Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker | Page 7 |

Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker

I loved it. Just from start to finish.

Also funny, I liked Last Jedi, then maybe got taken in by the negativity. Rewatched it last week and other than the casino scene it was really good. And you could see the development of Finn and Poe between the two movies.
For me I rank them.
Tier 1
1. Empire Strikes Back
2. A New Hope

Tier 2
3. Return of the Jedi
4. Rogue One
5. Force Awakens
6. The Rise of Skywalker

Tier 3
7. Revenge of the Sith
8. Phantom Menace
9. Solo

Tier 4
10. Attack of the Clones
11. The Last Jedi
I thought Revenge of the sith was awesome outside the last 5 minutes
I thought Revenge of the sith was awesome outside the last 5 minutes
For me I rank them.
Tier 1
1. Empire Strikes Back
2. A New Hope

Tier 2
3. Return of the Jedi
4. Rogue One
5. Force Awakens
6. The Rise of Skywalker

Tier 3
7. Revenge of the Sith
8. Phantom Menace
9. Solo

Tier 4
10. Attack of the Clones
11. The Last Jedi
Rogue One
Force Awakens
Revenge of The Sith
Rise of Skywalker
New Hope
Return of The Jedi
Phantom Menace
The Last Jedi
Attack of The Clones
For me I rank them.
Tier 1
1. Empire Strikes Back
2. A New Hope

Tier 2
3. Return of the Jedi
4. Rogue One
5. Force Awakens
6. The Rise of Skywalker

Tier 3
7. Revenge of the Sith
8. Phantom Menace
9. Solo

Tier 4
10. Attack of the Clones
11. The Last Jedi

Rogue One
Rise of Skywalker
A New Hope
Force Awakens
Last Jedi
Revenge of the Sith
Return of the Jedi
Phantom Menace
Attack of the Clones

That’s actually kind of hard to do. The easy formula is originals are best, new trilogy second, prequals in last place, with one offs sprinkled in.
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Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker domestic opening weekend ticket sales were 20% lower than the Last Jedi and 29% lower than the Force Awakens.

This trilogy hurt fan interest.
They made money so it was successful in that sense.
Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker domestic opening weekend ticket sales were 20% lower than the Last Jedi and 29% lower than the Force Awakens.

This trilogy hurt fan interest.
They made money so it was successful in that sense.
Yeah but this movie is gonna make its $ on its legs and word of mouth. May very well end up beating the other two, for ex. I saw Awakens twice, last Jedi once while this one will be 3, so it'll be interesting to see and follow.
what would people rank these if they were not series of movies but just a single movie with no prequel or sequel ? Some of he complaints about any single movie are because they didnt advance a story in a way that people wanted. How would star wars have been presented if going in they knew 5/6 were really getting done like lord of the rings did?

now we complain about 9 trying to tie up 40 yrs worth of bows?

i see all these and love it when it completes something but this isnt a tv series trying to end something in the same way and if it leaves something unsaid thats fine to me.

if this was 1-2-3 instead of 7-8-9 i think people would feel differently and if 1-2-3 were the beginning not sure 2-3 ever get done.. You have to wonder if 4 came out now would it be as loved for a 5-6 because it had a lot of holes too. but being a new thing to people, it took off and now has had decades to build it up.

we should appreciate that those of us young enough to remember what 4-5-6 were when they came out that 40 yrs later we got to revisit it in a pretty cool way.
If 4 came out today, like assuming they made 1,2,3 and then 4 came out, it would be panned just like the rest. This is more an effect of the internet than anything else. It is a human hate machine. Social media is the nuclear bomb of bullying and hatred, nobody is immune. Least of anyone who actually creates anything.

I am disappointed that 8 wasn’t really great but that is only because I thought 7 was outstanding and it damaged the story 7 started to tell irreparably. I enjoyed 9 but I see where it was really crippled by having to not only correct misdeeds in 8 but also make up for the derailment of the story. Spoilers coming.

We all have to admit that is a failure of the story that suddenly after two thirds of the trilogy is complete, they have to introduce the main villain in the crawl as something as ham handed as “sudden voice from the sky.” Adding to it that said main villain was killed 30 years ago in the movie release timeline and you see the crazy gyrations 8’s terrible mangling of the plot caused. It also calls into question the entire first trilogy because Vader’s sacrifice was invalidated by the fact that the emperor was apparently not killed at the end of 6.

so I get the disappointment, but the hate and rage I have seen on the “superfan” channels is fueled by something else I think.

Skywalker could move up the charts, ive only seen it 1x.

the rest are pretty set in stone, although i could flip Solo and Return.

no, I couldnt...ewoks.
Why are people so down on Revenge and Phantom?

sure, phantom was a bit corny. It did a decent job rebuilding the lore though. It also had arguably the best lightsaber battle ever.
Why are people so down on Revenge and Phantom?

sure, phantom was a bit corny. It did a decent job rebuilding the lore though. It also had arguably the best lightsaber battle ever.
Revenge is really only good because Phantom and Clones were not.

the whole prequel needs a reboot.

they need to do a Vader movie.

starting from Sith, through Rogue One and up to a New Hope.

but it needs to be done like Joker.

totally dark.
If 4 came out today, like assuming they made 1,2,3 and then 4 came out, it would be panned just like the rest. This is more an effect of the internet than anything else. It is a human hate machine. Social media is the nuclear bomb of bullying and hatred, nobody is immune. Least of anyone who actually creates anything.

I am disappointed that 8 wasn’t really great but that is only because I thought 7 was outstanding and it damaged the story 7 started to tell irreparably. I enjoyed 9 but I see where it was really crippled by having to not only correct misdeeds in 8 but also make up for the derailment of the story. Spoilers coming.

We all have to admit that is a failure of the story that suddenly after two thirds of the trilogy is complete, they have to introduce the main villain in the crawl as something as ham handed as “sudden voice from the sky.” Adding to it that said main villain was killed 30 years ago in the movie release timeline and you see the crazy gyrations 8’s terrible mangling of the plot caused. It also calls into question the entire first trilogy because Vader’s sacrifice was invalidated by the fact that the emperor was apparently not killed at the end of 6.

so I get the disappointment, but the hate and rage I have seen on the “superfan” channels is fueled by something else I think.

Disagree about Vader's sacrifice. He didn't know that the Emperor would come back, but it also set up the ultimate victory.
IV-VI told a story.
I-III told a story.
VII told a story, VIII didn’t tell a story, IX had to cleanup VIII to connect the story from VII.

If TLJ was a stand alone film like Solo or Rogue One then it’s fine.
TFA and TRoS need a 3rd film to tell a complete story.
I think Phantom Menace gets crapped on more than it deserves

Same with Revenge of The Sith.

The original don't hold up outside Empire.

Rogue One is solid.

I think the new set would be ok on their own, not as a set.

Solo was a disappointment

Clones was a mess

Like I said, Return of the Jedi and New Hope don't hold up
I love how people claim that Ep. 9 cleaned up or walked back Ep. 8 simply because not everything was fully answered until Ep. 9. As if we were spoon fed everything in Ep. 4 and Ep. 5.

Just got back. Avoided all trailers, but couldn't help see a couple headlines of reviews talking about "disrespect" toward Rian Johnson's Episode VIII.

JJ Abrams gave the series the proper send off, reviving plot lines that were cast away in Episode VIII and even throwing a few real twists in there that were completed unexpected. Great, great job. Very emotional for a sci fi movie. Go see it if you're a Star Wars fan. Don't read any reviews and just experience it.
I have zero enthusiasm for this movie. I'll see it, but it feels like more out of a sense of pop cultural obligation.

My daughter and I felt exactly the same way going into the movie. We avoided spoilers, reviews and even didn't super-analyze the trailers. The result was a supremely satisfying film. Episode 8 could be thrown in the trash and it wouldn't matter to the story arc, and Episode 7 is noticeably better after this resolution of story lines in Episode 9. Great finish.
My prediction is Rey is going to end up as relative as Palpatine. She will kill Palpatine with Kylo.
C3PO will be deactivated.
Rey will marry Ben and become a Skywalker. Thus the rise of the Skywalker.

Hell of a call on one of them in particular.
Johnson gets a lot of hate but he made a better movie than any of the prequels or jedi. Only Empire and New Hope were better imo.

What do you make of that long, pointless video game chase scene through the casino to try to catch the bad guy - who got away. That was 10+ minutes of crap CGI for zero plot value. How was that a good movie at all?

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