Okay I scrolled through the thread. Just a few comments. The "new music" I hear on the radio rarely has anything that makes me want to play it again. Rap/hip hop have no appeal to me. But to each his own so go for it.
I do like most of the folk/roots/blues acts that come through town or appear at the summer festivals.
It was interesting to see some erstwhile influences whom posters thought were worth posting links for here. I mean what the heck, there's only eleven notes.

But Leader of the Pack was bad then, and it's bad now. Somehow I ended up with a 45 of it (I know I didn't buy it), and it was one I donated to the softball throw on Varsity Night.
Robert Earl Keen caught my ear here. Always liked Lucinda Williams. Saw Trucks Tedeschi a few years ago, good music but not much for a stage presentation. They just walked out, tuned up, played and left. It was sorta like listening to a CD.
These guys are worth a listen or to see live. They're Canadian, although Colin Linden (slide player) now lives in Nashville. B&TRK is an act they put together as a tribute to Willie P Bennett, but was successful so they get back together about once a year or so and tour/record.