This program needs to wake up. Quickly. | Page 2 |

This program needs to wake up. Quickly.

What did he write that wasn't accurate?

We suck in the redzone - not debatable at all. Even the announcers know how to look back at our past performance and comment on that. And that's not going off the deep end because of one play or one game - it's systemic.

We have had 2 1st and goals that have ended up 3rd and long due to penalties this season, and we're only 5 games in. I don't remember ever seeing that as an SU fan and I've been watching since '87 when I was 10.

We have no continuity on offense because we have so many players shuffling in and out. And that's been a constant all season.

And Hunt is still overthrowing receivers multiple times per game and his on field awareness and decision making are certainly called into question after the L'ville game. And let's not rehash punchgate vs Villanova.

People are fed up and they have a right to be. This isn't the gameday thread where some moron is writing "FIRE THE COACH" after every failed play.

We are at a critical point for both this season and the future of this program. I'm ecstatic that Coach Shafer responded the way he did because it shows he gets it - no one person is above the program. Players are held accountable to performing at a high level or it's the "next man up" - coaches shouldn't be immune from that. This sends a message that needed to be sent. And if it's true that the only reason why we were able to salvage a bowl season last year is because Lester had to hold MCD's hand, then it really was time for a change.
Not since the GRob days have I felt this disgusted with the state of our program...
Couple things in our favor this time.

  1. ACC schedule
  2. ACC $
  3. IPF soon to be completed
  4. Other physical plant renovations that have been recently completed
  5. Improved talent base across the board, and improving year over year
The big thing, IMO, is that while GRob made some staffing changes, he was always up against the talent wall and the coaching budget. With the right staffing choices now, we can be an 8-win team every year. We don't need to fix both talent and coaching. I would appreciate an increased budget, yes, but that will come with time (IMO). No matter who GRob chose, those teams were not going to win a lot of games. We get the right coach on O, we're good.

And as bad as it's been, upperdeck's point remains. We execute a few simple plays (drops, throws, etc.) and things don't look nearly as bad. We're not far off.

IMO our next long-term choice for OC should depend as much on practice plans/habits as play calling. I think we need to practice differently, to emphasize detail and execution. Totally uninformed WAG, but there it is.
OrangePA said:
I agree with a lot of the observations in the OP/Rant. I hate to say it, but I do. Everything from the constant substitutions of the DTs to the apparent coaching issues. I think I feel more frustration than I did during Greg Robinson's years here - I didn't think that was possible.
I'm more hopeful. The players aren't as hopeless as the Gerg era. If you start believing that play calling matters, it's an easier fix. There were so many guys that just didn't belong at all back then. Those teams couldn't even move the ball ever
Couple things in our favor this time.

  1. ACC schedule
  2. ACC $
  3. IPF soon to be completed
  4. Other physical plant renovations that have been recently completed
  5. Improved talent base across the board, and improving year over year
The big thing, IMO, is that while GRob made some staffing changes, he was always up against the talent wall and the coaching budget. With the right staffing choices now, we can be an 8-win team every year. We don't need to fix both talent and coaching. I would appreciate an increased budget, yes, but that will come with time (IMO). No matter who GRob chose, those teams were not going to win a lot of games. We get the right coach on O, we're good.

And as bad as it's been, upperdeck's point remains. We execute a few simple plays (drops, throws, etc.) and things don't look nearly as bad. We're not far off.

IMO our next long-term choice for OC should depend as much on practice plans/habits as play calling. I think we need to practice differently, to emphasize detail and execution. Totally uninformed WAG, but there it is.

Totally agree on where we are right now. We're not that far off at all. Part of it absolutely was consistency of play-calling, part of it was preparation, and part of it was execution by the players. The MD game - the pick six was potentially a 14 point swing in a game we lost by 14 and ND, we had 5 turnovers we did nothing with. The opportunities have been there.
Not since the GRob days have I felt this disgusted with the state of our program. Disgusted I feel this way, but I've had a bad feeling since Maryland and it has only gotten worse. Now with that being said, LGO.

Save for the eternal optimist part, you echo my feelings at the moment.

Shaffer's all talk, and it bugs the crap outta me. Prove it on the field. Don't care if you win or lose, as long as you limit idiocy and compete. Hunt's punch, the stupid timeouts, the stupid spike, now he's going to a 2 QB system? Just too much idiocy.

The wheels are off. 'bout to drive 8 hours to subject my kid to his 3rd straight live 0-56 drubbing. 3-168, or something like that.
I feel your pain Rocco. I've been promoting this football program all that I could in the last 4 or 5 years. Trying to convince people that it wasn't the same Syracuse football product that was out there in the early to mid 2000's. Convincing people to buy season tickets, come to games, travel with me to away games. This season has been very deflating so far.

At this point, if people want to spend their time and money elsewhere instead of coming to the Dome and watch this team kick two field goals and make boneheaded mistake after boneheaded mistake, then I obviously can't blame them anymore. I've tried to remain optimistic, and I still am, to an extent. I just want to see this program take the next step forward, and every time I think they are ready to take that step, they fall down. Hoping that changes, and sooner rather than later. Time will tell I guess.

Unfortunately, the offense is not the only thing wrong with this program. There are many, many things that need to worked on.

Look, if you disagree with my post and want to keep supporting the team with whatever they do moving forward, that's fine. We have climbed out of a deep dark hole that bottomed out after the 2008 season and I don't want to see us continue to slide down into that hole again.
You left out the uniforms in your dumping on everything that makes up the team. Syracuse fans are the best. Why do you bother.
Why do you have such a problem with truth?
I agree with everything but the student section part. I don't know why it is so hard for you guys to understand.

A Freshman at SU is 18 years old. They were born in about 1996. Here's SU's win loss records since they were in kindergarten (an age when a child can conceivably understand rooting/following a team):

2001: 10-3 (A great year!)
2002: 4-8
2003: 6-6
2004: 6-6
2005: 1-10
2006: 4-8
2007: 2-10
2008: 3-9
2009: 4-8
2010: 8-5
2011: 5-7
2012: 8-5
2013: 7-6

For this generation, Syracuse football = meh. Sup-par to middle-of-the-pack. It's not cool. It's not sexy.

I know most here are football diehards, but c'mon. You've got to understand that the students today didn't watch Ernie Davis. They didn't watch Larry Csonka. They didn't watch Don McPherson. They didn't watch Donovan McNabb.

Chances are they didn't watch Syracuse football at all.

And that is what this program needs to overcome. I hate to say it but at this point the program needs some sort of gimmick...something to make SU football cool to talk about. The Syracuse football BRAND (not to be confused with on-field play) is just barely above the life support stage.
I agree with everything but the student section part. I don't know why it is so hard for you guys to understand.

A Freshman at SU is 18 years old. They were born in about 1996. Here's SU's win loss records since they were in kindergarten (an age when a child can conceivably understand rooting/following a team):

2001: 10-3 (A great year!)
2002: 4-8
2003: 6-6
2004: 6-6
2005: 1-10
2006: 4-8
2007: 2-10
2008: 3-9
2009: 4-8
2010: 8-5
2011: 5-7
2012: 8-5
2013: 7-6

For this generation, Syracuse football = meh. Sup-par to middle-of-the-pack. It's not cool. It's not s e xy.

I know most here are football diehards, but c'mon. You've got to understand that the students today didn't watch Ernie Davis. They didn't watch Larry Csonka. They didn't watch Don McPherson. They didn't watch Donovan McNabb.

Chances are they didn't watch Syracuse football at all.

And that is what this program needs to overcome. I hate to say it but at this point the program needs some sort of gimmick...something to make SU football cool to talk about. The Syracuse football BRAND (not to be confused with on-field play) is just barely above the life support stage.

You go to one of the P5 college football schools. On a Fri night against a 3-1 recent rival and now fellow ACC foe and we can't get more than 300-400 kids to the game? Sorry, but going to the game isn't that bad.
You go to one of the P5 college football schools. On a Fri night against a 3-1 recent rival and now fellow ACC foe and we can't get more than 300-400 kids to the game? Sorry, but going to the game isn't that bad.

They actually go. They just don't stay past the 2nd quarter. Pretty weird actually.
They actually go. They just don't stay past the 2nd quarter. Pretty weird actually.

There couldn't have been more than 400 students at the Louisville game at kickoff. Even if there were as high as 1000, that is sad.
There couldn't have been more than 400 students at the Louisville game at kickoff. Even if there were as high as 1000, that is sad.

I saw that too. The dj was all by himself until halfway through Q1. Then they were gone in the 3rd. They are like deer, come and go as they please.
Great post. I'm trying to stay positive, there are still games to be played, as of today FSU is the only ranked team left on the schedule. Of course winning in Clemson will require a minor miracle. With all the injuries, a 6 win season will be an accomplishment. My concern is the fickle nature of the recruits and how easy they will flip, we have a decent class as of now. Hopefully McDonald has coached his way out of other job offers and he stays on to recruit. Think that is a long shot.
Great post. I'm trying to stay positive, there are still games to be played, as of today FSU is the only ranked team left on the schedule. Of course winning in Clemson will require a minor miracle. With all the injuries, a 6 win season will be an accomplishment. My concern is the fickle nature of the recruits and how easy they will flip, we have a decent class as of now. Hopefully McDonald has coached his way out of other job offers and he stays on to recruit. Think that is a long shot.

I do not see any situation where McD sticks around next year. Just my own gut feeling.
I do not see any situation where McD sticks around next year. Just my own gut feeling.
I agree and wouldn't blame him. Hopefully the majority of the staff stays intact, SU pulls off a couple of wins and the recruits stay. He has done a great job recruiting but he is constantly on the move. Hopefully recruits see that and don't base their decision on where McD will be, because his history shows he is constantly on the move. I would love to see these boards if somehow SU pulls out a miracle on Saturday. The posts will switch from firing Shafer to doing anything to keep him.
Syracuse needs coaches who can maximize the most out of the talent they have on the roster. When you overachieve and win games then recruiting can improve. McDonald appeared to have decent recruiting chops but he was not bringing in elite talent instead he was bringing in good players that with good coaching could become NFL players. McDonald's playcalling and performance was not good and changes had to be made or the HC would have completely lost a good portion of the hardcore fanbase. I don't think McDonald's recruiting was good enough to overcome his performances on Saturdays.

I hate how some people on this board want an echo chamber of only pro-SU spin. We as fans have to be fair and give praise it is warranted or circle the wagons when one of our own is targeted. However, when things happen like Friday nights press conference with Shafer was so bad it can't be defended without looking like Kool aid nobody with SU can ever be wrong mindset. That performance by Shafer really showed how he handles adversity. I give him credit for canning McDonald but it was out of necessity after that PC.
Syracuse needs coaches who can maximize the most out of the talent they have on the roster. When you overachieve and win games then recruiting can improve. McDonald appeared to have decent recruiting chops but he was not bringing in elite talent instead he was bringing in good players that with good coaching could become NFL players. McDonald's playcalling and performance was not good and changes had to be made or the HC would have completely lost a good portion of the hardcore fanbase. I don't think McDonald's recruiting was good enough to overcome his performances on Saturdays.

I hate how some people on this board want an echo chamber of only pro-SU spin. We as fans have to be fair and give praise it is warranted or circle the wagons when one of our own is targeted. However, when things happen like Friday nights press conference with Shafer was so bad it can't be defended without looking like Kool aid nobody with SU can ever be wrong mindset. That performance by Shafer really showed how he handles adversity. I give him credit for canning McDonald but it was out of necessity after that PC.
How many people come on here to give the " echo chamber of pro-SU spin" ? 4 or 5 people ? everyone else is grinding an ax for someone or something associated with the program. The rest of the media and boards are much worse. That's all that the players , coaches and casual fans here , hypercritical BS. You wonder why students don't go to games , they don't want to be part of this mean spirited negative scene. Do you think it helps the players perform better when all they here is how worthless and inept they are ?
Syracuse needs coaches who can maximize the most out of the talent they have on the roster. When you overachieve and win games then recruiting can improve. McDonald appeared to have decent recruiting chops but he was not bringing in elite talent instead he was bringing in good players that with good coaching could become NFL players. McDonald's playcalling and performance was not good and changes had to be made or the HC would have completely lost a good portion of the hardcore fanbase. I don't think McDonald's recruiting was good enough to overcome his performances on Saturdays.

I hate how some people on this board want an echo chamber of only pro-SU spin. We as fans have to be fair and give praise it is warranted or circle the wagons when one of our own is targeted. However, when things happen like Friday nights press conference with Shafer was so bad it can't be defended without looking like Kool aid nobody with SU can ever be wrong mindset. That performance by Shafer really showed how he handles adversity. I give him credit for canning McDonald but it was out of necessity after that PC.

Just stop it.

He didn't remove McDonald to appease fans or deflect attention from some press conference that 10 people watched.

You continually make conclusive assertions and connections based on nothing more than your own suppositions.
How many people come on here to give the " echo chamber of pro-SU spin" ? 4 or 5 people ? everyone else is grinding an ax for someone or something associated with the program. The rest of the media and boards are much worse. That's all that the players , coaches and casual fans here , hypercritical BS. You wonder why students don't go to games , they don't want to be part of this mean spirited negative scene. Do you think it helps the players perform better when all they here is how worthless and inept they are ?

BTW, your act isn't much better.
I have only tried to support the players and coaches .

A lot of people are financially committed to this program, and almost everyone on here is certainly emotionally committed. Accountability is necessary when things aren't going well. Realistically, we should be 1-4. This season thus far is nothing short of a shitshow.
A lot of people are financially committed to this program, and almost everyone on here is certainly emotionally committed. Accountability is necessary when things aren't going well. Realistically, we should be 1-4. This season thus far is nothing short of a shitshow.
Should we circle the wagons or should we continue with the circular firing squad ?

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