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Have you donated to an SU NIL collective?
Staff member
Aug 16, 2011
There is a neon billboard on 690 thanking Paterno???
There is a neon billboard on 690 thanking Paterno???

I passed it today coming back from East Syracuse and literally almost caused a 10 car pileup based on my reaction.
Unfortunately, the douche-nozzle that owns that electronic billboard is a PedoU grad. Nothing stopping him from putting whatever message he wants on his billboard...
yah it has taken a lot of will power for me not to comment to everyone on Facebook that is saying RIP and all the nice things about Paterno.
yah it has taken a lot of will power for me not to comment to everyone on Facebook that is saying RIP and all the nice things about Paterno.

Thankfully I'm not the only who knows morons on facebook. It has taken a lot not to comment and not to delete them as a friend.
Did I get drunk and get a tattoo that I don't know about?

Better take a lookee in the bathroom mirror. If it says "I Love JoePa" there's alwayas laser removal but plenty painful.
I know I will catch crap however I can understand the sign. The man died not saying he handled the situation correct however people always have there right to pay there respects. Look how respectful everyone was in the movie tombstone about funerals that worked out well...wait a minute
Better take a lookee in the bathroom mirror. If it says "I Love JoePa" there's alwayas laser removal but plenty painful.

Just don't have "The Girl With a Dragon Tattoo" give you one...yowza.
Just don't have "The Girl With a Dragon Tattoo" give you one...yowza.

Haha. I just finished the book. I know exactly what you're talking about. Yikes. Lisbeth is one crazy Swedish beeyotch
The billboard seems odd located in Syracuse, I'll agree... BUT as a graduate of both SU and of PSU (grad school) and many family members who attended PSU, including my parents... I have to tell you that it is upsetting to read hateful comments on this board against Joe. There was such a rush to judgement against him re: the Sandusky case, and the facts of the case are not fully out there yet. What is out there should not taint the GOOD man that Joe was over his 85 years. He was not the perp; Sandusky was! Joe took the hit for what Sandusky did, because he was the big name. He became the scapegoat. The THOUSANDS who came out for the funeral procession today and the 500+ former players who came from far and wide and speak ONLY highly of him -- and say that Joe made them into the men they are today -- are his true legacy. He made a difference in so many lives. Knowing what he came to know a couple months ago, he agreed and wished he had done more. That should not erase six decades of good deeds that he DID do at Penn State for the players, the students, the university, and the entire community. He was one of the good guys; a real, true, good, decent, and honorable man. Please don't blindly hate him or judge him based on the public perceptions based on media hype of the past two months. Judge the entire life -- not the last chapter. Our disgust is more appropriately aimed at Jerry Sandusky. Thank you for listening -- and sorry for venting. I needed to get that off my chest.

Go Orange!!
Unfortunately, the douche-nozzle that owns that electronic billboard is a PedoU grad. Nothing stopping him from putting whatever message he wants on his billboard...
the funny part about his interview is that he had to mention that the billboard ad was "gratis", like look at all the money this is costing me. meanwhile 99% of people don't give an F about his stupid billboard.
The billboard seems odd located in Syracuse, I'll agree... BUT as a graduate of both SU and of PSU (grad school) and many family members who attended PSU, including my parents... I have to tell you that it is upsetting to read hateful comments on this board against Joe. There was such a rush to judgement against him re: the Sandusky case, and the facts of the case are not fully out there yet. What is out there should not taint the GOOD man that Joe was over his 85 years. He was not the perp; Sandusky was! Joe took the hit for what Sandusky did, because he was the big name. He became the scapegoat. The THOUSANDS who came out for the funeral procession today and the 500+ former players who came from far and wide and speak ONLY highly of him -- and say that Joe made them into the men they are today -- are his true legacy. He made a difference in so many lives. Knowing what he came to know a couple months ago, he agreed and wished he had done more. That should not erase six decades of good deeds that he DID do at Penn State for the players, the students, the university, and the entire community. He was one of the good guys; a real, true, good, decent, and honorable man. Please don't blindly hate him or judge him based on the public perceptions based on media hype of the past two months. Judge the entire life -- not the last chapter. Our disgust is more appropriately aimed at Jerry Sandusky. Thank you for listening -- and sorry for venting. I needed to get that off my chest.

Go Orange!!
lots of teachers and coaches have made a difference "in so many lives". you have to do better than that to explain why this one man, this one flawed man is so revered, other than the fact that he won a hell of a lot of college football games. sorry but that does not make a man a saint and it does not excuse the abuses that he ignored.
The billboard seems odd located in Syracuse, I'll agree... BUT as a graduate of both SU and of PSU (grad school) and many family members who attended PSU, including my parents... I have to tell you that it is upsetting to read hateful comments on this board against Joe. There was such a rush to judgement against him re: the Sandusky case, and the facts of the case are not fully out there yet. What is out there should not taint the GOOD man that Joe was over his 85 years. He was not the perp; Sandusky was! Joe took the hit for what Sandusky did, because he was the big name. He became the scapegoat. The THOUSANDS who came out for the funeral procession today and the 500+ former players who came from far and wide and speak ONLY highly of him -- and say that Joe made them into the men they are today -- are his true legacy. He made a difference in so many lives. Knowing what he came to know a couple months ago, he agreed and wished he had done more. That should not erase six decades of good deeds that he DID do at Penn State for the players, the students, the university, and the entire community. He was one of the good guys; a real, true, good, decent, and honorable man. Please don't blindly hate him or judge him based on the public perceptions based on media hype of the past two months. Judge the entire life -- not the last chapter. Our disgust is more appropriately aimed at Jerry Sandusky. Thank you for listening -- and sorry for venting. I needed to get that off my chest.

Go Orange!!

The facts of the case are out there. It was a grand jury indictment. This isn't Bernie Fine, where no charges were filed. He allowed children to be RAPED in his locker room. In my mind, he's a step below Jerry Sandusky. I can't deal with all these apologists. Read the Grand Jury report, and notice how many of those took place AFTER McQueary told Paterno he saw Sandusky raping a boy. That's on JoePa's hands.

That funeral was one of the most ridiculous things I've ever seen in my life.

PS. Your argument to not judge on the last chapter of his life, should we ignore all the child rape and remember Sandusky as the great Defensive Coordinator he was and how much work he did for his charity?
The facts of the case are out there. It was a grand jury indictment. This isn't Bernie Fine, where no charges were filed. He allowed children to be RAPED in his locker room. In my mind, he's a step below Jerry Sandusky. I can't deal with all these apologists. Read the Grand Jury report, and notice how many of those took place AFTER McQueary told Paterno he saw Sandusky raping a boy. That's on JoePa's hands.

That funeral was one of the most ridiculous things I've ever seen in my life.

PS. Your argument to not judge on the last chapter of his life, should we ignore all the child rape and remember Sandusky as the great Defensive Coordinator he was and how much work he did for his charity?
Borny i may not agree with much that you write but this post is spot on.
Joe Paterno didn't ignore abuses -- he reported it to administrators, one of which headed the campus police dept. which is different than SU police. (The University Park police have more power.) He followed the PA law in how to report child abuse, by the way. Joe followed up and asked McQueary if he was satisfied with the investigation/results, and he said he was. McQueary has also testified he gave a watered down version of events to Joe and was more explicit to the administrators. The DA said Joe should not have been fired. All you holier than thous weren't there at the time, weren't in his shoes, and I find it sad that you are so eager to trash the man's entire life over this. He did not allow child rapes to happen in his locker room. No one thinks Joe is a saint; he had flaws like all humans do, but on the whole, he lived an exemplary life. He gave to so many. He molded kids into good men. He treated all people the same -- would take the time for anybody, no matter who they were. Read the personal tributes to Joe over on the PSU board. Many, many personal stories out there of how Joe impacted them personally. He wasn't just a coach. THAT is why so many people came out to honor him this week.
Joe Paterno didn't ignore abuses -- he reported it to administrators, one of which headed the campus police dept. which is different than SU police. (The University Park police have more power.) He followed the PA law in how to report child abuse, by the way. Joe followed up and asked McQueary if he was satisfied with the investigation/results, and he said he was. McQueary has also testified he gave a watered down version of events to Joe and was more explicit to the administrators. The DA said Joe should not have been fired. All you holier than thous weren't there at the time, weren't in his shoes, and I find it sad that you are so eager to trash the man's entire life over this. He did not allow child rapes to happen in his locker room. No one thinks Joe is a saint; he had flaws like all humans do, but on the whole, he lived an exemplary life. He gave to so many. He molded kids into good men. He treated all people the same -- would take the time for anybody, no matter who they were. Read the personal tributes to Joe over on the PSU board. Many, many personal stories out there of how Joe impacted them personally. He wasn't just a coach. THAT is why so many people came out to honor him this week.

You keep focusing on that 1 instance where even he say's he should have done more. Most people are focusing on the decades of inaction and ignoring. That is his legacy.
When the common man works his @ss off his whole life and is a model citizen there are no accolades when he dies. That is okay - that's life. When "great" men do "great" things they are looked up to and revered. When "great" men don't do enough to prevent terrible things from happening they are villified. That is life, these types of people are held to different standards - higher standards. Joe P used his power to accomplish "great" things, yet when he had the ability to use his power to prevent bad things he decided that it conflicted with his goals. Joe P. embraced being revered so at the same time it is okay when the public villifies him for not using ALL of the power he had.
He followed the PA law in how to report child abuse, by the way.
Even if we were to agree on this about his initial confrontation with the situation... how does one forgive the fact that he turned a blind eye to further abuse in his facility? Seeing Jerry come by repeatedly, for years, with other young boys? Seeing Jerry treated to invitations to the president's suite for games? At some point wouldn't that have seemed odd? Odd enough to question his superiors? Odd enough to contact the police?
this will go so much further than joepa before its over.joe and probably the entire population of state college as well as some state officials were all aware of this on SOME level, for a very long time. bad things happen to good people----personally, i felt that joe was very egotistical. reminded me of a benelovent despot.but i do agree the charities and foundations he was involved with were all geared to the betterment of an individual, spoke well of his values. admire him,not really,i know many people who have positively impacted others,with much less fanfare,or resources than joe. unfortunately, the out pouring for him resembles more of cult like nature where the leader could do no wrong. indeed when all is said and done he will be but a small cog in this sordid mess. i also agree that mcquery(sp) is an unreliable informant, but as the investigation proceeds, there will be others directly implicated in all of it.
all that said --the guy has a right to his billboard---to mourn as he sees fit---and remember joe as to how he was impacted by him.--we need to respect that right w/o ridicule

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