quoted right off the bat, I not only wouldn't criticize him - I'd applaud him. That is a lucid, well-crafted, thoughtful critique.

Keep it coming.
It is well-crafted and thoughtful, which is why I think Julie is probably behind those remarks.

Quotes from Boeheim re: Roberson:

"The one frustrating thing as a coach is if you can't get total effort from your player. I have not been able to. I'll take responsibility for that. I'm the head coach. I haven't been able to get him to go all-out all the time. Maybe it's not in his nature. I don't know. But it is frustrating.

"I need to get more effort out of Tyler Roberson. I think he knows that. I don't think he's consciously not giving the effort. He thinks he is. Players do that quite often but we show him the tape, and show him how hard he goes after a ball in certain situations and how he doesn't in another situation. He's not doing that on purpose. He's just not engaged. We have to get him to do that. That's my job.

"I've talked to him in private, I've talked to him in meetings, I've talked to him in practice and it hasn't worked.

"We had a real hard session yesterday in practice where I tried to get him to do some things that I think he's capable of. That's what we're going to continue to do. We're going to try to get every player we have better all the time."

We like to think of ourselves as a smart fanbase; the fact that this article even had to be written, along with the Roberson AAU coach article, tells me that we aren't as smart as we like to make ourselves out to be.

It also tells me that for better or worse there is way too much media coverage of everything that goes on around these teams. On the one had I thirst for that information, but on the other hand do I really need to know what particular methods JB is employing to try to better motivate TR? If he's not making him do naked suicides, I probably don't need to know about the particular methodology.

Quotes from Boeheim re: Roberson:

"The one frustrating thing as a coach is if you can't get total effort from your player. I have not been able to. I'll take responsibility for that. I'm the head coach. I haven't been able to get him to go all-out all the time. Maybe it's not in his nature. I don't know. But it is frustrating.

"I need to get more effort out of Tyler Roberson. I think he knows that. I don't think he's consciously not giving the effort. He thinks he is. Players do that quite often but we show him the tape, and show him how hard he goes after a ball in certain situations and how he doesn't in another situation. He's not doing that on purpose. He's just not engaged. We have to get him to do that. That's my job.

"I've talked to him in private, I've talked to him in meetings, I've talked to him in practice and it hasn't worked.

"We had a real hard session yesterday in practice where I tried to get him to do some things that I think he's capable of. That's what we're going to continue to do. We're going to try to get every player we have better all the time."

Wow, Jim Boeheim's obviously a jerk. It's like he doesn't even care about his players or something.

Using stats to determine whether or not Boeheim's comment on Roberson was fair is not the right way to attack this. Stats had little to do with the comment. I thought it was pretty clear that Jim wasn't going after him because of his ability. It was clear to most everybody, I assume, that Jim was not happy with his effort.
well if jim's not happy with his efforts then save it for the locker room. what's to be gained by running it thru the media ?
the motivation stuff is pure nonsense especially when only selectively applied and reflects badly on him and the program. thus the kerfuffle.
well if jim's not happy with his efforts then save it for the locker room. what's to be gained by running it thru the media ?
the motivation stuff is pure nonsense especially when only selectively applied and reflects badly on him and the program. thus the kerfuffle.

It's debatable whether the tactic is nonsense. Every player reacts differently to certain motivators and we are all clueless as to how Roberson responds to public or private criticism. As for being selective, that would make sense. Not all players respond well to the certain types of criticism, so not all players will be criticized the same way.

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