Uconn really is getting screwed in this whole deal | Page 4 | Syracusefan.com

Uconn really is getting screwed in this whole deal


I used to feel bad for you guys before your conference realignment board has deteriorated to the most depressing board on the internet. That one guy #B1Gharder is embarrassing your fanbase.

I like to think he is embarrassing to the whole human race and not just UCONN fans.
I like to think he is embarrassing to the whole human race and not just UCONN fans.

Sorry I can't comment anymore here because apparently I'm Two-Faced to some UConn fans. :eek:
They read every comment here and hold judgment that I can't be a Cuse fan here and try to be civil over there. Well I'm done with UConn posting over there.
Hugo Chávez's final words were: 'I don't want to die' What will be UConn's?
Well, we are in agreement on that otherwise they wouldn't be in a better position than SU or UCONN for that matter.

There's no way to know that. I'd much rather be in the ACC than the Big Ten. We'll see what happens to each program 10 years down the road.
If the puppy made it i'm happy. I have had 7 rescues in my family and loved them all . Seven lives saved and made for good lives. They repaid al expenses with love and wagging tails.We saved three cats but had to give them away when my oldest son was determined to be severely allergic to their dander. He still is but has two rescues himself and he can afford to go breeder but wouldn't think of doing that .Just about every breed of dog can be rescued if you check out the internet and look.Save a life and rescue a dog. You will love the dog and yourself for doing it.:)
This rescued pooch (24 hrs from the needle) has been my best friend for 7 years now. Getting another one this spring! ;)
mocha on bench.jpg
First they get left behind in the BE, and then they end up exiled from their own conference and stuck with a bunch of garbage.

Single biggest loser in this whole realignment.
I believe they will get picked up eventually, has to be tough sweating it out, I take no joy in their pain.
Is all about tradition?

Is that why Rutgers is in the most lucrative conference in the country and Syracuse is in a potentially unstable BE Part Deux?

LOL...your butthurt is as bad. Not as bad as WVU's is for the ACC rejecting them, but, pretty damn close.
Rutgers is in because it has been said thet GTech said No. Rutgers brings cable subscriptions and a potential NJ bandwagon fan base. The B1G Cable subscriber extortion model seems to be working but it could become obsolete within 5-10 years. The B1G also like Rutgers as a stadium host for their Tri-State B1G alumni. Rutgers wasn't picked for athletic success as they have had virtually none.

Tech said no. UVA said no. UNC said no. If either of those three schools really thought that the ACC was really as unstable as the crybaby UConn'er does, they would have bailed already.
Is all about tradition?

Is that why Rutgers is in the most lucrative conference in the country and Syracuse is in a potentially unstable BE Part Deux?
you guys keep telling yourself that the ACC is Big East 2. It isn't. Your expansion board is so much fun to visit. No one there knows anything. Yeah, the b1g is calling. Yeah, UNC is going to the B1g. Dream on.
Sorry I can't comment anymore here because apparently I'm Two-Faced to some UConn fans. :eek:
They read every comment here and hold judgment that I can't be a Cuse fan here and try to be civil over there. Well I'm done with UConn posting over there.
Mark, I warned you about posting on that board a long time ago. They trash us and wonder why we don't praise them. I hope if we get a vote, and we do now, we vote for Cinn over them. It would be better for me to have them in our league but f them.
Mark, I warned you about posting on that board a long time ago. They trash us and wonder why we don't praise them. I hope if we get a vote, and we do now, we vote for Cinn over them. It would be better for me to have them in our league but f them.

Agreed...you're right. I made my last post over there. I've even been debated by many over here about me being supportive of UConn...keeping games with them and thought they should join the ACC. Reading that butthurt over their and the attacks on CTO and myself is just juvenile.
I will repeat...UConn has been passed over Eight times.
I felt bad for UConn before reading their board. They fail to realize that they were a nobody in college football till 1999 and unlike Boise State, Utah, BYU, or any non-BCS team they were given a lottery ticket into a BCS league. Congrats, you had the state of CT build you a football stadium, but they have no tradition and act like they are a consistent top 25 team. UConn do what Florida State did in 1980s play teams on the road and earn your respect. Instead, they think they deserve 1-1s right off the bat, you guys got the benefit of being in a BCS conference go on the road win games and teams will schedule 1-1 like they have Boise State, but instead their stupid elitist mindset of being an equal right off the bat is very arrogant.
Their best non-Big East wins are against a 6-6 Notre Dame team, and South Carolina in the Pizza Bowl. Their board is completely unreadable their are few decent posters over there ZLS44, or BusinessLawyer, but NEWSFLASH to UConn fans you aren't going to be selected by the B1G. However continue to #B1GHarder. If the B1G can't get an ACC team they aren't going to pick UConn. I love how they think UVA and UConn are the 2 teams the B1G will take. UCONN fans LOOK AT THIS LIST BELOW that the B1G has been following for expansion. Obviously Texas isn't moving to the B1G, but look at the next 3 teams Rutgers, Nebraska, Maryland and what do they have in common? They were the B1G expansions teams look where the big bad UConn is, IT IS BELOW Syracuse even without counting NYC. However, continue to #B1GHarder because all us SU fans know it is the great UConn that is the obvious next candidate the B1G wants. The only hope you Puppies have is that the ACC loses 2 teams and you can slither into that conference, but if the ACC loses 2 more teams I hope the ACC adds Cincinnati and Temple or USF just to keep you guys out. The fact your board is taking shots at somebody like cto shows how low class your board is. It is one thing to joke or call out Mark(I would defend you Mark, but you can take it), but cto is one of the few people on this board who never says a bad thing about UConn or its fans.


Texas $101,369,004
Rutgers WITH NYC $67,798,609
Nebraska $54,487,990
Maryland $50,818,889
Boston College $48,382,692
Notre Dame $47,629,255
Kansas $46,320,092
Missouri $45,901,459
Syracuse $43,504,813
Connecticut $38,080,271
Pittsburgh $34,365,175
Iowa State $31,831,077

Syracuse WITH NYC
Agreed...you're right. I made my last post over there. I've even been debated by many over here about UConn...I have been supportive of keeping games with them and thought they should join the ACC. Reading that butthurt over their and the attacks on CTO and myself is just juvenile.

They attack CTO over there? She's the storz den mother who admonished us for making fun of powder.
What their butthurt fans don't get is that there are obviously reasons why they keep getting passed over. Even their most hardcore fan might not ever learn those reasons. But, you can bet the powers that be at UConn know what they are.
What their butthurt fans don't get is that there are obviously reasons why they keep getting passed over. Even their most hardcore fan might not ever learn those reasons. But, you can bet the powers that be at UConn know what they are.

Yes...they are redundant and don't bring enough $$$. Syracuse, Rutgers, BC, Penn State, Pitt cover the NE fine along with Notre Dame.

That said I'd still like a close game in FB and BB and if the ACC invites one more (assuming ND goes all in) I'd be ok with UConn.
Yes...they are redundant and don't bring enough $$$. Syracuse, Rutgers, BC, Penn State, Pitt cover the NE fine along with Notre Dame.

That said I'd still like a close game in FB and BB and if the ACC invites one more (assuming ND goes all in) I'd be ok with UConn.

Unless we have multiple defections, I believe we stand pat at 14 teams. The football-first schools...FSU, Miami, Clemson, GT, and VPI...will vote against them everytime. I also believe that NCSU and Wake would, too. Thats seven 'no' votes right there. They'd need 11 of 14 'yes' votes, IIRC. They wouldn't get close to that number.

If ND ever joined full-time (a real stretch), and, they made adding UConn a condition of their joining (they won't), I doubt that they ever get an invite. I'd wager Cincinnati as No 16. Better football program, good basketball, and, Ohio is a hotbed for HSFB and hoops recruiting.
Is all about tradition?

Is that why Rutgers is in the most lucrative conference in the country and Syracuse is in a potentially unstable BE Part Deux?

Every time you post, this goes here.


Enjoy becoming a mid-major.
Unless we have multiple defections, I believe we stand pat at 14 teams. The football-first schools...FSU, Miami, Clemson, GT, and VPI...will vote against them everytime. I also believe that NCSU and Wake would, too. Thats seven 'no' votes right there. They'd need 11 of 14 'yes' votes, IIRC. They wouldn't get close to that number.

If ND ever joined full-time (a real stretch), and, they made adding UConn a condition of their joining (they won't), I doubt that they ever get an invite. I'd wager Cincinnati as No 16. Better football program, good basketball, and, Ohio is a hotbed for HSFB and hoops recruiting.

From Sports Illustrated today:

"ll five major conference commissioners privately acknowledge that realignment isn't done. And the next logical evolution will inevitably be a poaching of the ACC.

When will this happen? That's the biggest question among athletic directors and TV executives right now. No one knows the answer. But this much is certain -- there's nothing that's happened in the last three years that suggests that realignment will just stop. Will Jim Delany expand the Big Ten this spring with North Carolina and Virginia? Will Mike Slive pull the trigger first and nab N.C. State or Virginia Tech? Will the Big 12 make a power play for Florida State or Clemson? Who makes the first move? Rest assured that even the most deep-rooted ACC schools have contingency plans in case the league gets poached."
@sdhusky yes, we've mentioned that article in another thread.

We'll see if the PAC gets the urge to go to 14 like the other 3 big boys... there's only one way for them to expand.
From Sports Illustrated today:

"ll five major conference commissioners privately acknowledge that realignment isn't done. And the next logical evolution will inevitably be a poaching of the ACC.

When will this happen? That's the biggest question among athletic directors and TV executives right now. No one knows the answer. But this much is certain -- there's nothing that's happened in the last three years that suggests that realignment will just stop. Will Jim Delany expand the Big Ten this spring with North Carolina and Virginia? Will Mike Slive pull the trigger first and nab N.C. State or Virginia Tech? Will the Big 12 make a power play for Florida State or Clemson? Who makes the first move? Rest assured that even the most deep-rooted ACC schools have contingency plans in case the league gets poached."
So South Florida and Cincinnati will get tabbed to replace 2 ACC schools that get plucked. What is your point the B1G isn't going to add UConn and the Pac-12 is going to eat the Big XII's crown jewels to get to 16 teams. North Carolina isn't going to leave the ACC until they have no choice it is going to take another ACC school like Georgia Tech or Virginia Tech leaving to cause more musical chairs. Florida State and Clemson aren't going to the Big 12.
Fl State to the b1g. They are ranked higher than Nebraska & are a warm weather team. Clemson would come too, I imagine.

From there, does UNC re-evaluate? Go to the SEC with Virginia?

I don't see the ACC as stable in this situation unless you think re-alignment is completely over.

If there is going to be more moves by the B1G or SEC, I expect the ACC will be poached.
From Sports Illustrated today:

"ll five major conference commissioners privately acknowledge that realignment isn't done. And the next logical evolution will inevitably be a poaching of the ACC.

When will this happen? That's the biggest question among athletic directors and TV executives right now. No one knows the answer. But this much is certain -- there's nothing that's happened in the last three years that suggests that realignment will just stop. Will Jim Delany expand the Big Ten this spring with North Carolina and Virginia? Will Mike Slive pull the trigger first and nab N.C. State or Virginia Tech? Will the Big 12 make a power play for Florida State or Clemson? Who makes the first move? Rest assured that even the most deep-rooted ACC schools have contingency plans in case the league gets poached."

That's simply an assumption made by Pete Thamel based off all of the misinformation that has run amok for so many months now.

As a result of the most recent ACC developments, the Big 12 is the most vulnerable now. That could change quickly but I'm skeptical that any expansion occurs over the next five years or more.

SEC is the most likely to expand--which could be either ACC teams or Texas/Oklahoma--but I think they're happy with 14. Big Ten already tried to lure Georgia Tech, Virginia, and UNC, but those schools aren't as dumb as Maryland. FSU is too far south.

Delaney is grossly overestimating the potential value of the Big Ten network and it will catch up with him at some point. I think many are starting to see that.
That's simply an assumption made by Pete Thamel based off all of the misinformation that has run amok for so many months now.

As a result of the most recent ACC developments, the Big 12 is the most vulnerable now. That could change quickly but I'm skeptical that any expansion occurs over the next five years or more.

SEC is the most likely to expand--which could be either ACC teams or Texas/Oklahoma--but I think they're happy with 14. Big Ten already tried to lure Georgia Tech, Virginia, and UNC, but those schools aren't as dumb as Maryland. FSU is too far south.

Delaney is grossly overestimating the potential value of the Big Ten network and it will catch up with him at some point. I think many are starting to see that.

If you think FL St would turn down B1G or SEC, I strongly disagree. The Big12 with TX and OK plays football at a completely different level than the ACC and I think that would be attractive to Fl St as well. Clemson would probably come along.

There is a perception with FL St fans that the league is so weak it hurts them. Adding Pitt, UofL and SU isn't exactly going to change that.

If FL St leaves, all bets are off.

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