This is a hatred filled completely uninformed article, nothing tongue in cheek about it.
Clemson is having a nice run.. but they have had spells of avg too.. they just dont remember them
they went from 1960-1977 with one 7 win season, had a nice run from 78-91. then were OK but not great from 92-2009 just being a fringe top 20 team, then from 2009-2016 are having a real nice run again.
They are only a handful of games better than us in wins and it took 10 years of crap to get back ahead of us..
People need a better sense of humor.
I chuckled a few times at it, thought it was a pretty funny and well written joke.
I mean, this is like a Drew Magary "Why (Team) Sucks" column knockoff to me. All in good fun.
Yeah, are people actually worked up about this? I think he's just intentionally going way overboard to trash everything about syracuse. It's funny.
This made me lol
Below: Prove That This Isn’t Lou Holtz...You Can’t, Can You?
I think these guys would take offense to that:That writer is the definition of ass clown