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WWE Thread

I guess the other question that remains is whether Vince will face criminal charges.

I seem to remember this summer that there was a Grand Jury Investigation of Vince taking place - whether that was for this or for the purpose of SEC Violations.

At the minimum this is going to cost Vince a lot more than $2 million. Some jail time would be nice, but probably unlikely.
Yes that's true. I got to think after I posted that he's been disgusting his whole life.

He could well have been.

But I think its more the case that power, with the control and entitlement it brings to that person, breeds or brings out the disgusting behavior of individuals.

Not saying all powerful people are disgusting of course.
Yes - its highly probable this lawsuit never sees the light of day if Vince just paid her $500,000 in 2023 like he was supposed to. His deranged sense of entitlement led to this. Although, from what I read in NYS, is that NDA's can now be broken if there was sexual crimes involved -- so its possible it would have still come out. But its likely all on Vince not paying.

High Level Summary:
- In 2019, Vince met this 26 year old woman at the apartment he rented in NYC. She was down on her luck (her parents had just died bankrupt), and somebody in the building asked Vince if he could help her out.
- Vince got her a job at WWE, but almost immediately tried to assert his control over her using the job as leverage. It then turned more and more perverse by Vince - after about a year he wanted to bring others in on (had co-ercive threesomes with his physical therapist, a fellow executive, and tried to "pimp" her out to one wrestler that he wanted to sign a contract with).
- Eventually at end of 2021 Vince's wife found out. He then rushed the woman into an NDA, that was limited in its details beyond some "misconduct" In 2022 the NDA is signed for 3 million, signed between himself and the victim (the NDA was not reported to the WWE company itself)

I'm still a little foggy on this. Vince told the woman his wife found out and they needed to act quickly, but he also has said (to her and elsewhere) that he and Linda are married on paper only, they havent lived together in years, etc. So her simply finding out he was sleeping with this woman shouldnt have been an issue.
I'm still a little foggy on this. Vince told the woman his wife found out and they needed to act quickly, but he also has said (to her and elsewhere) that he and Linda are married on paper only, they havent lived together in years, etc. So her simply finding out he was sleeping with this woman shouldnt have been an issue.

That part was a little confusing to me as well. but the lawsuit only outlines the "why" he gave her at the time. I think Vince was simply lying to her as to the reasons he needed her to sign. That's a nice "excuse" to use for the basis of the NDA. He wasn't going to tell her she needs to sign for other stuff.

I suspect Vince was starting to feel the heat from someone, or made the realization that he was taking on way too much risk at this point. While she started in 2019, it was only in 2021 that Vince really started to get wreckless in terms of bringing her to relationships with others in the WWE (John, Brock), and where things were starting to really move into the criminal realm.
I'm still a little foggy on this. Vince told the woman his wife found out and they needed to act quickly, but he also has said (to her and elsewhere) that he and Linda are married on paper only, they havent lived together in years, etc. So her simply finding out he was sleeping with this woman shouldnt have been an issue.

As for the why he needed her to do it so "quick" part this is where my financial reporting and reporting background in public markets could help me make a pretty strong educated guess. It was the way he hid things from others.

From the lawsuit
"On or around January 26, 2022, McMahon articulated an even more pressing need to get the NDA signed immediately, informing Ms. Grant that he was under a tight deadline to report pending or threatened legal actions to the WWE Board of Directors – specifically the Audit Committee"

Each year end, reporting teams / auditors send out letters to internal legal counsel and sometimes officers, asking them to disclose any open legal matters for which the conditions for that lawsuit existed before "x" date. In this case, it would have likely been December 31, 2021, assuming that is the WWE year end.

If Vince doesn't get this NDA signed before that deadline, either himself or his lawyer have to disclose the matter to the audit committee, the board, the auditors because it does involve the WWE and its an "open" matter... it goes in as a liability and expense on the WWE external financial statements, with note disclosure since its material and there has to be some public disclosure for it. Obviously Vince wants to keep things secret.

As an aside. Vince was always very careful in all his NDA's. They would always be signed by himself personally, and never anybody from the WWE, or his role as officer. But they would always be worded to clear the "WWE" from liability. And he paid for them personally In this way, nobody from the WWE (except his lawyer) knew about them so they were hidden from public disclosure. The finance team didn't know they existed, and since they never saw a payment made it was easy to hide from them, since they are at a distance.

This last part is why the WWE got nabbed by the SEC. The SEC said it doesn't matter if Vince paid for them personally, or if the WWE never signed them. These lawsuits were due to Vince's actions as an employee/officer and they reduced the exposure to the WWE -- hence the payments needed to be recorded in the WWE books.

Anyway, as a financial statement preparer, this case fascinates from that regard. There was very little they could to get things right on the statements, as Vince outright lied to them and was also careful where payments came from. It opened my eyes as to what could I have done in a similar situation.
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That part was a little confusing to me as well. but the lawsuit only outlines the "why" he gave her at the time. I think Vince was simply lying to her as to the reasons he needed her to sign. That's a nice "excuse" to use for the basis of the NDA. He wasn't going to tell her she needs to sign for other stuff.

I suspect Vince was starting to feel the heat from someone, or made the realization that he was taking on way too much risk at this point. While she started in 2019, it was only in 2021 that Vince really started to get wreckless in terms of bringing her to relationships with others in the WWE (John, Brock), and where things were starting to really move into the criminal realm.

Yes I am very suspicious of Vince there, I assumed h was lying about Linda finding out
Man this story just got more absurd.

John Laurinitis' lawyer issued a statement today "claiming" he was acting under the coercive control as an employee under Vince McMahon. Stuck in a corner, and I guess that was the only defence he could come up with.

At least this corroborates the story against Vince by Janel Grant. But I doubt many (any?) will believe Laurinitis.

Looks like Lesnar has been 'non-personed' by WWE. From Wrestling Observer:

"Brock Lesnar content has been removed from the WWE SuperCard game published by 2K Games.

PWInsider was first to report that Lesnar's content had been pulled from the digital collectible game published by 2K and available on mobile platforms, adding in their report that they had confirmed the news.

Insider's report also cites sources stating that Lesnar is expected to be "downplayed as much as possible going forward by 2K and potentially other licensees." 2K's WWE 2K24 console game is scheduled for a March 8 release date."
Another question is whether the NDA's are enforceable and, if not, they could be null and void:


EDIT - Deleted my initial post, as after listening to a few podcasts the latest news did note some specific cases of various sexual misconduct were being looked at. So it was more specific in the array of what was being looked at compared to the August story.
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Another question is whether the NDA's are enforceable and, if not, they could be null and void:

Here is an excellent podcast I listened to on the topic yesterday - and the NDA discussion was part of it when they brought in a legal expert. Pollock and Thurston are a good listen in general.

The Legal Expert had similar talking points to your article - and its possible the law could go both ways on some of these NDA's... NDA's that point out clear sexual misconduct or crimes will be voided. But the broad ones - its more debatable. Who knows what is in some of those old NDA's that are all paid.

The interesting thing with this NDA with Jenel Grant is that its possible the judge could have looked at the broad terms, and said unfortunately it can't be voided for that reason... but it could be for another reason. Because the entitled idiot didn't pay the $3M. It would be an extra cherry on the top, if its his ego over a measly $2 million (for him) that is the only reason he could be taken down on this NDA.
This is another interesting point that I had never really thought of before. Vince might be ruled to be protected by some/all of the NDAs, but the WWE may not be And ultimately the WWE is responsible for actions of their employees (Vince), while acting as employees .

The NDA's were paid by Vince, and never signed by someone acting in a WWE capacity, and this how they were hidden. So how can the WWE be protected if they never signed them?

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Didn't watch the episode yet, I often don't (only seen stuff on Twitter), but apparently its not Rock vs Roman at WM40? And Cody is left out in the cold? Maybe I am missing something

This makes no sense - you don't do this after you had Cody win the Rumble. Makes me wonder again if the plan was possibly Punk -- otherwise seems really to stupid, and a good way to upset fans.
Edited (removed) my post above regarding today's story about Federal Investigations vs August Story. While there is no development in specific charges, some very specific cases of misconduct (a handful) were identified as being in the scope of the investigation ... so there has been an advancement within this story.
Didn't watch the episode yet, I often don't (only seen stuff on Twitter), but apparently its not Rock vs Roman at WM40? And Cody is left out in the cold? Maybe I am missing something

This makes no sense - you don't do this after you had Cody win the Rumble. Makes me wonder again if the plan was possibly Punk -- otherwise seems really to stupid, and a good way to upset fans.
Maybe this was done--and done now--to take people's minds off the Vince stuff?

Hard to tell who will be rustier come April--The Rock or Roman. I mean, how many matches has Roman had in the last year? How many of them were singles matches?

You could still do Rock v Roman on night one, and Cody v Roman on night two. I mean, the reason why they needed the second title belt was b/c they needed a 'working' champion. If Cody beats Seth and then beats Roman, you'd have a working champion and might not need the second belt...
Didn't watch the episode yet, I often don't (only seen stuff on Twitter), but apparently its not Rock vs Roman at WM40? And Cody is left out in the cold? Maybe I am missing something

This makes no sense - you don't do this after you had Cody win the Rumble. Makes me wonder again if the plan was possibly Punk -- otherwise seems really to stupid, and a good way to upset fans.

No one has been cucked (Can i say that?) harder than Cody was.

Pretty sure Rock politicked to get the match in the last few days and the plan as of the Rumble was for Cody to win and face Roman. Instead, he just...declined the match?
No one has been cucked (Can i say that?) harder than Cody was.

Pretty sure Rock politicked to get the match in the last few days and the plan as of the Rumble was for Cody to win and face Roman. Instead, he just...declined the match?

It made zero sense for Cody's character.

The WWE has went a long way in creating character depth (not depth of wrestlers, but depth within an individual wrestler himself) on RAW. And they have had them consistent in those characters and they progress in a fashion that makes sense-- it's why people are invested in characters and faces like Cody, more than in a long time. The Drew character example is amazing, and Cody just is way over.

Then last night they have Cody do something that is 100% outside of his character. He's never been a "cuck", if anything he had a bit of playing politics edge to him, and then he throws it all away.

Its not even like the Roman loss last year which, could be debated. That didn't destroy his character story. Making him do what he did last night destroyed it.

People are invested in current characters, especially on RAW right now... last year it was more Smackdown. It's not like the Vince era where fans were not really invested in characters... so going to the oldtimer well (Lesnar, Goldberg, Stone Cold) was a necessity. Fans don't want that rigth now.

Not sure if its Rock or TKO. My guess is that it could be more TKO seeing the $'s and positive press from a Rock / Roman Reigns match and having the old school "legends" are needed.
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Maybe this was done--and done now--to take people's minds off the Vince stuff?

Hard to tell who will be rustier come April--The Rock or Roman. I mean, how many matches has Roman had in the last year? How many of them were singles matches?

You could still do Rock v Roman on night one, and Cody v Roman on night two. I mean, the reason why they needed the second title belt was b/c they needed a 'working' champion. If Cody beats Seth and then beats Roman, you'd have a working champion and might not need the second belt...

Could be (re Vince) - but it seems more people hated this move and liked it, so it didn't help smooth anyting over with fans that are analyzing / gauge the outside stuff.

Apparently there Youtube video of the segment last night had 200,000 dislikes as of this morning, which was some sort of record.

They might have a good story that makes sense, so I guess we can't fully evaluate until WM40 is over. But it didn't start good.
Could be (re Vince) - but it seems more people hated this move and liked it, so it didn't help smooth anyting over with fans that are analyzing / gauge the outside stuff.

Apparently there Youtube video of the segment last night had 200,000 dislikes as of this morning, which was some sort of record.

They might have a good story that makes sense, so I guess we can't fully evaluate until WM40 is over. But it didn't start good.
That's why I think that, however they tell the story, Cody will beat Roman at Wrestlemania. Plenty of time for swerves.
"We Want Cody" trending on Twitter. Rock "video" drawing boos at a house how in Knoxville tonight.

Doubt it was there plan all along, but its possible they can turn this into a positive, a "Daniel Bryan 2014" moment of sorts, and Cody could come out of this stronger - the question becomes though does the WWE still lose some equity with its fans if that happens.
"We Want Cody" trending on Twitter. Rock "video" drawing boos at a house how in Knoxville tonight.

Doubt it was there plan all along, but its possible they can turn this into a positive, a "Daniel Bryan 2014" moment of sorts, and Cody could come out of this stronger - the question becomes though does the WWE still lose some equity with its fans if that happens.
There is a chance they can stumble into a good result like Vince after trying to play the babyface after the Montreal situation then embracing the Mr. McMahon character to accelerate the attitude era.

"We Want Cody" trending on Twitter. Rock "video" drawing boos at a house how in Knoxville tonight.

Doubt it was there plan all along, but its possible they can turn this into a positive, a "Daniel Bryan 2014" moment of sorts, and Cody could come out of this stronger - the question becomes though does the WWE still lose some equity with its fans if that happens.

Meltzer was saying today that in fact this was the plan from the time they got Rock on the board on Jan 3rd. Which just kind of blows my mind.

If they wanted to make Cody (who was already a pretty big star) an even bigger star they could just have him win the rumble and beat Roman at mania to take the title.
This crowd is fired up. Totally crushing the rock “decision”.

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