Something You Might Want to Consider Before You Make a Post |

Something You Might Want to Consider Before You Make a Post


No recent Cali or Iggy awards; Mr Irrelevant
Aug 15, 2011
Over the last decade plus that this board and its earlier versions have been in existence, we have been fortunate to have a number of posters share inside information from time to time.

One would think that these people would be highly respected and appreciated for sharing their insider knowledge with the board. That happens occasionally, but the vast majority of the time, when insider information is provided, the people providing the information get attacked and criticized for this. They are told they don't know what they are talking about, that they need to provide more information, that they are idiots, attention grabbers, etc, etc.

For many long-timers here, it isn't a big deal to get called out in public on a anonymous message board, but for a lot of people, getting criticized and even verbally abused for trying to do something nice is not a pleasant thing, is not appreciated and many find this kind of treatment strong reason to never post insider information again. Further, others who have insider information and are considering post it see this kind of thing happen and decide not to share their news, not now or ever again.

I don't mean to call out any specific poster or any specific recent incident; this is a long standing practice that many on the board like to indulge in. Nor am I saying that you can't do this; if you feel compelled to attack people when they have insider info, feel free to continue to do this.

Just know that this type of behavior has systematically convinced dozens of people who sometimes get interesting bits of information to stop sharing the information. At least on a public message board. There are ramifications for doing this and the net effect of this practice is to stop all but the most naive or thick skinned to even think about sharing nuggets.

From my perspective, I would like the board to be more welcoming about these types of posts, to be more understanding when posters limit what they are able to/willing to post, and when they are not willing to give up their sources of information.

End of lecture. Syracuse is 23-0, undisputed #1 in the country and is leading the nation in attendance. The lacrosse program is #1 or #2 in the country, the football program is back to winning ways and bowl games. Life is good. Let's enjoy it.
Over the last decade plus that this board and its earlier versions have been in existence, we have been fortunate to have a number of posters share inside information from time to time.

One would think that these people would be highly respected and appreciated for sharing their insider knowledge with the board. That happens occasionally, but the vast majority of the time, when insider information is provided, the people providing the information get attacked and criticized for this. They are told they don't know what they are talking about, that they need to provide more information, that they are idiots, attention grabbers, etc, etc.

For many long-timers here, it isn't a big deal to get called out in public on a anonymous message board, but for a lot of people, getting criticized and even verbally abused for trying to do something nice is not a pleasant thing, is not appreciated and many find this kind of treatment strong reason to never post insider information again. Further, others who have insider information and are considering post it see this kind of thing happen and decide not to share their news, not now or ever again.

I don't mean to call out any specific poster or any specific recent incident; this is a long standing practice that many on the board like to indulge in. Nor am I saying that you can't do this; if you feel compelled to attack people when they have insider info, feel free to continue to do this.

Just know that this type of behavior has systematically convinced dozens of people who sometimes get interesting bits of information to stop sharing the information. At least on a public message board. There are ramifications for doing this and the net effect of this practice is to stop all but the most naive or thick skinned to even think about sharing nuggets.

From my perspective, I would like the board to be more welcoming about these types of posts, to be more understanding when posters limit what they are able to/willing to post, and when they are not willing to give up their sources of information.

End of lecture. Syracuse is 23-0, undisputed #1 in the country and is leading the nation in attendance. The lacrosse program is #1 or #2 in the country, the football program is back to winning ways and bowl games. Life is good. Let's enjoy it.

I rarely post on here, but am on here all the time. Great discussions on this board and one of the things I always look for is "insider" info. Great stuff please keep it up.
thanks Tomcat - the attack the messenger mobs are getting pretty annoying - glad you tried to get some to tone it down a bit
i was banned for starting a thread after the gt game stating we got smoked in 40% of our games- that all- nothing vile disgusting ect-

one of the moderators didnt like that precise and actual fact and i was banned-

yet mods can call you names without any repercussions- this is a very one way street-my point being -if i was the one who said something about not posting untill you have facts- i would be banned- or if i replied the way the moderator did in return to being called some stuff- i would be banned

so if the mods like you- your free and clear to post and talk down to anyone any time-if not you can be banned for stating actual facts
Well said. Personally, I'd prefer to know something rather than nothing.
i was banned for starting a thread after the gt game stating we got smoked in 40% of our games- that all- nothing vile disgusting ect-

one of the moderators didnt like that precise and actual fact and i was banned-

yet mods can call you names without any repercussions- this is a very one way street-my point being -if i was the one who said something about not posting untill you have facts- i would be banned- or if i replied the way the moderator did in return to being called some stuff- i would be banned

so if the mods like you- your free and clear to post and talk down to anyone any time-if not you can be banned for stating actual facts
Soooo, you were banned for stating facts. Nothing else, just stating facts. Ooooooookay.
I come here for the most up to date rumors and thoughts on the direction of the program. The problem I have is when someone makes a full thread on something may be coming. I dont think thats helpful. If theres information you can share, please share, because we're all invested in this program. We know that not all the rumors will pan out.
Soooo, you were banned for stating facts. Nothing else, just stating facts. Ooooooookay.
honest to god- i started a thread and thats all i posted- we got smoked in 40% of our games

sorry if you dont believe me- but it is the truth

i also was banned for having the audacity to reply in kind to a poster calling me names- again i was banned but the mods friend wasnt -even though i didnt start it
i feel responsible for this so let me say a few things here tom.

1st im sorry for taking a cheap shot a poster with whom i often spar with and i know i can easily rattle, it was really meant to be nothing more than that. i found the firestorm after to be confusing and blame a few others for keeping it going, but whatever.

however, a few things lie deeper and you mentioned it above.

2nd and more importantly...if someone has info, and they want to share it, i suggest they do have the thickest of skins to do so. dropping info is not to be taken lightly. info droppers are going right to the deep end of the pool and there are a lot of hungry sharks in there. they will need to have the language skills to drop the info without causing harm to the source and the nuggett itself. they will also need to have a backbone and make a stand, waffles are for breakfast. granted we as a public should not be a congressional inquiry demanding the source to be named nor should we be bradley yelling at woodward & bernstein to get a 2nd source of confirmation. but if said poster is going to leak something, they need to be prepared and to know, that they are leading a horse to water and there better be water there.

something as simple as 'another coach is out, more to come later' dancing around that you may have heard something but dont know, and wont say, but something is going on you think, hogwash. there has to be a certain degree of separation, and how much truth is out there, that the poster will have to inherently understand before going public. if that info is about to be tweeted by the beat writers, drop it. if it was given over dinner the night before by the coach, you say nothing etc, etc.

3rd, there should also be different rules for coaches/administration and for the student/athlete. the good ole days of the summer/fall of '01 where 80% of the board new what happened to edelin, but wouldnt dare post it...are long gone. somebody today would leak it. this place is too big, too many loose ends. that same 80% probably make up 20% of the people here now.

we know who most of the nugget droppers are, most are pretty accurate and that should be encouraged. i also encourage the school to throw bees in jail if he starts posting the new wrinkles to the playbook on the week before the big game again, but i digress.

bottom line, we like info. but it needs to be delivered correctly and be real.

for if its not, it can come off with the same ammount of credibility as the oklahoma to the b1g posts and the poster should be run out of town. if he/she stays...great. if not...who cares.
i was banned for starting a thread after the gt game stating we got smoked in 40% of our games- that all- nothing vile disgusting ect-

one of the moderators didnt like that precise and actual fact and i was banned-

yet mods can call you names without any repercussions- this is a very one way street-my point being -if i was the one who said something about not posting untill you have facts- i would be banned- or if i replied the way the moderator did in return to being called some stuff- i would be banned

so if the mods like you- your free and clear to post and talk down to anyone any time-if not you can be banned for stating actual facts

As I tell my kids, when it's your bat and ball, you make the rules, when you or actually can afford to get your own bat and ball you can make the rules. Go start your own forum if you don't like it. AND, I am sure there was more to your post than what you are alluding too.

It's that simple, this isn't MY forum so I have to play by the rules. It's that simple. If you don't like your boss you can either quit or tolerate it but whining to your buddy in the cube next door about it over a scone and triple latte is bush league and a load of crap. It's that simple.

As the boss says' everybody wants to be the man at the top or woman ( as my wife would say)
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As I tell my kids, when it's your bat and ball you make the rules, when you get your own bat and ball you can make the rules. Go start your own forum if you don't like it. AND, I am sure there was more to your post than what you are alluding too.

well your wrong- it was a non threatening post with nothing stated other than we were smoked in 40% of our games -

what it comes down to- your free to post what you want if your a pal of the mods- not a pal- we will run you off for nothing to prove but how much power we wield

i wouldnt doubt i get banned for posting to this thread

go back and look at my giants have no linebackers thread if you dont believe me -
i feel responsible for this so let me say a few things here tom.

1st im sorry for taking a cheap shot a poster with whom i often spar with and i know i can easily rattle, it was really meant to be nothing more than that. i found the firestorm after to be confusing and blame a few others for keeping it going, but whatever.

however, a few things lie deeper and you mentioned it above.

2nd and more importantly...if someone has info, and they want to share it, i suggest they do have the thickest of skins to do so. dropping info is not to be taken lightly. info droppers are going right to the deep end of the pool and there are a lot of hungry sharks in there. they will need to have the language skills to drop the info without causing harm to the source and the nuggett itself. they will also need to have a backbone and make a stand, waffles are for breakfast. granted we as a public should not be a congressional inquiry demanding the source to be named nor should we be bradley yelling at woodward & bernstein to get a 2nd source of confirmation. but if said poster is going to leak something, they need to be prepared and to know, that they are leading a horse to water and there better be water there.

something as simple as 'another coach is out, more to come later' dancing around that you may have heard something but dont know, and wont say, but something is going on you think, hogwash. there has to be a certain degree of separation, and how much truth is out there, that the poster will have to inherently understand before going public. if that info is about to be tweeted by the beat writers, drop it. if it was given over dinner the night before by the coach, you say nothing etc, etc.

3rd, there should also be different rules for coaches/administration and for the student/athlete. the good ole days of the summer/fall of '01 where 80% of the board new what happened to edelin, but wouldnt dare post it...are long gone. somebody today would leak it. this place is too big, too many loose ends. that same 80% probably make up 20% of the people here now.

we know who most of the nugget droppers are, most are pretty accurate and that should be encouraged. i also encourage the school to throw bees in jail if he starts posting the new wrinkles to the playbook on the week before the big game again, but i digress.

bottom line, we like info. but it needs to be delivered correctly and be real.

for if its not, it can come off with the same ammount of credibility as the oklahoma to the b1g posts and the poster should be run out of town. if he/she stays...great. if not...who cares.'re confirming the Oklahoma to the B1G rumor. Interesting.
And yes, I'm all for throwing Bees in jail..whatever the reason.
I'm fortunate enough to have a couple of friends with strong SU connections that can share their info with me away from the board. I only get to see them or talk to them a few times a year, so this is the place I stay up to date. I see utterly outrageous posts every day and I don't see the need to join the fray, yet some attack posters that come bearing news. This makes absolutely zero sense; if they are trolling they will get banned or thread deleted, but if they are just sharing then congrats- you just made it that much more likely they never will again.

Actions have consequences, people. Unfortunately those consequences are for all of us.
well your wrong- it was a non threatening post with nothing stated other than we were smoked in 40% of our games -

what it comes down to- your free to post what you want if your a pal of the mods- not a pal- we will run you off for nothing to prove but how much power we wield

i wouldnt doubt i get banned for posting to this thread

If I was in charge you would be run right out for this post, you are right. It's whining.

Sgt Hulka would not approve.
when things arent equal its not whining - its called favoritism

and since your a pal of the mods you have nothing to fear -
It's life, deal with it. My god I feel like I am talking to one of my kids. What
see thats my point- some are free to talk down to others - if i was to post that about you- im gone

there is no balance- friends can do as they please
see thats my point- some are free to talk down to others - if i was to post that about you- im gone

there is no balance- friends can do as they please
gravitas, like earned.
One man's "insider" information is another's guess. Sometimes it is hard to tell who is just trying to impress everyone with supposed information v. who really has real information. That's not to say I would attack those who I think are pretenders ... in fact, I just ignore them because sometimes just questioning them opens one up to an onslaught of attacks. "How dare you question the great and powerful Oz?"

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