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If I ask you to call me "Todd" (even though my birth name is "Thaddeus") it's disrespectful not to.


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There's a big difference between "Chippewas" and "Redskins", right? No one's going to say they're the same thing, right?
True, but Illinois changed its name from "Fighting Illini" to something else and North Dakota was forced by the NCAA to change its name, even though the local Sioux tribe was generally supportive of the nickname. In both cases, it was a tribe name, not "redskins" or "redmen." There are even cases where teams have been pressured to drop the nickname "Braves."

So, what is the criteria for deciding whether a nickname is offensive?
In response to SUtyger:

Awesome slogan for high school football players -- and thoughtless people generally. Should they not hold a door open for a woman -- or wait until she earns their respect? Should I think the cop who pulled me over is doing their job -- or wait until she earns my respect? The world would be a whole lot worse if we treated each other like bumper stickers.
we will have this argument for years. is it the name or the logo for some of these teams that people take issue with. pretty soon all teams will be named after flowers, but not the ones that actually are deadly. saltine warrior is bad but MSU spartan / USC trojan is good? and idotic looking NE patriot is OK but a goofy looking Indian is bad. fighting irish is good, fighting illini is bad.. laugh at fat jokes on stage is ok, fat jokes on secret camera phone videos is bad.
we will have this argument for years. is it the name or the logo for some of these teams that people take issue with. pretty soon all teams will be named after flowers, but not the ones that actually are deadly. saltine warrior is bad but MSU spartan / USC trojan is good? and idotic looking NE patriot is OK but a goofy looking Indian is bad. fighting irish is good, fighting illini is bad.. laugh at fat jokes on stage is ok, fat jokes on secret camera phone videos is bad.

Looks like someone went...

off the reservation.

There's a big difference between "Chippewas" and "Redskins", right? No one's going to say they're the same thing, right?

Is there? Out here in the midwest, there's a school [North Dakota] with the nickname "Sioux," and there is a groundswell of vocal minority protesting that.

So qualitatively, I'm not sure that there is a difference in the eyes of those who want to protest anything offensive.
Todd Gack said:
The argument is before my time, but I'd imagine it has more to do with the mascot than the name (though that's also problematic). A guy with a hatchet? Native Americans have a better history than that. I think the "Syracuse Iroquois" would be boss -- "Irks at the Chips at noon."

I would scalp some tickets for that one.
RF2044 said:
a groundswell of vocal minority
I keep a notebook of possible book/album titles -- this is going high on the list.
Would you shrug your shoulders if someone called your daughter the "c-word" -- which was originally a clinical term for "vagina"?

I dont care what anyone says about me. Does it affect my life? Does it affect my ability to make money? Who gives a crap. I could care less what people say or think. If it starts affecting my day to day life then I will deal with it. I have more important stuff to do than worry about petty crap like that.
Not a bit. He didn't have to flex his muscles about how little he cares about the issue.

Why would anyone care about this issue? Who freaking cares? Its a godamn name for crying out loud.

Didn't the Seminoles get some flack recently?

Yes...when the NCAA implied that schools with Native American nicknames should change their names. However the Seminole nation fully supported and defended FSU going so far to point out how FSU has helped Native American Seminoles with various types of support...the NCAA then backed off/away from FSU. Some schools caved and others didn't.
Marsh01 said:
I dont care what anyone says about me. Does it affect my life? Does it affect my ability to make money? Who gives a crap. I could care less what people say or think. If it starts affecting my day to day life then I will deal with it. I have more important stuff to do than worry about petty crap like that.
You didn't answer the question. And this issue deserves more attention than an Internet message board -- but just be glad you were born Italian and not Sioux.
You didn't answer the question. And this issue deserves more attention than an Internet message board -- but just be glad you were born Italian and not Sioux.

No I wouldnt care because a) I know she isnt and b) she knows she isnt. So who cares what some jackwagon says?
I'm supposed to get mad at a person who I dont know that makes a laughable comment? Maybe I'm just not an angry person and could care more about real issues.
Marsh01 said:
Why would anyone care about this issue? Who freaking cares? Its a godamn name for crying out loud. Geez.
Yeah, no one has killed themselves from a sense of desperation -- non-casino reservations are thriving.

And agreed on the "name" argument. Why are all these women up in arms about being called "bitches" or "sluts" -- and don't get me started on the "fags"? It doesn't matter. Go Orange!
Yeah, no one has killed themselves from a sense of desperation -- non-casino reservations are thriving.

And agreed on the "name" argument. Why are all these women up in arms about being called "bitches" or "sluts" -- and don't get me started on the "fags"? It doesn't matter. Go Orange!

It shouldnt matter. If people spent more time trying to succeed in life or working hard at something as opposed to feeling sorry for themselves because they were called a racial slur our economy would be thriving. Thats why I thrive, because I dont give a I just work my ass off and I laugh my ass all the way to the bank.
All this offensive name stuff is just BS talk. I am 100% italian, love my heritage and if there was a team named the Italian greaseball WOPS I could care less.

I cant even describe how much I hate talk like this when people get pissed about offensive nicknames. I mean Uconn hate.

If I were Washington I would have a middle finger extended on my helmet and have Kramer from Seinfeld come running onto the field screaming like an indian like he did in that one episode.
But Marsh, just because being called a WOP wouldn't bother you doesn't mean "Redskins" can't bother others. And clearly, Native Americans are incredibly bothered by it. Who are any of us to tell them what they should and shouldn't be offended by?

I don't care if people call me a Mick or a cracker or a honkey, but I'm not going to tell black people they shouldn't be offended by the n-word or Native Americans they shouldn't be offended by "redskins."
Marsh01 said:
No I wouldnt care because a) I know she isnt and b) she knows she isnt. So who cares what some jackwagon says? I'm supposed to get mad at a person who I dont know that makes a laughable comment? Maybe I'm just not an angry person and could care more about real issues.
This is a boss answer. But there's also no reason we can't be nicer to each other.
But Marsh, just because being called a WOP wouldn't bother you doesn't mean "Redskins" can't bother others. And clearly, Native Americans are incredibly bothered by it. Who are any of us to tell them what they should and shouldn't be offended by?

I agree. I just dont see the point. Find something else to spend your time on. (not you, them) Life is too short to piss and moan about something as ridiculous as a name.
Marsh01 said:
It shouldnt matter. If people spent more time trying to succeed in life or working hard at something as opposed to feeling sorry for themselves because they were called a racial slur our economy would be thriving. Thats why I thrive, because I dont give a I just work my ass off.
I'm doing well for myself too -- but let's not pretend we weren't born on second (and you can spare me the community college bit; there are people in DC who work twice as hard as either of us and they're making $10/hour at best).
I'm doing well for myself too -- but let's not pretend we weren't born on second (and you can spare me the community college bit; there are people in DC who work twice as hard as either of us and they're making $10/hour at best).

Thats great to hear. Good for you.

I wasnt born on second. I'm a complete dip $ hit who graduated at the bottom of his HS class and who barely made it through college (OCC and Fredonia). Then I woke up and realized how to actually work, give a damn about work and life. I did and I'm a complete moron (see even I can call myself a name and laugh about it)

These people who work hard and make $10 an hour need to look in the mirror and say What am I doing? My father changed careers at 45 with 3 kids, 2 in college. No excuses, just got it done.

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