It was an epic end of an era. Epic feel, emotional and yes very satisfying conclusion. Not saying it was a great movie standing by itself but when taken in the context of the whole series, any old time Star Wars fan couldnt ask for much more.
Spoiler time: Since I don't know how to use the spoiler feature read no more!
No doubt it was disjointed at times creating a bit of a cluttered hurried and forced feel on occasion as they put in so much in general and from the past everything short of Yoda, and then with what I thought was them saying "sorry" to all us "we almost ruined the entire series with that last episode" (that horror carried over to this to a degree), but when Luke said to Rey he was wrong I took that as an apology to all for #8. It was a time mid movie that it had to be swallowed clunkingly to move on through to be able to enjoy the rest of the movie.
Anyway certainly there were some holes and a lack of flow at times as a result but once I got by the unnerving Carrie Fisher cgi reanimation I loved the way her story arced and appropriately ended (with an eye to real life emotion), this with her intervention with Kylo Ren/Ben. Some plot lines were tough to swallow but I look at it this way it's kind of like trying to figure all the time travel sequences of movies like Back to the Future. Just don't do it and go with it and suspend disbelief for a while so I did.
I Loved the way his (Kylos transition to the light) time came to an end with his mom and loved the way the Good, once again (ahem current times), triumphed over Evil with the Sith being permanently dispatched. Loved that the humor was good, sparse and just a part of the movie not trying to make it a comedy drama like #8 where it caused a loss of the dramatic feel of what Star Wars is all about.
The war and fight scenes were well done and Palpatine was sinister once again, unearthing Lukes Star X-wing fighter for Rey was classic with the uncredited cameo of Han so cool, awesome so much Millenium Falcon and LOVED the fact there were no overt political overtones nor dopey new love stories with other characters (less rose). LOVED LOVED the homage to all past episodes whether seeing the destroyed death star or the end back at Luke and his Uncle and Aunts home base on Tootine for the last scene.
No this movie wasn't perfect by any stretch but it was the perfect Star Wars send off being true to the heart and soul of the whole thing after nearly 45 years of wowing and entertaining us. Thank You JJ Abrams for, once again, pulling off the difficult feat of maintaining the heart and character of everything we saw as original and awesome way back when, and infusing some life into it with some new, new characters, new stories, and melding it all together (nearly) seamlessly.
All one needs to know is I plan to see it once maybe twice more with others in my sphere which couldn't be said for 8. Go see it, go with it, suspend your undue critical eye and enjoy the ride. Epic end to an epic saga and the end of a HUGE part of my own life.
Edit: on second viewing figured out the significance and meaning of Chewie getting the metal, he was snubbed in New Hope not getting one while Luke and Han did! All is now right in the Star Wars universe with this slight being addressed. LOL