Taurean Thompson | Page 74 | Syracusefan.com

Taurean Thompson

I've learned people say things on this forum to get attention and feel important. If a commitment is " imminent" I should know within 1 minute...

Somehow I don't think I will.
You did say this yesterday. I'm going to optimistically assume you are right. If you're wrong however, you will be post #1 of my new thread "Members who claimed inside knowledge that we can no longer trust".
Just imagine for a tick, that TT picks Cuse. The disappointment by most if he doesn't perform (up to unreasonable expectations) that most here would feel.

Now of course, if he does live up to the extra hype....then only Brian will be upset! Just 1/4th kidding, my friend. ;)
The longer there is no announcement after TT's MSU visit, I take as good for us. Means he wasn't blown away to quickly commit and that he is likely fighting for what he wants. But we'll see.
Kid down the street from where I work has a shot at going #1 overall apparently. Didn't even know about him until reading some stuff in the last few weeks...Mickey Moniak.

he has a very good shot. There is no clear cut "Bryce Harper" type prospect this year. Literally about 5/6 guys that good go #1. Micky is seen as the highest upside prep bat in the draft.
I hate to say it, but can we please keep this thread to text. Many of us are at work and would like to be able to check in periodically to see if anything happens today. I can't risk doing that and getting hit with a JHJ Bomb.

This thread has been going on long enough that I am totally fine for it to have its own swimsuit issue once a year, but maybe that could be a separate thread with a brown paper wrapper over it?
They really like Will Craig, a 3b prospect from Wake Forest. He wont get past the Mets if he is still on the board. They are most likely looking college bat if the right guy is there.

We could use a bat, especially a 3b. Someone who can get up to the majors soon, like conforto.
Thread has been purged but not before I learned this (.) (.) from Jim!

I agree with whoever posted that the further removed we get from the MSU visit the better is is for SU. Also I believe Orangeman13's scource on this because the timing seems right and coincides with TT's comments in his pre MSU interview.

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