the crane the crane | Page 14 |

the crane the crane

From what I can see it looks like one long piece of brown steel has been hooked at each end and is off the ground but is just hanging there don't they know we're waiting?
They must be waiting for something to get completed. It just hangs there!? This must be old hat to these guys. One of them went into the orange Portalet a while ago while the first load, whatever it was, was being lifted.
From what I can see it looks like one long piece of brown steel has been hooked at each end and is off the ground but is just hanging there don't they know we're waiting?

I would expect what they are going to erect is similar to what they’ve been doing in the backside in the pics I posted further up.
Something black and white is being lifted now.
That was part of the crane. I think you are going to have to wait to see those pieces lifted as 3PM is usually about the end of the construction work day.
….well now there are two things lifted straight up out of the live cam's view
You mean like these guys?

Do you think they had to add extra support on that steel for the size of those guys balls?
Do you think they had to add extra support on that steel for the size of those guys balls?
Well the other option was see your family starve and sleep in the alley...
I don’t see much of anything going on out front. Seems like most of today’s work was out back.
Thanks Bees! I know what the piece is now. Looks like work has ended for the day. I hope they begin to work out front in view of the live cam soon so we have something to watch.
I am intrigued by the complexity of the part in Bees photograph. Hayner or a sub had to design every one of those pieces so they would be able to be installed and fit exactly. Welded, cast or both?
Also I wonder what the tensile strength limit is for the main cable on Walt? How many tons can it lift? Google?
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A few tidbits I’ve heard.

The brown steel stuff we see being erected are supposedly to hold counter weights for when the roller coaster is being assembled.

It takes the better part of a day to shut things down and lower the cranes.

During the shutdown and lowering and I believe even the operation, everything is monitored and if anything is being done improperly, it is taken over remotely by a company in Germany.
Pete Sala said the installation of the crown truss was going to start in the northwest corner of the dome; the directional side close to the Falk school. If that is true, they are probably even further along in the process than they are here on what appears to be the northeast corner (closest to the Quad).

I can see lots of activity going on around the northwest corner. I am hoping someone can get a picture of what things look like over there. I suspect that will be the corner where we will first see actual pieces of the crown truss start getting put into place. I imagine the southwest corner, the one the camera is trained on, presents more challenges here as it is the corner that has the ticket offices, stadium control and the only large entrance for the building.

From Pete’s earlier comments, it sounds like the southeast corner might be the last to get done. He said they had to build another pad for the big crane that is shown here, currently located in the northeast corner, by the southeast corner so they can do work over there. I assume they can do the work for the southwest corner using Walt and his existing pad. Because of the hill, everything will have to be done higher from the ground, which has to make it harder, and they will have to be mindful of the extra activity in that corner. Makes sense to get the two easiest corners done first and hopefully have the process of building these support mechanisms well established before taking on the toughest (and incidentally most public) corner.

Still no white steel for the crown truss visible in the storage areas surrounding Walt. When that happens, things will really start to get interesting. It has to happen soon if they are going to complete the crown truss by the end of November, which I believe is the goal.

I hope someone is doing a time lapse of this project, it would make a great video.
Whoever speculated that the southeast corner will come last is probably right.

I stepped outside this morning I could hear the steelwork, it was a perfect foggy and still morning, so the work can be heard for miles. Had to walk over and check it out. There's a hole near the southeast corner of the Dome where I think they'll build the next crane pad (why they didn't do this months ago and instead are digging directly up against the new Archbold foundation is beyond me).

The big crane was installing the big pieces of temporary steel on the northwest corner, pretty much directly over Grant Auditorium. And another enormous piece of the permanent crown truss, a bracket or connector of some kind, got delivered and is awaiting installation.

Should've brought a phone for a photo, but anyone who's at the basketball game tonight can get a look.
Yes, the boys are working Walt overtime. It's Saturday 10/26/19 at 12 :45 P.M. and the 3 million Lb. beast that can lift 1,100 tons at a time is, as Otto says, in operation - the only problem is the live cam cannot show it due to its position. The work is happening behind the Dome. Hopefully it will not be to long before work begins in full view so we may all see Walt, in all his glory, lifting the steel to further the Dome's completion.
Whoever speculated that the southeast corner will come last is probably right.

I stepped outside this morning I could hear the steelwork, it was a perfect foggy and still morning, so the work can be heard for miles. Had to walk over and check it out. There's a hole near the southeast corner of the Dome where I think they'll build the next crane pad (why they didn't do this months ago and instead are digging directly up against the new Archbold foundation is beyond me).

The big crane was installing the big pieces of temporary steel on the northwest corner, pretty much directly over Grant Auditorium. And another enormous piece of the permanent crown truss, a bracket or connector of some kind, got delivered and is awaiting installation.

Should've brought a phone for a photo, but anyone who's at the basketball game tonight can get a look.

whatever the direction of the back side is that I post photos of is having a lot of work done today involving lifting of metal. Part of the arch is off limits today for safety reasons. Wish we had a cam on that side too.
Yea! another piece lifted in full view going up now! And swung over behind the Dome being lowered into place. Not being lowered until the boys on the other side get stuff ready so it's up there hanging. Now it slooooowly being lowered.
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