This was a long time ago but the best QB in my opinion was a kid named Ted Holman. We used to warm up together. His finger nails were so long I remember they used to make a noise when he released the ball as they snapped across the laces. He didn't like me due to the fact that I could throw the ball as hard and with as tight a spiral and as far as he could. I didn't feel as though college ball was as tough as prep school. Once though I was very apprehensive. They sent me to the defensive backfield as a safety (they did everything they could to try and get me to quit).
At the time there was a fullback named Jim Nance we ended up friends ( he was the National Heavyweight Wrestling Champion. They held the finals at Cornell - I remember a bunch of us football players traveling down there one night to watch.)
Anyway I was the Safety heh... I knew what the play was because they had just had a walk through drill and he took the ball and trotted up to me and said, "careful Billy Boy." Ben said OK this is live and I was tight as a drum with anxiety. I thought I was supposed to tackle him but it was just a run through with no hitting and here he comes full out - the only chance I had was to hit him low around the ankles which I did and he went down fast. Ben says "who did that - who hit Nance god damn it?" I raised my hand and he said "get the *** out of here I said this was NO HITTING!" So, I just hung around the sideline where the varsity was practicing.
Nance came up to me after practice and said nice hit, man. He used to carry me down Kimmel Hall with one hand. That was in the days after the meal ticket for sale by football players on campus scandal but that's another story.