Clearly you are not interested in the project. That is fine. This kind of thing is not for everyone.
But when you attempt to talk for the whole fan base, you lose me. I live in CNY. I know a ton of people covering the entire range of SU fans, from the true diehards to the casual bandwagon types.
The people I know are almost all genuinely interested in the project, where things stand, what they are working on now, what the next steps are, what the final product will be, etc. I have people constantly asking me about it, constantly stopping by my office, texting me, emailing me, calling me, etc. I see a level of fascination with the project that has really surprised me.
I think you are completely out of sync with the fan base on this.
That said, I have nothing to back this up. Just my personal experience. Maybe the people I interact with are the exception and no one cares about this but people who happen to know me.