I respect what you are saying. I see it differently. I had two daughters excel in sports in sports where there really is no professional league, both recruited to play D1 and had coaches calling to recruit them. They loved to play, spent their summers training, traveling and in summer camps. But my daughters saw it as a way to get into a better school, recognizing that sports has a short shelf-life, and wanted to go to a school that would prepare them for the rest of their lives, the next 40 years, not the next four years. One daughter did not continue her sport. The other did, but at a D3 school , Amherst, a school that she might not have gotten into if not for her sport. That coach left, but my daughter liked the school, continued to compete, loved the school, had friends, and still was able to compete. In her freshman year, she went to practice, the same afternoon before a 7PM Chem test. I gave her grief over that, but she continued to do that. Her odds of getting into grad school were infinitely better than getting to the highest levels of her sport