Total Rebuild. 3-4 years. Nm | Page 4 |

Total Rebuild. 3-4 years. Nm

We are in the coastal because we are the cupcake for the rest of the division. Time to face the facts, The days of su having respect are over. Being down for 15 years does that. Our cupcakes are Colgate. Other teams think middle tenn, central Michigan, uconn, usf, and syracuse are cupcakes. I'm sorry but syracuse should NEVER lose to usf, uconn, temple, Rutgers,... the fact that we are and that we are getting points shows what we have become. We are the temple and Rutgers of the 80s and 90s. Not trying to be a downer but this year I have taken my orange colored glasses off and finally faced the facts. I still love su football and still go to the games but now I assume we are either getting blown out or we are in a dog fight vs a crap team. Honestly I use to get to angry and down when a team like usf comes in and decimates us. Now I'm just numb and expect that. gross and the university have taken away the pride I once had.

Sheesh. That may be true, but you should probably be ready for when this car finally gets some traction. Dino is the guy. Have faith
We may have an absolute gem in Dino. If this fan base starts turning against him after a few weeks, we are going to run him right out of town. Relax. He may or may not get it done. But let's at least give him a reasonable amount of time to implement his systems and recruit. If you want to judge him after 3-4 years then I'm ok with that. As long as I see steady improvement, I'll remain patient. Remember, it could be worse.
Honestly, I get sick of all the negativity and whining. I'm objective. I know we are not good. What I can't believe is how people are so damn impatient. You simply cannot turn around a program that is where we were (are) in 3 games. It takes a few recruiting cycles and that's just the way it is. The offense seems to be in good hands and that's more than we can have been able to say for years. Until the team is made up of mostly upperclassmen, no real judgement can be made. I do think we have crappy fans. Not crappy because they are not filling the dome, but rather because they have zero patience and they love to wallow in misery and self loathing. Being miserable is a choice not a characteristic of CNY. If the defense is not better every year, THEN we are going to have problems.
Sheesh. That may be true, but you should probably be ready for when this car finally gets some traction. Dino is the guy. Have faith
I have faith he is the guy but I'm not really sure what the upside syracuse has anymore. We will never be bama, fsu,Clemson. Is our upside Baylor, or is it Maryland. Personally I would be happy with a duke type. Good once every 4 years okay the other 3.
The defense looks like a total rebuild. Especially given the injuries we've faced.

If you're big and slow, it can be ok, because you can't be blocked.

If you're small and fast, it can be ok because the speed makes up for the difference.

If you're small and slow...

How many defensive players would start for another ACC team. Slayton? Anyone else? (start, not depth chart).
UGH. No body wants to be a Debbie Downer. I think we all want to return to the days when SU football went to bowls, played on national tv, sent players to the pros, had a packed stadium etc. But its been a while and it takes a lot to drive 6 hours (RT) climb those GD hill and stairs sit a watch SU get blown out and fans leaving in third quarter and hearing we are turning the corner, 3 more years, need to get players, its the coaching etc. I tell people I have SU season tickets going to a FB game and they look at me perplexed. If we ever turn this around and I don't know how many ticks are left (more behind me than left in front of me) I think we all should get a least purple heart medals.
UGH. No body wants to be a Debbie Downer. I think we all want to return to the days when SU football went to bowls, played on national tv, sent players to the pros, had a packed stadium etc. But its been a while and it takes a lot to drive 6 hours (RT) climb those GD hill and stairs sit a watch SU get blown out and fans leaving in third quarter and hearing we are turning the corner, 3 more years, need to get players, its the coaching etc. I tell people I have SU season tickets going to a FB game and they look at me perplexed. If we ever turn this around and I don't know how many ticks are left (more behind me than left in front of me) I think we all should get a least purple heart medals.
I get the same thing. I didn't head up to the lake house so I could go to the game. All my friends up there think I'm nuts. Honestly I'm thinking I may be. 18 years of feeling like I get punched in the stomach
I have faith he is the guy but I'm not really sure what the upside syracuse has anymore. We will never be bama, fsu,Clemson. Is our upside Baylor, or is it Maryland. Personally I would be happy with a duke type. Good once every 4 years okay the other 3.

Our upside will never be blue blood. But Louisville/Baylor level is not out of the question.

Good coach system/match, great potential in our new AD, updated Dome? Future is bright even if the current reality feels pretty familiar.
UGH. No body wants to be a Debbie Downer. I think we all want to return to the days when SU football went to bowls, played on national tv, sent players to the pros, had a packed stadium etc. But its been a while and it takes a lot to drive 6 hours (RT) climb those GD hill and stairs sit a watch SU get blown out and fans leaving in third quarter and hearing we are turning the corner, 3 more years, need to get players, its the coaching etc. I tell people I have SU season tickets going to a FB game and they look at me perplexed. If we ever turn this around and I don't know how many ticks are left (more behind me than left in front of me) I think we all should get a least purple heart medals.

Don't make the drive. Watch on TV. Come back when we're good.
I get the same thing. I didn't head up to the lake house so I could go to the game. All my friends up there think I'm nuts. Honestly I'm thinking I may be. 18 years of feeling like I get punched in the stomach

Now it's up to 18 years. Why don't we just push it back to '92 and stipulate that this program has been the worst in D-1 since then.

Jesus what a bunch of snowflakes around here.

The problems with this program flow from bad management and bad HR decisions.

Panicked firing of P and hiring Gerg crushed the program, not locking up Marrone going into year 4 was stupid and driven by idiocy by some of the same type of dopes that pushed the program off a cliff, and on top of stupid staffing decisions, not trying to keep up in the facilities wars until it was too late.

It's been proven very recently that right coach with just a couple of pieces can make this program very competitive in a couple of years and win more than they lose almost immediately.
Honestly, I get sick of all the negativity and whining. I'm objective. I know we are not good. What I can't believe is how people are so damn impatient. You simply cannot turn around a program that is where we were (are) in 3 games. It takes a few recruiting cycles and that's just the way it is. The offense seems to be in good hands and that's more than we can have been able to say for years. Until the team is made up of mostly upperclassmen, no real judgement can be made. I do think we have crappy fans. Not crappy because they are not filling the dome, but rather because they have zero patience and they love to wallow in misery and self loathing. Being miserable is a choice not a characteristic of CNY. If the defense is not better every year, THEN we are going to have problems.
Syracuse has one of the best and most patient fan bases in the nation. And that the fans reserve the right to leave games early and complain on message boards because of it. This program hasn't been ranked since 2001. This program's best coach this century only had a 25-25 record and bailed on us in an awful manner. This program has had two of the worst coaches in its history (Robinson, Shafer) this century. I can't remember the list of programs that hasn't been ranked since 2001, but I'm willing to bet Syracuse has the most fan support of them all.

I believe in Dino Babers, but it also completely effin' sucks that we once again have to wait 3 years to see any progress.
Haven't we suffered through enough winter yet? Aren't we due for some spring rebirth and hope?

Meanwhile the FOX Pregame show before OSU /Oklahoma gave us this little gem of a quote during L'ville/FSU highlights :

"Lamar Jackson just made FSU look like Syracuse on Defense"

sigh, will spring ever arrive?

So they just compared us to FSU, what's the problem?
Now it's up to 18 years. Why don't we just push it back to '92 and stipulate that this program has been the worst in D-1 since then.

Jesus what a bunch of snowflakes around here.

The problems with this program flow from bad management and bad HR decisions.

Panicked firing of P and hiring Gerg crushed the program, not locking up Marrone going into year 4 was stupid and driven by idiocy by some of the same type of dopes that pushed the program off a cliff, and on top of stupid staffing decisions, not trying to keep up in the facilities wars until it was too late.

It's been proven very recently that right coach with just a couple of pieces can make this program very competitive in a couple of years and win more than they lose almost immediately.

Agree with much of this - but Marrone did not deserve an extension then. He deserved one based off of the 2012 results. Which was too late for him apparently.
Syracuse has one of the best and most patient fan bases in the nation. And that the fans reserve the right to leave games early and complain on message boards because of it. This program hasn't been ranked since 2001. This program's best coach this century only had a 25-25 record and bailed on us in an awful manner. This program has had two of the worst coaches in its history (Robinson, Shafer) this century. I can't remember the list of programs that hasn't been ranked since 2001, but I'm willing to bet Syracuse has the most fan support of them all.

I believe in Dino Babers, but it also completely effin' sucks that we once again have to wait 3 years to see any progress.

Good lord.

In 2009 they beat Northwestern that finished 8-5 and destroyed Rutgers that finished 9-4. Came within a over the head snap and (20-23 vs Minny) a couple of fumbles (9-10 vs Lville) from 6-6 after the Gergian error. They had more than half as many games with 28 or more points (5) than Gerg managed in 4 seasons (9).

I'd say that season was progress.

The offense is already ahead of where they were last year. Even with the issues they are having running the ball, which has basically featured 80% inside zone plays.
Baber's is not "completely fail"-ing, though.
No. No. No. He's a bust, I tell ya'! Isn't it obvious??? After 3 games??? In year 1???
Its time to blow it all up and start again! We want INSTANT results, dagnabit!!
Photobucket burning couch
Syracuse has one of the best and most patient fan bases in the nation. And that the fans reserve the right to leave games early and complain on message boards because of it. This program hasn't been ranked since 2001. This program's best coach this century only had a 25-25 record and bailed on us in an awful manner. This program has had two of the worst coaches in its history (Robinson, Shafer) this century. I can't remember the list of programs that hasn't been ranked since 2001, but I'm willing to bet Syracuse has the most fan support of them all.

I believe in Dino Babers, but it also completely effin' sucks that we once again have to wait 3 years to see any progress.
I totally agree with this. We fired p without a plan. Passed on a a guy that turned into a decent coach hired an idiot and was sold a bill of goods that would turn into the biggest bust of all time. We then bring in a guy that promised us everything almost got it turned around but guts us and leaves us for dead in the side of the road just to feed his ego. We then hire a continuation coach that learned on the job and never got there. Now we are being promised the world again but with the reality it's going to take time. Well at this point all the diehards have had to walk up that hill for the past 15 years only to watch us get decimated or win against a glorified high school team. The problem is I'm not sure how many people can stomach another 3 years. All I have to say is people better suck it up realize we can't hit reset anymore. strap in buy some Rolaids hold on tight we are going to feel each and every growing pain until Dino and staff can bring in their guys. It won't be over night and we won't get the perfect players out of the box. But eventually it'll catch on and they will come.
I totally agree with this. We fired p without a plan. Passed on a a guy that turned into a decent coach hired an idiot and was sold a bill of goods that would turn into the biggest bust of all time. We then bring in a guy that promised us everything almost got it turned around but guts us and leaves us for dead in the side of the road just to feed his ego. We then hire a continuation coach that learned on the job and never got there. Now we are being promised the world again but with the reality it's going to take time. Well at this point all the diehards have had to walk up that hill for the past 15 years only to watch us get decimated or win against a glorified high school team. The problem is I'm not sure how many people can stomach another 3 years. All I have to say is people better suck it up realize we can't hit reset anymore. strap in buy some Rolaids hold on tight we are going to feel each and every growing pain until Dino and staff can bring in their guys. It won't be over night and we won't get the perfect players out of the box. But eventually it'll catch on and they will come.

How can someone go from being all in on Shafer going into last November to being in the depths of despair already this year?

And that last 15 years has been nothing but beating glorified high school teams or decimated? That's one hell of an exaggeration.
The rebuild thing is overrated.dino seems to have that built in excuse where SS never did. Same situation. We NEED to recruit dbs and defensive ends immediately. Chalk alot of this up to horrible luck injury and qualification wise at secondary the last few years. That said, this team has more talent than you think. How can poor talent be up 17-0 after a quarter? Questionable coaching after that. And can we lay to rest the conditioning debate of hicks vs this staff? While i love this conditioning staff, injuries are part of the game, no matter what the conditioning approach. Its football.
The rebuild thing is overrated.dino seems to have that built in excuse where SS never did. Same situation. We NEED to recruit dbs and defensive ends immediately. Chalk alot of this up to horrible luck injury and qualification wise at secondary the last few years. That said, this team has more talent than you think. How can poor talent be up 17-0 after a quarter? Questionable coaching after that. And can we lay to rest the conditioning debate of hicks vs this staff? While i love this conditioning staff, injuries are part of the game, no matter what the conditioning approach. Its football.

What built in excuses?
Cusefan78 said:
I get the same thing. I didn't head up to the lake house so I could go to the game. All my friends up there think I'm nuts. Honestly I'm thinking I may be. 18 years of feeling like I get punched in the stomach

Luckily my lake house is only 30 minutes from the Dome so I can do both but even I'm getting strange looks from the neighbors. Going to the steamy Dome on hot days to get mule kicked in the nuts doesn't make sense to them for some reason.
HCDB has been very honest about expectations and timing.

But because we aren't 3-0, some people are upset.

I'm upset, but I understand the process. We've been bad or mediocre for almost two decades. GRob was historically bad, but his recruits helped get us to some bowl games under the next regimes. Marrone came and went, Shafer wasn't quite the right guy, we are fighting tooth and nail to just be on par with football investments, etc.

But Babers has been honest about this each step of the way. It's hard to be told to have patience after so long and so much tumult.

I get frustrated with any loss. But we can't focus on stomping out a cigarette in the middle of a forest fire. A forest fire which is no single person's fault.

But we're here. Hope for glimpses of a positive future. Beat bad teams. Do decent against mediocre teams and hope to find an upset in the schedule that makes all giddy.

And then, hope that something clicks halfway through next year and we are, all of a sudden, the scary team to play.
HCDB has been very honest about expectations and timing.

But because we aren't 3-0, some people are upset.

I'm upset, but I understand the process. We've been bad or mediocre for almost two decades. GRob was historically bad, but his recruits helped get us to some bowl games under the next regimes. Marrone came and went, Shafer wasn't quite the right guy, we are fighting tooth and nail to just be on par with football investments, etc.

But Babers has been honest about this each step of the way. It's hard to be told to have patience after so long and so much tumult.

I get frustrated with any loss. But we can't focus on stomping out a cigarette in the middle of a forest fire. A forest fire which is no single person's fault.

But we're here. Hope for glimpses of a positive future. Beat bad teams. Do decent against mediocre teams and hope to find an upset in the schedule that makes all giddy.

And then, hope that something clicks halfway through next year and we are, all of a sudden, the scary team to play.
Be fair. It's not just the record. They are in the 120s in yards per play defense.
What built in excuses?

Shafer never held a pressor in year one and said, things might not click til year 3. Dino has been given the red carpet treatment. I get it, bc he has been a hc, has a system. That said, his style needs to be proved at this level. Minus baylor, in the big12 which is glorified flag football.
Barbers is probably a good coach. He does have a good track record. But the fears that he would jump are hilarious for a number of reasons:

1) He knew what he was getting into, and he has made that very clear. It's been pretty much what he signed up for so far, so if he didn't want pretty much exactly this, he wouldn't have taken the job.

2) I actually have a lot of faith in him - even if it doesn't always seem that way from my posts. However, our offense is bad right now, our defense is a train-wreck, and our special teams is up and down. Unless he wanted a step down job (OC, G5 HC, etc.), it would be very hard for him to find a place to land if he jumped right now.

That could (and probably/hopefully will) change in a couple of years, but we aren't at that bridge yet. And, when we are at that bridge, there's a good chance that we will be an attractive enough spot to hire someone else that's very good.

Anyway, if we start winning again, we will actually be an amazing job. SU is a good school with a good history. We're In a great conference with great exposure down south, and we have top of the line facilities (especially after the Done renovations). We would even have positive momentum, and unlike successful coaches at Michigan, Notre Dame, Alabama, etc. who blend in with all of their other coaches, Good SU coaches are seen as (and forever remembered as) great heros at Syracuse, where they would have close to absolute job security. And lastly, if you look at how much more schools like Baylor at making now vs 10 years ago when they were terrible, we'd be crazy to not pay any good coaches at SU very, very well.

Worrying right now is insane, and worrying down the road might even be close to crazy.

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