Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker | Page 6 |

Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker

wasnt pretty much the whole story from day 1 about greed being bad? black and white good vs evil. rich vs poor.

dont even know what the human trafficking part was.

luke was bitter from the first second he appeared on the screen in 1977.

There has been political stuff peppered throughout the saga. I vividly remember the scene from Ep 3 which was a shot at George W Bush's "You're either with us or you're with the terrorists" line. It was basically parroted by Vader, to which Kenobi responded something like only a Sith thinks that way... It was clearly a way to call Bush evil, but at least it fit with the scene and the plot. So meh, not a huge deal.

The difference in TLJ was that they diverted a good deal of the entire film to this side track against the 1% and the "military industrial complex" (recall the scene where Benecio tells them that the same people sell weapons to both sides) - my question about that is how did it advance this story in any useful way? Especially knowing the urgency to wrap the whole 40 year saga up now in just 2 hours and knowing the wasted 30 -45 minutes on this political side trip in the last movie.
they could have easily done and Endgame thing and done a 2 part movie if they felt they had too much to tell and people wouldnt have complained.
Well, the troll campaign has officially worked. I loved The Last Jedi for how it tried to advance the story and do things a little differently. It was a critical success but a vocal minority of fans hated it.

Based on the rotten tomatoes aggregate, my worst fear may have occurred...JJ has potentially made a film that people won't hate but few will love in an effort to quiet the haters.

I love this franchise and hope I love it, but sad that a few dummies may have ruined it for all of us.
Well, the troll campaign has officially worked. I loved The Last Jedi for how it tried to advance the story and do things a little differently. It was a critical success but a vocal minority of fans hated it.

Based on the rotten tomatoes aggregate, my worst fear may have occurred...JJ has potentially made a film that people won't hate but few will love in an effort to quiet the haters.

I love this franchise and hope I love it, but sad that a few dummies may have ruined it for all of us.
Your entitled to your opinion as stuff like this is completely subjective.

I am glad you liked TLJ. I can say I think TRoS looks better. If you think of this series as the story of Skywalker it’s disappointing to me what has happened in episodes 7 and 8.
From what I know about 9 it’s better than episode 8 but this last trilogy just makes the franchise matter less for hardcore fans of the series.
Disney didn’t respect Star Wars “fans” they created movies for the general public and take advantage of the fact that fans weren’t whom they catered too. This stuff is happening across the board in 2019 entertainment.
Wrestling/Hollywood/plays are not catering to their “fans” they want to cater to general public and feel the need to say stuff like it’s important for when for GROUP X comes to see this film/play/entertainment come and feel represented.
i mean Rey as the granddaughter of Palpetine whatever. Kylo giving his life soul for Rey to live was stupid. Her just moving to tatootine and calling herself Rey Skywalker was totally a Kathleen Kennedy influenced decision. Gold lightsaber whatever.
Glad Luke was more positive.
Didn’t like that Anakin wasn’t in it besides the Voice. Overall C+/B- because it honestly needs a 3rd movie to go with it. It is 7-9 and like 8 didn’t happen.
Very little Rose.
Just got out. I mean whatever.
Not going to complain. I wasn’t satisfied but I am not upset.
Just got out. I mean whatever.
Not going to complain. I wasn’t satisfied but I am not upset.

Not sure how I feel about yet. Going to have to see it again but right now I feel mixed.

The one thing I did not care for has been how these three new movies have turned the force into what amounts to basically be superpowers.

Between flying space Leia and now make large ships crash Rey it just seems like we are a far distance away from what Obi Wan, Luke or even Vader could do.

Also not sure about the all living in one deal for Palpatine and Rey in the end.

Things I did like were the Knights of Ren, the new cone robot and getting to see Han one last time. Speaking of which was it a memory or was it Leia projecting herself as Han? Her body did not fade until Ben's did.
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It was an epic end of an era. Epic feel, emotional and yes very satisfying conclusion. Not saying it was a great movie standing by itself but when taken in the context of the whole series, any old time Star Wars fan couldnt ask for much more.

Spoiler time: Since I don't know how to use the spoiler feature read no more!

No doubt it was disjointed at times creating a bit of a cluttered hurried and forced feel on occasion as they put in so much in general and from the past everything short of Yoda, and then with what I thought was them saying "sorry" to all us "we almost ruined the entire series with that last episode" (that horror carried over to this to a degree), but when Luke said to Rey he was wrong I took that as an apology to all for #8. It was a time mid movie that it had to be swallowed clunkingly to move on through to be able to enjoy the rest of the movie.

Anyway certainly there were some holes and a lack of flow at times as a result but once I got by the unnerving Carrie Fisher cgi reanimation I loved the way her story arced and appropriately ended (with an eye to real life emotion), this with her intervention with Kylo Ren/Ben. Some plot lines were tough to swallow but I look at it this way it's kind of like trying to figure all the time travel sequences of movies like Back to the Future. Just don't do it and go with it and suspend disbelief for a while so I did.

I Loved the way his (Kylos transition to the light) time came to an end with his mom and loved the way the Good, once again (ahem current times), triumphed over Evil with the Sith being permanently dispatched. Loved that the humor was good, sparse and just a part of the movie not trying to make it a comedy drama like #8 where it caused a loss of the dramatic feel of what Star Wars is all about.

The war and fight scenes were well done and Palpatine was sinister once again, unearthing Lukes Star X-wing fighter for Rey was classic with the uncredited cameo of Han so cool, awesome so much Millenium Falcon and LOVED the fact there were no overt political overtones nor dopey new love stories with other characters (less rose). LOVED LOVED the homage to all past episodes whether seeing the destroyed death star or the end back at Luke and his Uncle and Aunts home base on Tootine for the last scene.

No this movie wasn't perfect by any stretch but it was the perfect Star Wars send off being true to the heart and soul of the whole thing after nearly 45 years of wowing and entertaining us. Thank You JJ Abrams for, once again, pulling off the difficult feat of maintaining the heart and character of everything we saw as original and awesome way back when, and infusing some life into it with some new, new characters, new stories, and melding it all together (nearly) seamlessly.

All one needs to know is I plan to see it once maybe twice more with others in my sphere which couldn't be said for 8. Go see it, go with it, suspend your undue critical eye and enjoy the ride. Epic end to an epic saga and the end of a HUGE part of my own life.

Edit: on second viewing figured out the significance and meaning of Chewie getting the metal, he was snubbed in New Hope not getting one while Luke and Han did! All is now right in the Star Wars universe with this slight being addressed. LOL
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Your entitled to your opinion as stuff like this is completely subjective.

I am glad you liked TLJ. I can say I think TRoS looks better. If you think of this series as the story of Skywalker it’s disappointing to me what has happened in episodes 7 and 8.
From what I know about 9 it’s better than episode 8 but this last trilogy just makes the franchise matter less for hardcore fans of the series.
Disney didn’t respect Star Wars “fans” they created movies for the general public and take advantage of the fact that fans weren’t whom they catered too. This stuff is happening across the board in 2019 entertainment.
Wrestling/Hollywood/plays are not catering to their “fans” they want to cater to general public and feel the need to say stuff like it’s important for when for GROUP X comes to see this film/play/entertainment come and feel represented.
i mean Rey as the granddaughter of Palpetine whatever. Kylo giving his life soul for Rey to live was stupid. Her just moving to tatootine and calling herself Rey Skywalker was totally a Kathleen Kennedy influenced decision. Gold lightsaber whatever.
Glad Luke was more positive.
Didn’t like that Anakin wasn’t in it besides the Voice. Overall C+/B- because it honestly needs a 3rd movie to go with it. It is 7-9 and like 8 didn’t happen.
Very little Rose.
Just got out. I mean whatever.
Not going to complain. I wasn’t satisfied but I am not upset.
Maybe you’re the bitter emo.

I was entertained and satisfied.
Maybe you’re the bitter emo.

I was entertained and satisfied.
Good that is what you should want. I thought it was better than TLJ. I didn't think it was bad. I think it should be the second movie of a trilogy. The fact George Lucas didn't go to the premiere is a message.
He didn't go to the TLJ or this TRoS primeres. He wasn't happy with the stories written but he sold out.
Good that is what you should want. I thought it was better than TLJ. I didn't think it was bad. I think it should be the second movie of a trilogy. The fact George Lucas didn't go to the premiere is a message.
He didn't go to the TLJ or this TRoS primeres. He wasn't happy with the stories written but he sold out.
I like this trilogy better than the prequels. (ducks)
I just got back from the movie. I was highly entertained and satisfied by how they pulled everything together. I can't think of a more difficult task than to cap off a storyline over nine films. I thought they did a commendable job. I'll see it again in the theaters and then probably watch it dozens of more times when it comes out on video. Good film.
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The Phantom Menace has a good story IMO.
The acting was terrible and it had several moments you could perceived as racist.
The Attack of the Clones was pure chit.
Horrible story, horrible acting, horrible ideas.
The Revenge of Sith was good.
I can see the argument 7 and 9 are better than the original trilogy as 2 was just awful.
I can’t decide between 1-3 and 7-9 on which is better. I would have to break everything down Dr. Jack style to come to a real conclusion.
the fan base for sequels is always split. some what the continuation of the story. some want a new story to extend it, some want the same feel to be continued.

if this was the first movie of a new franchise it probably would get better reviews and make less money

you also always get the issue of people who complain when a movie doesnt go in the direction they expect/want with a story line but then others when a story goes where they expect as being obvious.

I'm more of a was it fun guy for this type of movie. Like seeing Knives Out its not like its some big secret what happens and who did it but it was a fun ride in the reveal and the acting

Star Wars was never about how great and complex the story was it was about how you got there. i mean it had one giant revel and some mysterious back stories it never really revealed that was fed by fans over the years

a 40 years story is pretty hard to tell over 9 movies. would James Bond or MI be the same if they were just telling extended version of one story? Most franchises are trying to tell different stories in the same universe not one long extended reveal.
The Phantom Menace has a good story IMO.
The acting was terrible and it had several moments you could perceived as racist.
The Attack of the Clones was pure chit.
Horrible story, horrible acting, horrible ideas.
The Revenge of Sith was good.
I can see the argument 7 and 9 are better than the original trilogy as 2 was just awful.
I can’t decide between 1-3 and 7-9 on which is better. I would have to break everything down Dr. Jack style to come to a real conclusion.
1-3 story was great and needed. Visually however they were over the top. Overdone. ROTS was good, but ridiculous. Obi wan and Anakin’s final battle floating around on those little things in the lava was so silly.
the new trilogy had a good story, and nothing that made me cringe that I can think of other than the Carrie Poppins scene.
Just returned from my second viewing and the things a didn't like the first time were much less objectionable upon second viewing.

The moment between Kylo/Ben that happens in his mind as a "rewrite" of the scene in TFA might be one of the best in the saga, and what a surprise cameo.

Overall, if you're on the fence, I recommend seeing it again, it went from a 6/7 to 8/9 for me on the rewatch.
Just returned from my second viewing and the things a didn't like the first time were much less objectionable upon second viewing.

The moment between Kylo/Ben that happens in his mind as a "rewrite" of the scene in TFA might be one of the best in the saga, and what a surprise cameo.

Overall, if you're on the fence, I recommend seeing it again, it went from a 6/7 to 8/9 for me on the rewatch.

guy murdered his father as some kind of twisted sacrifice. There’s shouldn’t be some kind of redemption from that. That’s the definition of evil
guy murdered his father as some kind of twisted sacrifice. There’s shouldn’t be some kind of redemption from that. That’s the definition of evil
Coming in I didn't think so either, but the way it was played was so well done that I can buy his redemption.
Just returned from my second viewing and the things a didn't like the first time were much less objectionable upon second viewing.

The moment between Kylo/Ben that happens in his mind as a "rewrite" of the scene in TFA might be one of the best in the saga, and what a surprise cameo.

Overall, if you're on the fence, I recommend seeing it again, it went from a 6/7 to 8/9 for me on the rewatch.
Boy you're not kidding, second go around was such a better experience. From start to finish just sitting there taking it in, enjoyed it way more without the constant internal chatter in my head from the first time analyzing every this and analyzing every that figuring if it was gonna be good or not and salvage the whole saga.

Couldn't agree more, second time was the charm. Best take and synopsis I've seen yet:
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