the crane the crane | Page 249 |

the crane the crane

Underpromise, overdeliver. Why make public certain things that don't have to be made public? Giving construction timetables and studies about the roof just give people a punching bag if they aren't hit. And to be honest, it's really only the 50 people on this thread really want that information.

No idea why Pete Sala has become such a negative figure on this board. All because he didn't put a timelapse camera inside the dome (even though we can see everything going on now)?
Me either. I could care less if hes fan friendly as long as the project is a success.
Me either. I could care less if hes fan friendly as long as the project is a success.
Heard a rumor it’s far beyond budget and behind schedule. Might be the reason for the lack of cameras inside.
Heard a rumor it’s far beyond budget and behind schedule. Might be the reason for the lack of cameras inside.
Rumor ok. Given the pandemic it looks like things are pretty close. My best guess is 3-6 weeks off.
If you get fans all jazzed up for a season that never happens... well to paraphrase Jim Boeheim, Premature anything isn’t good.
Underpromise, overdeliver. Why make public certain things that don't have to be made public? Giving construction timetables and studies about the roof just give people a punching bag if they aren't hit. And to be honest, it's really only the 50 people on this thread really want that information.

No idea why Pete Sala has become such a negative figure on this board. All because he didn't put a timelapse camera inside the dome (even though we can see everything going on now)?
I have been involved in a couple dozen construction projects over the last 10 yrs and everyone one had a better camera set up than this and most of the newer ones had cameras with features like pan and zoom.
I have been involved in a couple dozen construction projects over the last 10 yrs and everyone one had a better camera set up than this and most of the newer ones had cameras with features like pan and zoom.
the rules governing workers during covid might have something to do with the lack of access.
It looks like the west end of the stadium is out of steel. Working on the weekend to catch up?
I have been involved in a couple dozen construction projects over the last 10 yrs and everyone one had a better camera set up than this and most of the newer ones had cameras with features like pan and zoom.
I understand that in today’s world of FaceTime, snap chat etc many think their life is so interesting all must be shared. I have always found Pete Sala honest and professional in his work. I can think of several reasons why they might want to limit exposure. My interest is mainly in the finished product, quality of work and did it accomplish it’s goals as an upgrade.
They didn't get popular in the USA until the early 70s IIRC
My brothers and I had fun building things with Legos, Lincoln Logs, erector sets, tinker toys, back in the 70s.
No I am not old enough to have helped the Lincolns build their log cabin, back when Lincoln Logs were work, not toys, regardless of what my kids tell you.
I understand that in today’s world of FaceTime, snap chat etc many think their life is so interesting all must be shared. I have always found Pete Sala honest and professional in his work. I can think of several reasons why they might want to limit exposure. My interest is mainly in the finished product, quality of work and did it accomplish it’s goals as an upgrade.
My interest is mainly that the roof stays up, and does not collapse especially if I am inside. All other interest is secondary.
If Covid was not a thing I would totally disagree with you because he should be marketing and trying to draw fans for season tickets. That may not be his job, but it should be SU’s job to market the project. Because of Covid however, it seems like they have kind of given up and are not giving updates because they know they don’t have to cater to the fans this year. But it’s disapointing because the fans are the lifeblood of the university. The Syracuse area is more important to the university than the alumni. Give the people what they want.
I really think you're over estimating the public relations value of the nuts and bolts of a major construction project done by a facilities guy, or anyone for that matter. and how that gets directed toward buying tickets.
'Today we are putting the metal flange in the reciprocal gaskets teeing into the metal cable webbing'
so now go buy some tickets'...Huh?
I really think you're over estimating the public relations value of the nuts and bolts of a major construction project done by a facilities guy, or anyone for that matter. and how that gets directed toward buying tickets.
'Today we are putting the metal flange in the reciprocal gaskets teeing into the metal cable webbing'
so now go buy some tickets'...Huh?

Your taking what I said too far though. I never said in my statement that we should get an hourly or daily review of what happened each day. But I don’t believe it should be kept as secretive as it has been. It’s essentially been top secret, all construction workers are being told and instructed they are not allowed to post pictures to social media and it’s coming from Pete Sala. I think it’s a little over the top how private he is trying to keep this project. And my point is it should not be treated as such, it’s a project that some fans are very interested in. Doesn’t mean it’s everyones cup of tea, but some people do get some enjoyment out of the process.
Your taking what I said too far though. I never said in my statement that we should get an hourly or daily review of what happened each day. But I don’t believe it should be kept as secretive as it has been. It’s essentially been top secret, all construction workers are being told and instructed they are not allowed to post pictures to social media and it’s coming from Pete Sala. I think it’s a little over the top how private he is trying to keep this project. And my point is it should not be treated as such, it’s a project that some fans are very interested in. Doesn’t mean it’s everyones cup of tea, but some people do get some enjoyment out of the process.
The fans that are very interested in it already have tickets and those who may be interested in it or enjoy big trucks aren't necessarily driven to buy tickets based on that interest in construction.
Its the team, winning, and the finished project that will drive fans to buy, not a behind schedule, half done project, and the completion may be celebrated by a non existent season. No reason to promote anything right now. Keep your eye on the ball.
I really think you're over estimating the public relations value of the nuts and bolts of a major construction project done by a facilities guy, or anyone for that matter. and how that gets directed toward buying tickets.
'Today we are putting the metal flange in the reciprocal gaskets teeing into the metal cable webbing'
so now go buy some tickets'...Huh?
Nobody is saying this...and maybe Sala is taking the shots for a bigger issue, but I agree that SU has left a whole lot of value on the table with how they’ve managed the pr here. Everybody is a company sells in some way. This construction is a twice-in-a-lifetime event. It’s massive...and the public is uniquely devoid of ANYTHING to get excited about. This is a promise of something fantastic for down the road. Down the road is all that matters these days. Generating REAL excitement for this (broader than this group) would not have been hard...and it would have translated to long term revenue.
Nobody is saying this...and maybe Sala is taking the shots for a bigger issue, but I agree that SU has left a whole lot of value on the table with how they’ve managed the pr here. Everybody is a company sells in some way. This construction is a twice-in-a-lifetime event. It’s massive...and the public is uniquely devoid of ANYTHING to get excited about. This is a promise of something fantastic for down the road. Down the road is all that matters these days. Generating REAL excitement for this (broader than this group) would not have been hard...and it would have translated to long term revenue.
Agreed. give your customers value every chance you can. With so little to cheer about in the last 20 years, this is something to get excited about.

How else can they touch the fan base right now?
Nobody is saying this...and maybe Sala is taking the shots for a bigger issue, but I agree that SU has left a whole lot of value on the table with how they’ve managed the pr here. Everybody is a company sells in some way. This construction is a twice-in-a-lifetime event. It’s massive...and the public is uniquely devoid of ANYTHING to get excited about. This is a promise of something fantastic for down the road. Down the road is all that matters these days. Generating REAL excitement for this (broader than this group) would not have been hard...and it would have translated to long term revenue.
Its because there is nothing to get excited about. Half done construction during a pandemic where a season might not happen does not equal excitement, nor any public relations value. Majored in Public Relations at Newhouse and there is nothing to promote right now. You have to connect an event to something tangible or action. Arena construction does not equal buy tickets to a season that may not happen. If SU promoted people to buy tickets to a season that doesn't happen, now that's a public relations disaster. We have your money to see nothing.
Its because there is nothing to get excited about. Half done construction during a pandemic where a season might not happen does not equal excitement, nor any public relations value. Majored in Public Relations at Newhouse and there is nothing to promote right now. You have to connect an event to something tangible or action. Arena construction does not equal buy tickets to a season that may not happen. If SU promoted people to buy tickets to a season that doesn't happen, now that's a public relations disaster. We have your money to see nothing.
Clearly you are not interested in the project. That is fine. This kind of thing is not for everyone.

But when you attempt to talk for the whole fan base, you lose me. I live in CNY. I know a ton of people covering the entire range of SU fans, from the true diehards to the casual bandwagon types.

The people I know are almost all genuinely interested in the project, where things stand, what they are working on now, what the next steps are, what the final product will be, etc. I have people constantly asking me about it, constantly stopping by my office, texting me, emailing me, calling me, etc. I see a level of fascination with the project that has really surprised me.

I think you are completely out of sync with the fan base on this.

That said, I have nothing to back this up. Just my personal experience. Maybe the people I interact with are the exception and no one cares about this but people who happen to know me.
Heard a rumor it’s far beyond budget and behind schedule. Might be the reason for the lack of cameras inside.
I was under the impression that a major part of the contractors obligation was the timeline and the budget was set based on that timeline to be completed before the start of the season.
Clearly you are not interested in the project. That is fine. This kind of thing is not for everyone.

But when you attempt to talk for the whole fan base, you lose me. I live in CNY. I know a ton of people covering the entire range of SU fans, from the true diehards to the casual bandwagon types.

The people I know are almost all genuinely interested in the project, where things stand, what they are working on now, what the next steps are, what the final product will be, etc. I have people constantly asking me about it, constantly stopping by my office, texting me, emailing me, calling me, etc. I see a level of fascination with the project that has really surprised me.

I think you are completely out of sync with the fan base on this.

That said, I have nothing to back this up. Just my personal experience. Maybe the people I interact with are the exception and no one cares about this but people who happen to know me.
Don't strawman me. I love the project, follow this thread religiously and have season tickets.
They are asking you about it because you are excited about it and if they were so excited about the construction how does that relate to them being excited about the team and buying tickets.
If all those people are interested in the project then they aren't the people you wish to reach with your public relations proposal, they probably already have tickets and if they don't Pete Sala talking about its construction will not get them to buy tickets. Construction does not equal ticket buying. They have nothing tangible to promote or sell. They don't have a close to finished product to show off, and they don't have a schedule to sell. Ultimately everyone interested in Football will buy at least one ticket to a game to see only the amenities tangible to a fan once games really start. Scoreboard, lightshow, new roof? probably less so. But they have nothing to show them. Once they get closer to the end they will be showing the crap out of it and the scoreboard will get more airtime than Trump. Why should SU promote for new ticket buyers put $600 down to watch a season that may never happen?
I’ve seen “fans” on social media commenting on an old picture of the dome saying “wow that’s coming along quick. It looks just like the old one”.
I’ve also seen subsequent comments asking “they’re replacing the roof? Why didn’t I know about that?”
to say everyone cares is a little far fetched. It seems some don’t even know it’s happening.

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