the crane the crane | Page 250 |

the crane the crane

Don't strawman me. I love the project, follow this thread religiously and have season tickets.
They are asking you about it because you are excited about it and if they were so excited about the construction how does that relate to them being excited about the team and buying tickets.
If all those people are interested in the project then they aren't the people you wish to reach with your public relations proposal, they probably already have tickets and if they don't Pete Sala talking about its construction will not get them to buy tickets. Construction does not equal ticket buying. They have nothing tangible to promote or sell. They don't have a close to finished product to show off, and they don't have a schedule to sell. Ultimately everyone interested in Football will buy at least one ticket to a game to see only the amenities tangible to a fan once games really start. Scoreboard, lightshow, new roof? probably less so. But they have nothing to show them. Once they get closer to the end they will be showing the crap out of it and the scoreboard will get more airtime than Trump. Why should SU promote for new ticket buyers put $600 down to watch a season that may never happen?
Based on your comments in this thread, I have gotten the impression your only interest in the project is to say no one cares about it and defend the decision to cloak the project In secrecy.

The university is making an extraordinary investment in the athletic program. Phase 1 was initially budgeted at $118 million and it is only the start of things. This should be promoted more.

I agree that today, in the middle of a pandemic, the immediate payoff for this is largely diminished. Cool videos and computer simulations aren’t going to convince the many fence sitters SU has to buy tickets to games. But a number of us have been calling for more promotion of the investment since well before COVID became an issue.

The thing that disappoints me the most is that doing flyovers with drones, doing computer simulations of what process for building the roof will look like, showing more drawings of what the inside of the stadium will look like, what the new scoreboards will look like, etc, is not expensive. It is not hard to do. It will cost no money to put on TV either. This stuff can all be posted on SU or contractor web sites and in the current environment, where there is little going on, it will get a ton of press.

This is a great opportunity to promote the facilities and the sports programs that is being wasted. The university has rightfully been criticized for not investing in its sports programs in the past. Now that it is actually making a huge commitment, it should be promoting it and showing the commitment it is making. Especially given how easy and cheap it would be to do.

People aren’t coming to me asking about the project because I am excited about it. They are asking because they have interest and there is little information out there about it. At least that is what they tell me.
in all the talk of the new roof was there ever a study posted on the new acoustics? seeing the angles of the hard shell roof as it goes up and it makes you wonder if its going to reflect more than the old shape/fabric of the dome.
FWIW: My neighbor knowns a lot about acoustics. Said the Dome's pressurized air made it louder than a conventional building of the same size.
Based on your comments in this thread, I have gotten the impression your only interest in the project is to say no one cares about it and defend the decision to cloak the project In secrecy.

The university is making an extraordinary investment in the athletic program. Phase 1 was initially budgeted at $118 million and it is only the start of things. This should be promoted more.

I agree that today, in the middle of a pandemic, the immediate payoff for this is largely diminished. Cool videos and computer simulations aren’t going to convince the many fence sitters SU has to buy tickets to games. But a number of us have been calling for more promotion of the investment since well before COVID became an issue.

The thing that disappoints me the most is that doing flyovers with drones, doing computer simulations of what process for building the roof will look like, showing more drawings of what the inside of the stadium will look like, what the new scoreboards will look like, etc, is not expensive. It is not hard to do. It will cost no money to put on TV either. This stuff can all be posted on SU or contractor web sites and in the current environment, where there is little going on, it will get a ton of press.

This is a great opportunity to promote the facilities and the sports programs that is being wasted. The university has rightfully been criticized for not investing in its sports programs in the past. Now that it is actually making a huge commitment, it should be promoting it and showing the commitment it is making. Especially given how easy and cheap it would be to do.

People aren’t coming to me asking about the project because I am excited about it. They are asking because they have interest and there is little information out there about it. At least that is what they tell me.
Do you really think news channel 9 is scouring the SU website for daily updates on the Dome to fill airtime with all of the other stuff going on in the country?
The vast majority of people in the Syracuse area couldn't care less about the Dome and SU sports. They have other things they care about.
Meanwhile lots of folks at the University are working from home, coming up with contingency after contingency, including the people in the AD. They have more pressing things than making it easier to follow construction. The people who are truly interested can find out about it.
My neighbor is a Dean at Oswego St. She has been pulling 16 hour days, from home, trying to be ready to open school. They are going to lose up to half of their "in residence" kids this semester.
Talking my son's coach, he as a 19 page Covid plan. That's for a very small school.
That's the stuff colleges and universities are worried about right now.
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Up and at it early today. Already has some steel in place. They might be able to complete the outer steel work this week if weather permits.
I'm more of "see what the final product is like" kinda guy. But to Tom's point, computer simulations would be nice for diehards. But I think Tuttle probably has some good points about a lot of contigency work going on behind the scenes due to Covid.

But this is going to end the same way it always has for every upgrade. Everyone will bitch about how they could have done it better, SU always does everything on the cheap and compare it to ACC schools who have way more alumni and way more donation money than we do.
Don't strawman me. I love the project, follow this thread religiously and have season tickets.
They are asking you about it because you are excited about it and if they were so excited about the construction how does that relate to them being excited about the team and buying tickets.
If all those people are interested in the project then they aren't the people you wish to reach with your public relations proposal, they probably already have tickets and if they don't Pete Sala talking about its construction will not get them to buy tickets. Construction does not equal ticket buying. They have nothing tangible to promote or sell. They don't have a close to finished product to show off, and they don't have a schedule to sell. Ultimately everyone interested in Football will buy at least one ticket to a game to see only the amenities tangible to a fan once games really start. Scoreboard, lightshow, new roof? probably less so. But they have nothing to show them. Once they get closer to the end they will be showing the crap out of it and the scoreboard will get more airtime than Trump. Why should SU promote for new ticket buyers put $600 down to watch a season that may never happen?
It’s about lifetime revenue. Nobody is banking on anything this year. Luckily, what’s being built will probably last 40 years. This is the most interesting construction in cny in forever. It’s an entertainment venue! The “business” has time. Plant seeds and water them. The revenue happens when you do everything else right. Hire the correct people. Build the right infrastructure. Create a great experience. COMMUNICATE EFFECTIVELY! You can’t just ignore that piece and expect that there will be willingness to pay because of the first three.

Pics from Link from 7/23:




Lawrinson 7/22:


Lawrinson today:


They are making substantial progress. Just doing a rough estimate, my guess is that they are about 30% through with the framing of the hard shell now. Close to one third of the way done with each of the four sides.

They started a week ago. I would think they should be done with the framing by the end of next week. If you assume a learning curve, they might get done early next week. Probably somewhere in between.
I stopped by the site Sunday for a little while. They were working. I believe they put in a full day all Saturday and Sunday. Still seems to be a sense of urgency about the project right now.

Also took a couple of pictures. One confirms that the arcs in the Hendricks Field storage area have the cuffs welded on them that are believed will be used to secure the PTFE material to the arcs. There weren't many of them on site but we know there is at least one truckload stored in the dome as well.

Also included a picture of the large wooden crates. They are big; at least 6 feet wide. Maybe 8. There are at least 8 of them stored here.

I was originally thinking they held the big opaque tiles Pfeiffer featured prominently in their videos on stadium roof installations.

But maybe they are holding reels of PTFE fabric. There is a also a big Pfeiffer enclosed tractor trailer there that might be holding PTFE rolls.

There is also a lot of lumber. They look like plywood sheets. A lot of them, stacked neatly. A bunch of big timbers too that look like railroad ties like they were using to protect the crane pads from Walt, Skylar and the cranes in the dome. And some fairly narrow planks.

Not sure if this stuff is old and has no future use or if it will come into play later. I guess we will find out soon.

Arcs 072520.jpg
Crates 072520.jpg

Lastly, I thought originally they would build out from the 4 starting triangles in both directions. It is clear now that that is not the case. They are building to the right on all of them. When they finish and get to the other side, they will be at the starting point for the next wall over and when this happens for all 4 sides, the framing will be complete.

What happens next? Will they cross hatch the frame, dividing it into squares and lay files on top? That would in theory make the facility water proof again, and they would remove wind and rain from the equation for the rest of the project. This would allow them to remove the water proofing, get work started on installing the new scoreboards, etc.

But it would get really hot working inside in the middle of summer with no AC. They might want to do some of the install of other things (lights, speakers) at least in part from the outside. And, worst of all, it would prevent fans of the project from seeing what is going on.

I am guessing once the framing is in place, they put the exterior of the roof up very soon afterwards. If for no other reason than it has to make it easier to get the arcs and the PTFE material up and in place if they have a base surrounding it that is solid and secure.
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Clearly you are not interested in the project. That is fine. This kind of thing is not for everyone.

But when you attempt to talk for the whole fan base, you lose me. I live in CNY. I know a ton of people covering the entire range of SU fans, from the true diehards to the casual bandwagon types.

The people I know are almost all genuinely interested in the project, where things stand, what they are working on now, what the next steps are, what the final product will be, etc. I have people constantly asking me about it, constantly stopping by my office, texting me, emailing me, calling me, etc. I see a level of fascination with the project that has really surprised me.

I think you are completely out of sync with the fan base on this.

That said, I have nothing to back this up. Just my personal experience. Maybe the people I interact with are the exception and no one cares about this but people who happen to know me.
Giving someone like Brent Axe a daily update would be free and would reach at least 100-150 people (I kid). Or Steve Infanti. They are dying for content right now. Definitely a missed opportunity for SU.
I’ve seen “fans” on social media commenting on an old picture of the dome saying “wow that’s coming along quick. It looks just like the old one”.
I’ve also seen subsequent comments asking “they’re replacing the roof? Why didn’t I know about that?”
to say everyone cares is a little far fetched. It seems some don’t even know it’s happening.
And that's my point, knowledge or excitement or apathy about the dome's new roof is irrelevant to the purchase of football tickets. Team, winning, having games to promote, actually seeing a scoreboard up there, showing new light show, or sound may get a few. People that don't like plays don't go to see Hamlet because the theater had a $4 million dollar renovation.
Based on your comments in this thread, I have gotten the impression your only interest in the project is to say no one cares about it and defend the decision to cloak the project In secrecy.

The university is making an extraordinary investment in the athletic program. Phase 1 was initially budgeted at $118 million and it is only the start of things. This should be promoted more.

I agree that today, in the middle of a pandemic, the immediate payoff for this is largely diminished. Cool videos and computer simulations aren’t going to convince the many fence sitters SU has to buy tickets to games. But a number of us have been calling for more promotion of the investment since well before COVID became an issue.

The thing that disappoints me the most is that doing flyovers with drones, doing computer simulations of what process for building the roof will look like, showing more drawings of what the inside of the stadium will look like, what the new scoreboards will look like, etc, is not expensive. It is not hard to do. It will cost no money to put on TV either. This stuff can all be posted on SU or contractor web sites and in the current environment, where there is little going on, it will get a ton of press.

This is a great opportunity to promote the facilities and the sports programs that is being wasted. The university has rightfully been criticized for not investing in its sports programs in the past. Now that it is actually making a huge commitment, it should be promoting it and showing the commitment it is making. Especially given how easy and cheap it would be to do.

People aren’t coming to me asking about the project because I am excited about it. They are asking because they have interest and there is little information out there about it. At least that is what they tell me.
Uh, computer simulations would be very expensive, do you think someone's doing that for free? That's a ton of effort and is absolutely hard to do.
Its because there is nothing to get excited about. Half done construction during a pandemic where a season might not happen does not equal excitement, nor any public relations value. Majored in Public Relations at Newhouse and there is nothing to promote right now. You have to connect an event to something tangible or action. Arena construction does not equal buy tickets to a season that may not happen. If SU promoted people to buy tickets to a season that doesn't happen, now that's a public relations disaster. We have your money to see nothing.
This project is highhandedly changing the City's skyline. Combine that with the fact that Syracuse is a small city and it is nearly impossible not to notice the construction. IMO it is in the University's best interest to at least regularly share information if not outright promote the project. Add in the perceptions of a long-standing disconnect between the University and the community at large and a project like this could be one of those examples of bridging that gap and sharing information about the project which is a very practical definition of public relations. IMO, the University is missing a huge opportunity to be proactive with it's role in the community, take responsibility for the change in the skyline, and generate some excitement for it. People will be back in the dome to see games.
And that's my point, knowledge or excitement or apathy about the dome's new roof is irrelevant to the purchase of football tickets. Team, winning, having games to promote, actually seeing a scoreboard up there, showing new light show, or sound may get a few. People that don't like plays don't go to see Hamlet because the theater had a $4 million dollar renovation.
Forget immediate transactions for tickets. That’s not the point of all communications. You’re building relationships and creating drama/excitement for the lifetime of this building (and the lifetime of everyone who may use it). You’re creating a connection with the community, who will benefit. It’s about lifetime value, not 2020 numbers. We’re wasting time by ignoring this unnecessarily. That building could be personified with a good campaign and it would take minimal effort. We’d follow growth like a baby and pay attention to all the milestones. It’s a 20-minute/day exercise that would include engaging social, traditional media, etc. in a time when it feels like everything is dying, we’re giving birth. Sheesh. This is basic.
It would be nice to have an overview like this one that came out when A&M went through theirs.
Detailed, right down to where gameday activities will happen. This in a normal year, should be pumped out to ticket sales, as well as recruits. However, this year it would only serve us i guess.

PTFE material looks to have been put up next to the arc. Big moment.
I think that was just a cloud. Never mind. Hoping they put up the PTFE material very late in the process. We need to see what is going on.

I wonder if anyone is ever going to aim the camera at the dome and focus the field of vision on the stadium? How long has it been screwed up? Almost a week?

We don't have much time left to see things from the Lawrinson camera. It would be great if someone could be bothered to fix the camera? Just before it went south, it said camera initializing. Pretty sure it was done intentionally.

How sad.
It would be nice to have an overview like this one that came out when A&M went through theirs.
Detailed, right down to where gameday activities will happen. This in a normal year, should be pumped out to ticket sales, as well as recruits. However, this year it would only serve us i guess.

These are the things you have when you make 100m a year on football
Looks like another arch is up on one of the inside lifts on the northeast side.'s time, after some philosophical discussion about marketing the new roof/stadium to the fans to sell more tickets and make people aware of what's happening, to get back to the minute by minute happenings of actual construction particularly the West end triangle completion. Red West just did a hoist of a steel piece that was very cool. A truck backed in with a full load of steel beams for the triangles, the op in his cab out of camera range picked one up lifted it way the hell up, and waited for the beam to steady its slight rocking motion. The two to three crew walking on the beams signaled they were ready and the op dropped the beam on it's hoist wire quickly and directly into the space exactly at the height of the triangle and crew waiting and they are now attaching it to the frame closing up into what will be the first finished triangular form. Looks like they have three to four steel beams to go. Very, very cool.

My opinion on the Syracuse and surrounding communities involvement with the Dome is that people/parents are more interested in whether their kids are going to be able to go back to school, grammar, middle and high school, and how many teachers will be retiring due to the fright of COVID. I don't think they've figured that out yet and it's scary and they're more concerned with their own lives - kids going back to school at all and surviving this pandemic than they are listening to a presentation about todays construction progress on the Dome's roof.

But, while they figure it out - watch it! Sure is interesting. I just may have to come back from Craniac play by play to this ROOF and continue with IT. If I knew they were working yesterday I would have started then.
God bless everyone watching this, the crew, and Syracuse. Stay safe. :)
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