Soooo, it's the fans fault we suck? Got it.
Fin, I get where you're coming from but I think you're focusing on the wrong thing. Fans can biotche and moan if given reasons, and count me in as being one who has done so, for as long as I've been an Orangeman.
The issue here though is why create, foster, and invite constant negativity over every issue, as though that's always the only option on the table. I'd bet there are "fans" here who do nothing but sit back and wait for things to go bad, so they can chime in and add to the negativity.
Can Tucker transfer out? Sure, that's a possibility as it is w/ every star player at most any school in this portal era. But to fixate on that and wait for it like its preordained, because of course..."we're Syracuse" , is just as I said before, firken pathetic. It's like constantly waiting for another shoe to drop, and living life waiting for the inevitable disappointment and disaster.
The media thrives off of this- its how they make their money: "If it bleeds, it leads", etc. Maybe its an individual thing, but I've watched the chicken-littles proclaim ultimate doom, only to disappear when things don't turn out that way.
It's just annoying to constantly see post after post by Debbie Downer disciples proclaiming the end is near. Just exhausting- and so much so that good, long-term posters would rather be elsewhere. JMHO