the crane the crane | Page 217 |

the crane the crane

Interesting info, but is it accurate? What is the source?

I believe the original source was the Virginia Tech "Hokie Club" (for boosters). It was posted on twitter by a person who is a Hokie Club member, IIRC.
sunset su.jpg
99% of the public will not be disapointed since they have no idea what changed or what it could have been.
Tru dat. I saw someone on a syracuse dot com Facebook post that showed an old photo ask if that was the new roof already and said it looked sweet!! This guy must REALLY be quarantined!!
With all due respect, you are in a thread title that is relative to the construction and renovation of the Dome, and all that that entails. If "all you really care about is that the football team goes 8-4 or better," then perhaps you need to create a thread on that point or visit the multiple of other threads that may be on that parallel.

Thanks. Was just lightening up the mood. Some people would complain about a free lunch.
Whoops maybe take the orange colored glasses off and head to the two websites. It’s clear as day which project is better. This isn’t a Pepsi vs coke. There Is a clear difference
just went to both websites. its not as bad as you make it to be
I’m okay if SU isn’t the most “glitzy” or the most “glam.”
Let's talk about the article Chris Carlson wrote yesterday on the renovation project. We have mostly ignored it up to now.

Here it is, in case you haven't read it yet:

Some thoughts on some of the major points Chris makes...

“Well, I think that we’re hoping, the way the schedule is laid out now, mid-July you should start seeing that next part of the roof going on, the actual structure,” Sala said. “That needs to go very quickly in order for us to start hanging lights and sound and video underneath it. That is really scheduled tight.”

I am very much surprised the actual structure is not expected to take shape until July. I have a great deal of trouble understanding the version of English Pete Sala speaks, and am not 100% sure what he is attempting to say here. I can't imagine nothing will go up until mid-July. I think based on his other attempts at providing insight later in the article, the plan is to get the cables that will form the backbone for the new roof up beforehand, get the framework for the roof in place first and hold off on actually building the roof until July.

“There will be a hard-deck roof that goes up a little over the first-third of the roof. It’ll look a little like the Manley Field House roof,” Sala said. “That will be a good example of that. Then there will be a fabric roof for the last two-thirds.”

It is disappointing that primary spokesperson for the project is so incapable of explaining what is goiung to happen with the project. I am not sure if he is just completely inarticulate or he just doesn't understand what he is being asked to explain. Either way, it is not good. Is it possible to get someone in front of the press who is capable of communicating in a clear and straghtforward fashion?

“What they should see soon, as early as mid-to-late (this) week, is they’ll see some of that rust-colored steel starting to come down,” Sala said. “Right now we’re working on the rest of the railing around the crown truss and the catwalk that goes all the way around that part of the structure. They’ll see some work on the inside through the webcam of the new cable starting to get laid out, maybe some of them getting hooked up to the old points of the building. You’ll see these blue boxes. People keep asking me what they are. That’s the scaffolding for Pfeifer FabriTec for the steelworkers to get in to connect the new cables to the new truss.”

I have been watching on the cameras and haven't seen any progress towards removing the back stays to date. Again, I am surprised at what looks like a distinct lack of urgency since the crown truss was completed. It looks like they are adding hand rails to the other side of the tops of the girders as a safety feature.

I keep seeing workers stationed at the end point of the back stays, where the cables are attached, for long periods. It looks like they are doing something and I have been hoping to see the cables get released but to date, I haven't seen any progress.

It is good to see that the purpose for the blue scaffolding has been confirmed.

“We aren’t planning on (a webcam) right now,” Sala said. “It’s not something we’ve done on any construction site at Syracuse University. We don’t put web cameras inside the buildings. Not a huge fan.”

I will give Pete credit for one thing. He is consistent. He has never cared what fans think and that has clearly not changed.
Yes. But I did provide him the link to all their projects...people should expend some effort and research the facts before they post. Oh wait, I forgot, that doesn't always seem necessary on here. ;)
You seem like you have researched this, can you tell us the difference in control systems between the companies? Open air stadium tech vs closed? Multiple sports lighting vs one sport? Broadcast standards for 4k replay, etc. I'm curious, you seem to have more knowledge than most based on your effort and research.
By your logic why not put the old lights up. The dome was cutting edge and state of the art when it was built. This upgrade was suppose to bring it back to that level and every time you turn around something gets dropped. No exterior lighting on the center piece of campus?! Now downgrade the interior lighting over a timeline when most people are saying on here there won’t be fall football.
This is so full of unnecessary complaints and incorrect assertions. How do you bring a 40 year old stadium up to state of the art? You are the one referencing all the NFL stadiums such as LA, Las Vegas, Minnesota, Atlanta, etc. Which one of those was built in 1979? Find me a renovation of a 40 year old stadium that you think is state of the art compared to those (which are or will be the state of the art) and I'll listen more.

You mention every time you turn around something gets dropped, but most of what you reference was never even picked up to be dropped or in this case, it dropped itself. There was never an exterior lighting package to be dropped. They didn't downgrade the interior lighting even if I agree with your assertion that the Carrier-like company that tried to change the deal makes a better product. They asked for an out and they got it.

If you are correct and there may be no fall football, then how do you justify taking more risk if it is? You have to play to be ready for the best case too.

You are the poster who also said that the steel was in fabrication based on the first rendering that was released, when we didn't even know who made the rendering. I tried then to tell you that was not the case, but you refused to listen. Did SU drop that design and screw the fabricator, or is it more likely that was never the case in the first place? You need to back off and see what others are saying, including and especially Sala. He wanted your better, more expensive product. They backed out by essentially saying we can't hit your deadline despite what we told you when we signed on.
You seem like you have researched this, can you tell us the difference in control systems between the companies? Open air stadium tech vs closed? Multiple sports lighting vs one sport? Broadcast standards for 4k replay, etc. I'm curious, you seem to have more knowledge than most based on your effort and research.

You go first! :)
You go first! :)
Haha, I'm not the expert like these other posters. Would love to hear their research or institutional knowledge.

I'm going to ungracefully bow out of the lighting discussion. However, I may be back for future discussions on tech advancements at the dome.
Here you go.

Now, how much will anyone truly be able to notice, who knows, I'd imagine that's up to one's particular eyes and attention to detail? Perhaps, this may be a good analogy. You go into Best Buy and side by side you have to beautiful 65" HDTV's. When comparing them, it doesn't take you too long to determine which picture quality is superior, although both are really nice. You ultimately decide to go with the slightly lessor quality pic since once it's in your home and not side by side it won't really matter that much. :)
Now imagine it's last year, just after Christmas, and you are shopping for that TV. You have a guarantee that a new TV can be shipped and installed before the Superbowl. You are having a huge party and want the biggest baddest TV you can get. You see the two TVs and go with the more expensive one because it jut looks better. You thought it was made in Schenectady, but it is now owned by Sony. When you get to the register, they scan it and as you are about to hand over your credit card, the check out clerk says, Sony no longer offers the original 2 year warranty, and they can no longer guarantee the delivery before the Superbowl because they are on back order. Do you stick with the Sony and risk not having the TV for the game, or do you go back and get the other one that still has the guaranteed delivery and install?

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