This board has lost it |

This board has lost it


Living Legend
Aug 26, 2011
28-1 and the constant nitpicking is unbelievable. Last night the highlights here were we are the most overrated team in the country, Notre Dame would kill us if we played them again, we are destined for an early exit in the NCAA's, etc, etc, etc.

Every team is tired this tme of year.
Every team has at least one weakness that potentially could be exploited in the tournament
Every team has games where they struggle

Here is what every team doesnt have

A hall of fame coach
Senior leadership
28 wins
1 loss
a regular season conference championship
a #1 seed waiting for them in the NCAA tournament
the ability to play not up to par and still win
an undefeated record with our normal starting 5

Look I get that we are struggling in certain areas. The bottom line is that the regular season is all about putting yourself in a position where you have the best percentage chance of reaching a final four. We have accomplished that. We will be the #1 seed in the east playing basically a stones throw away for the first 4 rounds. Those arenas will be packed with Syracuse fans. How can people complain about this season? Are you kidding me? 28-1, top 2 in the country all year, no February swoon, big east champions, #1 seed, playing close to home. Jesus this is I dream about happening and now its happening.

Were we spolied as fans when we were blowing teams out? Is that it? Christ get over it. Winning games any way is all that matters.

All in.
Good post, as usual, Marsh. I think that the early NCAA flameouts and lack of even one Elite Eight since 2003 is what a lot of us are concerned about. We can win all the regular season games we do and be ranked in the top 5 all year but if we lose in our 2nd or 3rd game in the tourney...what will you say then?

Everyone is proud of what we have accomplished but we've bitten before with great regular seasons and early exits. The warning signs are there for another one. We have the talent to win it all too, so let's hope we mask some of our flaws and accentuate our many strengths going forward.
And to add to that...

We are essentially undefeated. I personally never thought being undefeated at this point in the season was a possibility, but right now, we basically are.

If people can legitimately complain about this season, then it's obviously true that people will complain about anything.

Guys, it literally does not get any better than this at this point in the season. Appreciate this season, one like it really may not ever come again.
28-1 and the constant nitpicking is unbelievable. Last night the highlights here were we are the most overrated team in the country, Notre Dame would kill us if we played them again, we are destined for an early exit in the NCAA's, etc, etc, etc.

Every team is tired this tme of year.
Every team has at least one weakness that potentially could be exploited in the tournament
Every team has games where they struggle

Here is what every team doesnt have

A hall of fame coach
Senior leadership
28 wins
1 loss
a regular season conference championship
a #1 seed waiting for them in the NCAA tournament
the ability to play not up to par and still win
an undefeated record with our normal starting 5

Look I get that we are struggling in certain areas. The bottom line is that the regular season is all about putting yourself in a position where you have the best percentage chance of reaching a final four. We have accomplished that. We will be the #1 seed in the east playing basically a stones throw away for the first 4 rounds. Those arenas will be packed with Syracuse fans. How can people complain about this season? Are you kidding me? 28-1, top 2 in the country all year, no February swoon, big east champions, #1 seed, playing close to home. Jesus this is I dream about happening and now its happening.

Were we spolied as fans when we were blowing teams out? Is that it? Christ get over it. Winning games any way is all that matters.

All in.

Hey dont count me as one of those going crazy. i was getting wacked for saying we are good and ppl accusing me of being a syracuse homer and having no objectivety.

"Were good". Just biding our time we have everything locked up just coasting on half power no problem. Well turn it back on when its time
Good post, as usual, Marsh. I think that the early NCAA flameouts and lack of even one Elite Eight since 2003 is what a lot of us are concerned about. We can win all the regular season games we do and be ranked in the top 5 all year but if we lose in our 2nd or 3rd game in the tourney...what will you say then?

Everyone is proud of what we have accomplished but we've bitten before with great regular seasons and early exits. The warning signs are there for another one. We have the talent to win it all too, so let's hope we mask some of our flaws and accentuate our many strengths going forward.
I hear ya Iommi. I too have the scars of the early exits tatooed to my heart. I just think that we need to look at the position we have put ourselves in. If you play the percentages we really have put ourselves in the best possible situation heading into the tournament. I honestly think that once we get out of conference and into the tournament, given our experience playing in tournament games coupled with the desire and will that our seniors have and will continue to show will lead to great things.
Damn you and your perspective.

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Great post, Marsh.

People need to pay attention to your second paragraph, too. No one is saying that the team doesn't have flaws. Personally, I'm excited to see us winning these types of games--and the players never getting rattled in the process.
The goggles are thick in this thread. You're on something if you feel confident about March right now.
Every year we've flamed out in March. Every year we've also taken What losses in February.

So far, we have 0 What losses in February, and the team is basically undefeated.

I'm willing to have a little hope that the 0 What losses in Feb may indicate 0 What losses in March.
The goggles are thick in this thread. You're on something if you feel confident about March right now.

Tell me what fan base (maybe aside from Kentucky) is completely confident? Do you really think that the play of this team wont improve in the next couple of weeks? What I love about this teams is we are finding ways to win games when we clearly struggle. We are witnessing one of the best defensive teams to ever play at Syracuse. I would rather be at times offensively challenged and defensively sound than the opposite.

We beat Georgetown, Uconn and Lousville in a 5 day span when EVERYONE on this board (yours truly included) thought there was no way in hell we would get all 3 wins. We have tournament experience that other teams dont have. After the Uconn game we have 1 game in 12 days prior to the first round ofthe BET. The rest will do these guys good and I am confident that JB puts the pieces back in place for a deep deep NCAA tourney run.
Problem is that we have been so good that most of us have dared to dream of a second National championship. It is fear of losing that dream that is causing all of the drama on the board. All of us share the same dream and the same fears that we may not accomplish that dream. It is interesting to see how people are dealing with it.
All in.
I'm with you and appreciate your post. The team is capable of taking it up a level or two and they do when they need to. We've had a lot of guys step up and make plays. Yesterday it was CJ, Fab, KJ, and Scoop. And JB. They've all been clutch. Kudos to all of them.
Amen. Almost unreadable at this point. People dont understand this team. They are used to great offensive Cuse teams. Unfortunately those teams "flamed out". This is a team built on the defensive end. Completely different type of team that most people on here dont seem to understand or appreciate.
28-1 and the constant nitpicking is unbelievable. Last night the highlights here were we are the most overrated team in the country, Notre Dame would kill us if we played them again, we are destined for an early exit in the NCAA's, etc, etc, etc.

Every team is tired this tme of year.
Every team has at least one weakness that potentially could be exploited in the tournament
Every team has games where they struggle

Here is what every team doesnt have

A hall of fame coach
Senior leadership
28 wins
1 loss
a regular season conference championship
a #1 seed waiting for them in the NCAA tournament
the ability to play not up to par and still win
an undefeated record with our normal starting 5

Look I get that we are struggling in certain areas. The bottom line is that the regular season is all about putting yourself in a position where you have the best percentage chance of reaching a final four. We have accomplished that. We will be the #1 seed in the east playing basically a stones throw away for the first 4 rounds. Those arenas will be packed with Syracuse fans. How can people complain about this season? Are you kidding me? 28-1, top 2 in the country all year, no February swoon, big east champions, #1 seed, playing close to home. Jesus this is I dream about happening and now its happening.

Were we spolied as fans when we were blowing teams out? Is that it? Christ get over it. Winning games any way is all that matters.

All in.
Can I nominate this for post of the year? Decade? Millenium? Eternity?
The goggles are thick in this thread. You're on something if you feel confident about March right now.
Not at all. With the way this team plays defense, there is no reason not to be confident. Defense can absolutely carry this team to a title. Remember, they have beaten a top 15/20 team on the road and a top 10 team at home in this stretch of "not playing well."
Not at all. With the way this team plays defense, there is no reason not to be confident. Defense can absolutely carry this team to a title. Remember, they have beaten a top 15/20 team on the road and a top 10 team at home in this stretch of "not playing well."

And its like no one watched Butler these last two years. They made two title games barely winning games with a mediocre half court offense and a tough defense.

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Not at all. With the way this team plays defense, there is no reason not to be confident. Defense can absolutely carry this team to a title. Remember, they have beaten a top 15/20 team on the road and a top 10 team at home in this stretch of "not playing well."

I agree on the defensive front, it has certainly been MSU's mo with their successful March runs. However, they have a better tract record in March and I think as many others have pointed out, due to our relative lack of success in getting beyond the Sweet 16, it somewhat has that been there, seen that kind of feeling.

The 28-1 record and top 5 ranking all season fuels the highest of expectations, so innately, setting up probable disappointment. All of our great runs, '87, '96 & '03 came certainly with hope of the ultimate, but not the elevated expectation of it.

Clearly we struggle in the half court, period. I really don't see it changing very much anytime soon. Hopefully, we can continue to play excellent defense and just hope that we continue to make the critical shot(s) when the game is on the line late come March...when, ultimately, it matters the most.
Great post, Marsh.

People need to pay attention to your second paragraph, too. No one is saying that the team doesn't have flaws. Personally, I'm excited to see us winning these types of games--and the players never getting rattled in the process.

So when is it ok to talk about those flaws and when isn't it? It's ok to mention them in a thread when you are scolding the board but not ok to talk about them when the thread/post is dedicated to just the issue?

This isn't directed at you specifically, I'm honestly asking the question.

I feel pretty much just like Marsh does. 28-1 is exactly that:

The best SU regular season to date.
10 other superlatives that could be listed.

But what I don't get is why the issues/concerns can't be discussed outside of the caveat that we are having a great season. It baffles me. Yeah, we are having a great season. I think everyone here knows that (I can't imagine there is anyone here who thinks otherwise).

But at the same time, it's completely fair to point out and discuss the weaknesses and potential problems. I personally don't think we are playing that well right now. Doesn't mean I don't think we are not good or that I dont enjoy SU basketball (as I have been accused of).

The funny thing is that in my SU circle, it's largely a vocal few on this board who are expressing this threads sentiment. Most of the SU folks I know are far more concerned/down/negative than anything on this board.

Did folks see KY against Miss State this week? Got seriously outplayed in the first half by a good, but unranked team, won with defense in the second half, but it wasn't easy or pretty.
We have our raw edges (Melo isn't great on offense; BT isn't getting it done), but we keep getting it done with defense, balance, grit and a vastly underrated PG. There won't be a lot of blow outs against a 10-4 Big East opponent.
Did folks see KY against Miss State this week? Got seriously outplayed in the first half by a good, but unranked team, won with defense in the second half, but it wasn't easy or pretty.
We have our raw edges (Melo isn't great on offense; BT isn't getting it done), but we keep getting it done with defense, balance, grit and a vastly underrated PG. There won't be a lot of blow outs against a 10-4 Big East opponent.
Did anyone see MSU at Minny last night?

Barely escaped with a win. This from the "Hottest Team in America", and everyone's trendy FF pick.

Teams struggle. Even great teams struggle, especially against desperate teams. But the great teams win (see SU). The good teams drop some of these games (see Gtown).
So when is it ok to talk about those flaws and when isn't it? It's ok to mention them in a thread when you are scolding the board but not ok to talk about them when the thread/post is dedicated to just the issue?

This isn't directed at you specifically, I'm honestly asking the question.

I feel pretty much just like Marsh does. 28-1 is exactly that:

The best SU regular season to date.
10 other superlatives that could be listed.

But what I don't get is why the issues/concerns can't be discussed outside of the caveat that we are having a great season. It baffles me. Yeah, we are having a great season. I think everyone here knows that (I can't imagine there is anyone here who thinks otherwise).

But at the same time, it's completely fair to point out and discuss the weaknesses and potential problems. I personally don't think we are playing that well right now. Doesn't mean I don't think we are not good or that I dont enjoy SU basketball (as I have been accused of).

The funny thing is that in my SU circle, it's largely a vocal few on this board who are expressing this threads sentiment. Most of the SU folks I know are far more concerned/down/negative than anything on this board.


Well my point was that people keep saying stuff like rebounding will be our downfall, we cant win if we keep shooting poorly, other teams like Kentucky or UNC will exploit us, etc. I think we can win with our rebounding issues. I think we can win if we struggle in a halfcourt game. Hell we havent lost yet with Fab in the lineup, what makes people think that we will lose going forward? Wheres the evidence? There isnt any. A lot of this is based on asumptions and prior years heartaches.

We arent playing great basketball right now. You are correct. Yet we are still winning. That alone should tell you something. This isnt a fluke that we are winning these close games. I actually am thrilled to see team after team putting us in a meat grinder and us having to constantly find ways to win games in ways we are not used too. What has happened the last 2 NCAA loses? We got put into a vice and never were able to grind out that victory. You dont think that all of these painful to watch games will help us in the tournament? Then throw in when we start making shots.

I am not trying to waive the pom poms here. I just am pointing out that while we certainly have some issues that need fixing, we are winning games we are so used to seeing a Syracuse team lose. That is why I think come tourney time if we are put in this type of a game we will now start winning them.
So when is it ok to talk about those flaws and when isn't it? It's ok to mention them in a thread when you are scolding the board but not ok to talk about them when the thread/post is dedicated to just the issue?

This isn't directed at you specifically, I'm honestly asking the question.

I feel pretty much just like Marsh does. 28-1 is exactly that:

The best SU regular season to date.
10 other superlatives that could be listed.

But what I don't get is why the issues/concerns can't be discussed outside of the caveat that we are having a great season. It baffles me. Yeah, we are having a great season. I think everyone here knows that (I can't imagine there is anyone here who thinks otherwise).

But at the same time, it's completely fair to point out and discuss the weaknesses and potential problems. I personally don't think we are playing that well right now. Doesn't mean I don't think we are not good or that I dont enjoy SU basketball (as I have been accused of).

The funny thing is that in my SU circle, it's largely a vocal few on this board who are expressing this threads sentiment. Most of the SU folks I know are far more concerned/down/negative than anything on this board.


There's a difference between discussing flaws and proclaiming that we suck, we are borderline top 25, that we should be beating teams by 30 and if we aren't than we don't deserve our ranking, etc. Those are the types of posts that pop up on this board daily, and each one of those complaints demonstrates a distinct disconnect with the reality of college basketball, and how other teams are playing / struggling -- even the elite teams.

Christ, as recently as two weeks ago and certainly for the majority of the year leading up to that point--most posters [correctly] pointed to this portion of the schedule that we're in as "THE GAUNTLET." Sure, our record was impressive, but let's wait and see how we handle that tougher, back loaded portion of the schedule before believing we're top 5 material.

Well, we've handled it pretty well. We've also played some tough defensive teams--and yet nobody seems willing to credit the opposition for playing us tough. We've found ways to win games on the road, we've found ways to close out tough games and win by double digits even in rock fights.

And despite how we've performed in THE GAUNTLET, people are miffed by the fact we aren't winning by 30, or blowing teams out like at the beginning of the year.

Perspective--and as Marsh points out, many have lost it.
28-1 and the constant nitpicking is unbelievable. Last night the highlights here were we are the most overrated team in the country, Notre Dame would kill us if we played them again, we are destined for an early exit in the NCAA's, etc, etc, etc.

Every team is tired this tme of year.
Every team has at least one weakness that potentially could be exploited in the tournament
Every team has games where they struggle

Here is what every team doesnt have

A hall of fame coach
Senior leadership
28 wins
1 loss
a regular season conference championship
a #1 seed waiting for them in the NCAA tournament
the ability to play not up to par and still win
an undefeated record with our normal starting 5

Look I get that we are struggling in certain areas. The bottom line is that the regular season is all about putting yourself in a position where you have the best percentage chance of reaching a final four. We have accomplished that. We will be the #1 seed in the east playing basically a stones throw away for the first 4 rounds. Those arenas will be packed with Syracuse fans. How can people complain about this season? Are you kidding me? 28-1, top 2 in the country all year, no February swoon, big east champions, #1 seed, playing close to home. Jesus this is I dream about happening and now its happening.

Were we spolied as fans when we were blowing teams out? Is that it? Christ get over it. Winning games any way is all that matters.

All in.
all in

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