Uni Combo for Pitt Game | Page 3 | Syracusefan.com

Uni Combo for Pitt Game

I am so excited this Syracusefan message board has finally broached the subject of uniforms... oh wait.
I am so excited this Syracusefan message board has finally broached the subject of uniforms... oh wait.
Hope you paid attention,putting on the Orange is easy.

When I ask u to put on your socks, and u up??...then we will have a serious problem...
I am so excited this Syracusefan message board has finally broached the subject of uniforms... oh wait.
Seriously if you read this thread and complain nothing can infuriate me more. I mean seriously IF YOU DON'T CARE THEN and IGNORE THE THREAD. I am bringing up a legitimate point with legitimate information and opinions and because you don't care about this type of thread you passive aggressively attack the thread and contribute nothing. I respect people who have legitimate opinions even if I disagree with them, but I can't take these pointless attack responses.
My memory of Syracuse Unis:

I started following the team for the 1961 season so any observations prior to that are what I've read about or seen in films clips or pictures. Much information can also be obtained at the website known as "The Helmet Project": http://nationalchamps.net/Helmet_Project/

My first observation is that i can see from old film clips that prior to the television era, (and for several years into it), both teams would often wear colored jerseys, if they were contrasting colors. On black and white film, it looks as if it might have been confusing. But the majority of revenue came from live attendance and fans at the games could see the difference. One team was in blue and the other in red. Or green. Or black. But when TV came in, the majority of fans watching a televised game were watching it on black and white TV's. That's when it became common for one team to wear white jerseys. I'm not sure it's ever been a rule. In hockey and basketball the home team wears the white jerseys. In football that's generally been the road team, although not always. In baseball the road team usually wears gray and the home team white, although that has changed with the many colored jerseys of recent years. it really doesn't matter in that sport because the players are widely separated and doing different things so it's easy to tell who is on which team. I'd like to go back to both teams wearing colored jerseys when there is a contrast. We have color TVs now and I think it would look great.

Syracuse wore all orange uniforms- helmets, jerseys and pant with white numbers and blue trim from at least the beginning of the Schwartzwalder Era. But in the early 50's they started showing up with the classic orange helmets and pants with white jerseys and blue numbers and trim for home as well as road games. They seemed to alternate for several years but, by the late 50's we were in white at home and on the road. We apparently kept an alternate blue jersey for practices and when Baylor showed up in Archbold Stadium in 1967 in white jerseys, the SU team came out in their normal whites, then returned to the locker room and put on the blue jerseys. We won and they looked good so from that point through the end of the Schwartzwalder era we wore blue jerseys, (with white numbers and orange trim) for all home games. That is my favorite orange uniform of all I've seen.

When Frank Maloney came in, he wanted a fresh start and demanded a change in the uniform's design. The helmets were now white with a football-shaped decale that was blue except for an orange "SU" in the middle of it. The jerseys were a light, almost Tampa Bay orange with white numbers and trim. The pants were white with two blue stripes and one orange stripe in the middle down the sides of the ants. The home uniforms didn't look bad but the all-white road uniforms were pretty dull. By Frank's third year the orange helmets and blue jerseys were back but the white pants remained until the early 80's. In Coach's Mac's second or third year, we came out in orange pants for the first time since the Schwartzwalder Era to a loud cheer from the crowd.

Late in the Pasqualoni Era we responded to a trend of having special uniforms for certain occasions by coming out in an all-orange look with blue numerals. A lot of pople didn't like it but I did. it was distinctive. The jerseys didn't seem to match the helmets but it's proably hard to get a match when dealing with different materials. We also experimented with "shadowing" the numbers by tracing them with a different color, which i didn't like as much.

But the basic orange-blue-orange look remained our "look"until the G-Rob era when we came out in a mish-mosh of styles that seemed borrow from various sources but most especially from LSU or UCLA, with shoulder rings that didn't go all around the arm as they used to so so they only appeared to be rings when you were looking at them head on. Then the next year we were back to our basic colors but with the stripes still in place and orange letters. Sometimes we still went with the orange jerseys. It didn't look too bad but I will always remember those as the uniforms we were wearing when we couldn't dent the Iowa goal line in seven tries, perhaps the most enduring image of the G-Rob era. In 2007 the 'S' on the helmet debuted. Unfortunately the team wearing it may have been our worst ever.

With Doug Marrone we went back to basics with a simple version of the orange-blue-orange look. Then came the experiments of this year, which seem like a combination of different ideas, old and new. Uniforms may be irrelevant but it often seems to me that when we begin experimenting with them, the team somehow loses it's identity and plays like it. When you've got something classic, you need to stick with it.

I like orange helmet, blue jerseys and orange pants with white letters and blue trim. I don't mind the "S" on the helmet. White jersies, of course on the road. And I wouldn't mind having special orange jerseys for the biggest home game each a season. We should have blinded Clemson with our own orange. I still remember the first game I attended in 1964 after years of seeing only grainy black and white images of the team. The orange never seemed so orange as that day.

This site doesn't like multiple media posting on the same message so I'll leave you with this one image of orange uniforms through the years. If you search for it you can find examples of everything I've described above somewhere on the net.
https://www.google.com/search?q=syracuse football uniforms history&espv=210&es_sm=93&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=CbmPUqOuHdbdsATE64G4Bw&ved=0CE0QsAQ&biw=1366&bih=666#imgdii=_
Thank you very much for your response everyone should read this next time a discussion of the uniforms comes up as you know the facts.

I think your suggestions make too much sense for the AD to do them, but I would be okay if they saved Orange tops for the special home game each year. I feel like SWC75 is the Senate Parliamentarian of the board with all the historical information he knows. Thank you for your response.
Alternate jersey? We have wore Blue helmets/Blue jerseys/Blue pants 3 times against Tulane, Clemson, Georgia Tech.
We have wore Orange helmets/Blue jerseys/Blue pants 2 times against Wagner, Wake Forest
We have wore Orange helmets/Blue jerseys/Orange pants 1 time against Penn State
We have wore Orange helmets/White jerseys/Orange pants 2 times against Northwestern and NC State
We have wore Orange helmets/White jerseys/Blue pants 2 times against Maryland and Florida State

Orange has been worn A LOT LESS by a team that is called the freaking ORANGE. Asking for an Orange top would be the an alternate and it seems like I have been chance of getting Harry Reid and Ted Cruz to co-sponsor a piece of legislation than convincing people on this board we should wear an Orange top as our primary jersey.

Penn State, Northwestern, and NC State were the only games where our Uni's looked good.
Thanks SWC75! Love those SU history stories. At 51 I sometimes forget what Syracuse wore when I first started watching them in the 7th grade.
Penn State, Northwestern, and NC State were the only games where our Uni's looked good.
Again, I am okay with blue helmets and blue pants, but we should NEVER have more blue in the jerseys than Orange. Those 3 games Penn State, Northwestern, NC State are the only games we had more Orange on than blue. 3 out of 10 games is really terrible.
All im going to say is the blue pants need a stripe or something interesting!
Seriously if you read this thread and complain nothing can infuriate me more. I mean seriously IF YOU DON'T CARE THEN and IGNORE THE THREAD. I am bringing up a legitimate point with legitimate information and opinions and because you don't care about this type of thread you passive aggressively attack the thread and contribute nothing. I respect people who have legitimate opinions even if I disagree with them, but I can't take these pointless attack responses.
Alsacs, chill out man. I did not "attack" the thread and what I wrote has NOTHING to do with how much I care about the subject. In fact, I love the uniforms and passionately support Syracuse trying new uniforms and combinations because they appeal to the student athletes involved and a certain aspect of the fan base. I get EXCITED for threads like this because I am looking to find out what Syracuse is going to bring out on the field this upcoming week. However, when it digresses into an opinion thread (as it has multiple times on this board) about if each poster likes the uniforms, if there is enough Orange, how it should be the same as the McNabb era, etc., it starts to get old doesn't it? Nobody's opinion changes in the discussion, because it is simply that... an opinion. So I sarcastically pointed out that the subject is being highlighted yet again... nothing more.
I will if we wear Orange Jerseys and then will email Dr. Gross and say WEAR ORANGE TOPS MORE and I could give a crap about the pants and helmets, but ORANGE TOPS.

Please no.

See Maloney era and Robinson era.
There. Now we will look FABULOUS. Just win - could care less what we wear.

You all sound like a bunch of high school girls!!! What does it matter? Pound the rock,score ,play defense, win the game! Who cares about what color combos the team has on! Holy stuff!!!
I agree I could really care less what color pants and jerseys they wear. I am surprised people get so passionate about this each week
Looks like Bud Poliquin will have something to talk about. Not that I read his articles.
I honestly don't get the uproar over the uniforms. Its like people here just need something to b!tch about. Its unreal. Its not like we are marching there looking like Maryland. Give it a rest.
I hope SU auctions off these all-blue unis this week. Never want to see them again.

Miami is in all-Orange today, btw.

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